(Saitama) -(2001) japanese word CHOTTO is very unique words which has a very wide meaning, from a little to very much, etc. although japanese people use CHTTO very often, even japanese themselves do not know what the real meaning is intended.
(Osaka) -(2001) People which aim at lifelong learning and a career rise using a member-of-society entrance examination are provided with taking-an-examination measure information, university information, and the information on an extension and an open class. (study, university, education, college, examination, extension, qualification)
(Osaka) -(2001) The homecoming students from overseas who want to learn in tha university and junior college in Japan are provided with taking-an-examination measure information or university information. (study, university, returnee, japan, education, college, examination, procedure)
-(1997) Study in the USA is the education guide for international students. Here you can access information about U.S. universities and colleges, or choose an intensive English program. (study, USA, education, university, intensive, English, language, college, undergraduate, graduate)