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{education, educate, educational} + {elementary, rudiment} + {school, Gakuin, Gakuen, academy, Academia}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
tanakayoshiyasu tanakayoshiyasu (Chiba) - tanakayoshiyasu violence stop (tanakayoshiyasu, monbu, monbukagaku, primary , education , mie , blind , school , judge , violence )
Chat Network Chat Network (Tokyo) - Children And Teacher's Network Chat Network (education , element , school )
kawaba-e kawaba-e (Gunma) - kawaba (edcation)
utagaurashougakkou utagaurashougakkou (Nagasaki) - hallo (school )
KEC COMPUTER INSTITUTE KEC COMPUTER INSTITUTE (Osaka) - KEC's HomePage (KEC , MOUSWord, MOUSExcel, MOUSAccess, MOUSPowerPoint, MOUS, Computer , Office , System , PC )
SHINANO INTELLIGENCE EDUCATION CLUB SHINANO INTELLIGENCE EDUCATION CLUB (Nagano) - Practice report and proposal of information education at an elementary school
JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF ORLANDO JAPANESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF ORLANDO - Introducing Japanese language school of orlando, Florida.
minamiogura elementary school minamiogura elementary school (Kyoto) - please show uer elementary school (elementary , school )
KigakuONLINE KigakuONLINE (Iwate) - Elementary School of Kigaku homepage
jirorinn's homepage jirorinn's homepage (Miyagi) - This is Jirorinn's homepage (jirorinn)
Shuji's Page,Osaka,Japan Shuji's Page,Osaka,Japan (Osaka) -(2002) Shuji's homepage. (comic , wrestling , animation , element-school, graduate-school , education , outdoor )
Tatsu's HomePage Tatsu's HomePage (Fukuoka) -(2002) Fukuoka, Japan (education , school , teacher , diary , photo )
the_angels the_angels (Osaka) -(2001) Ikeda, Osaka, Japan. (Ikeda, , Osaka, , Japan. )
Suepu'sHPFromSamukawaMachi Suepu'sHPFromSamukawaMachi (Kanagawa) -(2001) SuePu'sHP (B'z )
yoshii elementoly scool yoshii elementoly scool (Gunma) -(2001) yoshi town (yoshii , tpwn)
Infant Classroom ESPOIR in Japan Infant Classroom ESPOIR in Japan (Tokyo) -(2001) Infant classroom ESPOIR (espoir , infant , Kindergarten , Elementary , school , Admission , Education , keio , gakushuin )
KEIO YOCHISHA KABADDI CLUB KEIO YOCHISHA KABADDI CLUB (Tokyo) -(2001) KEIO YOCHISHA KABADDI CLUB WEB Site. Introduction,What's Kabaddi?,Camp,Wanted,etc. (school , club , kabaddi, sports , training , india , education , keio , yochisha)
Nissai Elementary School, 6-2 Nissai Elementary School, 6-2 (Saitama) -(2001) Hi! We are the students of Nissai Elementary School, 6-2! As graduation is just around the corner, we have decided to set up our own class site. Unfortunately, it does NOT support Englishi. However, we hope you will be stopping by...
caritas elementary school caritas elementary school (Kanagawa) -(2000) caritas elementary school's HomePage (caritas, elementary , school )
otemon gakuin elementary school otemon gakuin elementary school (Osaka) -(2000) Osaka, Japan. (otemon , elementary , school , international , information , music , osaka )
Virtual Hands on Software Partten Block Virtual Hands on Software Partten Block (Hyogo) -(2000) Virtual Hands-on Program for an elementary school education. Now Re-release. Program Name is Pattern Block. You can manipulate the Pattern-Block on screen. Using on Windows95,Windows98 or Windows NT 4.0. Please Download & Try our program. Please Try & Regist.(Mailto:info@s-handson.com) (virtual , handson, pattenblock, software , program , education , arithmetic , elementaryschool , teaching , manipulation )
Happy Home Page Happy Home Page (Niigata) -(2000) Let's communicate! Find email pals! Know about Japan! Mailing list, BBS, Chat, Data Base, more. (pen , pal , penpal , keypal, emailpal, culture , exchange , Japan , Nihon , Nippon )
Wonder Vision Japanese Education Wonder Vision Japanese Education (Tokyo) -(2000) I am teacher of elementary school in japan. I take charge of the first year class. I was born in 1964 that the year of Tokyo olympic. I am studying teaching skills with TOSS. TOSS is an educational study group in Japan. TOSS stands for: the Teacher's Organization of Skill Sharing. (JapaneseEducation , ElementarySchool , Mathematics , teaching , skills )
Sakae Elementary School Home Page,Yoshikawa,Saitama,Japan Sakae Elementary School Home Page,Yoshikawa,Saitama,Japan (Saitama) -(2000) Sakae Elementary School Home Page,Yoshikawa,Saitama,Japan (Sakae , Elementary , School , Education , Yoshikawa , Saitama )
kyositu.com kyositu.com (Tokyo) -(2000) kyositu.com
PTA TOKYO PTA TOKYO (Tokyo) -(2000) about PTA TOKYO (PTA )
School Days School Days (Yamagata) -(2000) education and material (education , elememtary, school , mathematics )
CHAT Net CHAT Net (Tokyo) -(1999) CHAT Net=Children And Teacher's Network. elementary school ooizumidainisho nerima tokyo japan. (elementary , school , education )
Setta-syo Homepage Setta-syo Homepage (Kagoshima) -(1999) amamioosima,kagosima,japan (ElementarySchool , amamioosima , kagoshima , japan )
Tarao elementary school's HomePage Tarao elementary school's HomePage (Shiga) -(1998) Tarao elementary school's HomePage (Tarao , education , school , elementary , Shiga , Shigaraki , Japan , Koga )
Ibuki Elementary School in ibuki island. Ibuki Elementary School in ibuki island. (Kagawa) -(1997) Kanonji,Kagawa,Japan (elementary school , island , fish )
Minami Hirata Elementary School Minami Hirata Elementary School (Yamagata) -(1996) Yamagata, Japan. (education , elementary school )
National Language page National Language page (Saga) -(1996) Higashimatsuura, Saga, Japan. (education , elementary school , national language )
The Elementary School attached to Nara University of Education The Elementary School attached to Nara University of Education (Nara) -(1996) Nara, Nara, Japan. (education , research organization , elementary school )
Iinuma Elementary School Iinuma Elementary School (Chiba) -(1996) Choshi, Chiba, Japan. (education , Iinuma, Chiba , Choshi , elementary school , bully )
Elementary School attached to Shiga University Elementary School attached to Shiga University (Shiga) -(1996)
Elementary School of Miyazaki University Elementary School of Miyazaki University (Miyazaki) -(1996)
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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