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{effect, influence, effective, affect} + {special, speciality}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
ImportToys ImportToys (Kyoto) - import toy and goods for kids (kids , toddler , toy , intellectual , infant , preschool , child , software , DVD , game , CD , import , order , america , character , product , bouncer , disk , region , code , free , direct , specialty , store , new , goods , award , communication , sell , teach , material , buy , selection , special , price , congratulation , english , conversation , growth , item , stock , popularity , figure , acquisition , mat , gym , creativity , imagination , training , independence , sensitivity , flash , cool , tunnel , kansai , cost , baby , compact , protect , music , embryo , newborn, effective , give , defferent, sassy , kids2, einstein , santa , xmas , present , grade , entrance , language , beethoven , nursery , newton , genius , disney , animal , plant , movie , animation , appreciation , classic )
CityDO!. osaka. osaka. japan CityDO!. osaka. osaka. japan (Osaka) - CityDO! (supper , hotel , relax , bature, bath , travel )
mesimakobu mesimakobu (Kyoto) - MESHIMAKOBU which has an effect in cancer prevention (meshimakobu, antineoplastic, matsutake matsutake , virus , medical treatment , cancer , transition , control , prevention , immunity , action , supplement , powder , daily , neoplasm , malignancy , processed )
agaricus.cc agaricus.cc (Fukuoka) - these are special agaricus!! (agaricus , special , good , agarikusu, agaricus )
kurashinokoubin kurashinokoubin (Tokyo) - chinese healthy food (medisn)
Tale Room Tale Room (Nara) - Moving Tale Room (tale , story , efect, visual , move , special )
marvelous physical supplement the agaricus by the vivo marvelous physical supplement the agaricus by the vivo (Hiroshima) - Please take the agaricus made by Vivo corporation with confidence.These products have been accepted by some USA authorities. (agaricus , cancer , specific , bata, cheap , effect , selection , quality , vivo , absorption )
Special-Effects Girl's Site Special-Effects Girl's Site (Kanagawa) - It is a special-effects site search engine for girls.
Terra_Defenders Terra_Defenders (Saitama) - Terra Defenders of TOKUSATSU, ANIME, and MANGA SHOP (special , effects , animation , comic , MANGA , TOKUSATSU , record , CD , godzilla , goods )
Home page of Prema co ltd Home page of Prema co ltd (Kyoto) -(2002) Prema co ltd KYOTO JAPAN (charcoal , bamboo charcoal , Tormaline, Zeo lite, Tormaline, Zeo lite, Tormaline, Zeo lite, Tormaline, Zeo lite, Tormaline, Zeo lite, Tormaline, Zeo lite, Tormaline, Zeo lite, Tormaline, Zeo lite, Tormaline, Zeo lite, Red , minas ion, charcoal , bamboo charcoal , charcoal , bamboo charcoal , charcoal , bamboo charcoal , charcoal , bamboo charcoal )
Raiven's days Raiven's days (Chiba) -(2002) Raiven's Home Page (gambling , pachinko , slot , mah-jong, special-effects, ryuki , diary , experiences , Timepark)
Jun's HomePage Jun's HomePage (Gifu) -(2002) Gifu, Japan. (baby , growth , family , animation , specialeffect, hero , child )
FUKUKIYA FUKUKIYA (Oita) -(2002) Oita, Japan. (FUKUKIYA)
FUKUKIYA FUKUKIYA (Oita) -(2002) Oita,Japan. (hotel )
flyer insertion flyer insertion (Tokyo) -(2002) flyer insertion (flyre, insertion, DTP )
cineboy cineboy (Tokyo) -(2001) SFX,2D computer graphics,3D computer graphics,Digital Composite,Animation,Special Effects (SFX , 2Dcomputergraphics, 3Dcomputergraphics, Digitalcomposite, Animation , Specialeffects)
IWEC2002 homepage IWEC2002 homepage (Ibaraki) -(2001) international workshop on entertainment computing.May 14-17,2002 (entertainment , movie , game , music , robotics , humanoid , computer_vision, computer_graphics , theme_park )
Tokyo Make-up Artist and Taiko Player Al Hagger Tokyo Make-up Artist and Taiko Player Al Hagger (Tokyo) -(2001) Tokyo Make-up Artist and taiko player Al Hagger's portfolio of beauty and special make-up. Also includes design work and lnks to other artists and taiko information (make-up , artist , mugenkyo, taiko , design , special effects, creature , tokyo , illustrator , sho-co)
