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Word(s): @={dxf}

  • Takukyo Engineering CO.,LTD.(Japanese Language only) (Kumamoto) -
    SXF,CIMA-DM CAD (Japanese Language only)
    (SXF, CIMA-DM, SIMA-DM, JSP, CAD, DXF, OCF, DOWNLOAD, japan, kumamoto)

  • Welcome to BitSquare, Inc. (Hyogo) -
    BitSquare's HomePage
    (bitsquare, voice, viewer, dxf, API, CAD, dwg, jpg, bmp, voiceapi)

  • 2d cad system HARU for machine design (Fukuoka) -
    HARU supply base-system of 2d exclusive CAD sytem for machine design
    (HARU, CAD, machine, design, download, 2dimension, aplication, dxf, sharewere, HARUbasic)

  • HPGL Viewer PloView (Tokyo) -
    PloView displays HPGL graphic files at high speed. It can be output to plotter, printer, and can be saved as TIFF, PDF, DXF, JPEG and Bitmap file. It can be insert and edit the comment.

  • Digital File processing of Digidal Works Noguchi (Ibaraki) -
    Digital Works Noguchi's HomePage DigitalFile processing service
    (scanning, RV, CardCD-R, DigitalWorksNOGUCHI, biotop, JPEG, DXF, TIFF, AutoCAD, digital)

  • TreeModels (Kanagawa) -
    TreeModels for CG creater
    (OBJ, DXF, formZ, model, 3D, texture, tree, CG, download)

  • Rentalserver survey web-ks (Tokyo) -
    survey Rentalserver domain mail DXF SFX
    (Rentalserver, survey, FLASH, DXF, SXF)

  • E-HOMEPLAN (Gunma) -
    It is the time of also taking in its hand and choosing a house. Person of a housing plan, CAD data, and a model needed! Gather!!
    (PLAN, CAD, Model, Presentation, Residence, JWC, DXF)

  • 3D reconstruction software Forge (Tokyo) -
    This is FORGE that could reconstruct the three dimentional model from 2D series slice imeges by MRI, CT or Microscopy.
    (CT, MRI, FEM, Medical, Research, Polygon, Orthopedics, Analysis, DXF, STL)

  • KHK (Saitama) -
    (KHK, DXF)

  • AutoCAD person-who-can-step-in-and-be-effective-immediately customize (Gifu) -(2002)
    Since it cannot use unless AutoCAD customizes, as for many people, it is actual to use as frustration or a file conversion machine in early stages. We overcame the height of the threshold of such AutoCAD by software development. It takes only in and , the character frame, etc. are Now Showing about free software.
    (AutoCAD, CAD, Diesel, dxf, dwg, actworks, online, Drawing, Design, Construction)

  • AutoCAD usage study group (Gifu) -(2002)
    Free distribution of the booklet of the AutoCAD introducing method do not lose is carried out. There was a 1000 or more-total application until now.
    (AutoCAD, 3DCAD, cad, drawing, act, Customize, dwg, dxf, Education, Income)

  • Kawasaki-city,Kanagawa,Japan, (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Sorry Japanese Only. Zetto Kougaku Home Page.
    (CADVANCE, PCB, Gerber, DATA, DXF, V, DESIGN, HPGL, Quick, Leaf)

  • HomePage of 3DWear (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Developpig and selling the 3D CG softwears and data libraries.
    (3D, CG, Modeling, Landscape, Contour, DXF, VRML, Data, Library, Vectorize)

  • totalcopyservice ishihara (Aichi) -(2001)
    [ishihara's HomePage] Copy/print/scaning/CadData/etc.... GO!MY PAGE!!
    (ishihara, copy, scan, print)

  • ALGO JAPAN.,LTD (Nagano) -(2001)
    We are CAD/CAM/CAE engineering solution & service provider. CATIA V5,SolidWorks,AutoCAD,MICRO CADAM,ME-10 We have solution for your difficulty point.
    (autocad, solidworks, catia, microcadam, cad, ibm, 3d, pdm, dxf, pdf)

  • For Export Only Japanese : Export Plugins for Terragen -(2001)
    For Export Only is a collection of Terrain Accessory plugins for Terragen, an excellent landscape generator and renderer, which allow you to export Terragen terrains in a number of formats.
    (Terragen, plugin, EXPORT, BMP, DXF, OBJ, RenderMan, RIB, LightWave3D, 3DS)

  • DIGITAL FACTORY (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    Flash data and 3D data

  • 1200 human figure data for cad (Tokyo) -(2000)
    These are the data of Human-figure as background for sectioned and elevated architecture drawings. The 3 types of data format available are: MCD (later than Vector Works8), DXF, EPS. Data are all free. 15 or more kinds of data will be added every single Saturday to this Web Site. In about 2 years, total data would be more than 1200.
    (human, figure, cad, minicad, vectorworks, photoshop, Illustrator, autocad, powerpoint, dxf)

  • 3D-TIGER (Shizuoka) -(2000)
    3D-TIGER is a technical illustrating generator for Adobe Illustrator. 3D-TIGER can import many kinds of 3D model(DXF/OBJ/VRML/IGES/STL/XVL). Tryout version is available.
    (Adobe, Illustrator, Plug-in, Technical, CAD, CG, DXF, OBJ, IGES, XVL)

  • CAMTUS (Hyogo) -(2000)
    CAD/CAM system company CAMTUS's Home Page
    (getronics, olivetti, CAMTUS, EGG, IGES, DXF, MC, 3D)

  • APOLLO GIKEN HOME PAGE (Kanagawa) -(2000)

  • (Shizuoka) -(2000)
    3D model online shop. Many kinds of data format are entry. All prices are only 1$ with a few exceptions.
    (3D, CG, modeling, CAD, animation, perspective, formZ, dxf, Rhino)

  • cat (Tokyo) -(2000)
    (CAD, dwg, dxf, auto-cad)

  • Make up papercrafts! (Kyoto) -(1999)
    Free paper craft links.Do you know all about these? Don't miss it!
    (papercraft, PaperModel, model, CardModel, origamic architecture, pop-up card, craft, art, links, free, car, motorcycle, VMAX, YZF-R1, animal, railway, kids, ship, PDF, GIF, JPEG, DXF, BMP, train, others, building, JR NISHINIHON, YAMAHA, architecture, print, download, paper, local, paper pattern)

  • MAPIN (Ehime) -(1998)
    The Windows version is a mapping system of display upon maps utilizing existing database systems. The use; for client administration, facility management, area marketing, and site location. By the combined use of other application software and MAPIN Windows version a new business development is achievable. For those who are interested in greater efficiency and those who are searching for new businesses, this is a product which we urge you to consider. Cost for basic software is 228 thousand Japanese yen. We are fliexible to supply by OEM, etc. Please inquire.

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan