(Saitama) -(2001) japanese word CHOTTO is very unique words which has a very wide meaning, from a little to very much, etc. although japanese people use CHTTO very often, even japanese themselves do not know what the real meaning is intended.
(Ibaraki) -(2001) It releases the epoch-making education system product which doesn't permit following. of computer's becoming popular of world's being wide of reinforcing a numerous language feature (created, education, web, skybiz, business, easily, success, realtime, language, feature)
(Tokyo) -(1998) This is one section of The National Language Research Institute, Ce nter for Teaching Japanese as a Second Language. This section is carrying out several sutdies and researches on development o f a Japanese language teacher. (Japanese Language, a Second Language, lerning Japanese, teaching Japanese, teacher education, research)
(Tokyo) -(1997) AJALT and its authors of the best-selling "Japanese for Busy People" series offer classes and flexible individual courses to enhance your Japanese. (Japanese Language Institute, Learning Japanese Language)