Special effect, Sankyo cloud Special effect, Sankyo cloud (Tokyo) -(2001) Sankyo cloud HomePage (pyro, effect , special , smoke , fire , frame , cannon , confetti, snow , co2 )
Mediarx Mediarx (Niigata) -(2001) Mediarx is a state of the art's company which produces the various kinds of the rich contents including VR, digital movie and music for the broadband's internet, CDROM,and DVD. We mainly focus on the QTVR and other SFX and create the user-friendly contents. Now, you can change your contens into the more powerful and exciting with ours. (QuickTimeVR, CubicVR, SFX , RichContents, DVD , MP3 , MIDI , MPEG , Multimedia , Authoring )
Paint Shop K2 Paint Shop K2 (Kanagawa) -(2001) CustomPaint,TolePaint,DecorativePaint...PaintShop K2 (custom , decorative , tole , paint , k2, yamamoto , marbling , effect , pinstripe, motorcycle )
MilkBar MilkBar (Saitama) -(2001) japanese film-maker's forum, milkbar (milkbar, NLE, CG , miniDV, japanese , filmmaking, filmmaker, forum )
CrE-a Home Page CrE-a Home Page (Osaka) -(2001) HOME PAGE FOR EVENT PLANNERS (event , promotion , insentive, anniversary , comunication, plan , festival , direction , produce , creation )
Plan Attention Co.,ltd Information Plan Attention Co.,ltd Information (Hokkaido) -(2001) Plan Attention Co.,ltd Information (sparkcandle, fireworks , wedding , champagnetower)
health health (Hyogo) -(2000) health (health )
bravo company bravo company (Aichi) -(2000) BALLOON ATTRACTION pro company (InflatableBalloon, BalloonAttraction, BalloonDecoration, EventPlanning , SpecialEffects, ADBALLOON, SP PLANNING)
GIMMICK home page GIMMICK home page (Tokyo) -(2000) WELCOME TO SPECIAL EFFECTS WORLD! (Special , effects , tv , ivents, movie , concert , live , pyro, Gerb, smoke )
Marutamaya Ogatsu Fireworks Co,.Ltd. Marutamaya Ogatsu Fireworks Co,.Ltd. (Tokyo) -(2000) Fireworks (pyro, firework , hanabi, marutamaya, ogatsu )
VirtualPHOTO [JAVA SPECIALS & Galleries] ImagiNation with very best applets Lake / Multi-purposes AquariumCity applets etc VirtualPHOTO [JAVA SPECIALS & Galleries] ImagiNation with very best applets Lake / Multi-purposes AquariumCity applets etc (Tokyo) -(2000) Special effects by certain Java applets make the slide shows into movies theaters. nature, aquarium, and or cities reflectings on lakes with excellent! This site exhibits animations, photo/pictures of nature in Japan, cities in the world etc with very best Java applets you have ever seen. Multi-purposes AquariumCity applet v1.5, v2.0 and v3.0 are also here! Let's enjoy Java Specials. (3d , aquarium , art , internet , web , wave , trip , animation , picture , java )
ACT.1 from kofu,Yamanashi,japan.(near Mt,FUJI) ACT.1 from kofu,Yamanashi,japan.(near Mt,FUJI) (Yamanashi) -(2000) ACT.1's HomePage. Total stage produce.Sound/lighting/Stage art.Communication Technology. (sound , light , stage , effect , event , recording , act1, yamanashi , fuji , technology )
Adobe Apple School Partner for DTV(premiere,After Effects,iMovie) Adobe Apple School Partner for DTV(premiere,After Effects,iMovie) (Tokyo) -(2000) We are School of Premiere,After Effects in Adobe products. (Premiere , Aftereffects, adobe , DTV , nonliner, edit , sfx , school , training , mac )
VirtualPHOTO [ One PICTURE - To be MOVIE? ] Java slide show galleries by special Java effects VirtualPHOTO [ One PICTURE - To be MOVIE? ] Java slide show galleries by special Java effects (Tokyo) -(1999) Special effects by certain FREE JAVA applets make the slide shows into MOVIEs THEATER. Nature and or Cities reflectings on lakes with Excellent! This site exhibits Animations, Photo/Pictures of Nature in Japan, Cities in the world etc with JAVA APPLETs showcases. (ship , wave , animation , VirtualPhoto, lake , java , applet , image , picture , art )
Gaikashi is made from natural-herbs. Gaikashi is made from natural-herbs. (Osaka) -(1999) Gaikashi is made from natural-herbs. It's very effective for diabetes. (gai-ka-shi, gaikashi, diabetes , patent , stress , blood-sugar , specific-medicine)
fakkin,papa!! fakkin,papa!! (Tokyo) -(1998) IamPAWAR!! (SEX )
AHCC cancer hepatitis diabetes treatment new-medicine skilled-physician mushroom,healthy-food AHCC cancer hepatitis diabetes treatment new-medicine skilled-physician mushroom,healthy-food (Kanagawa) -(1998) none (cancer , hepatitis , diabetes , treatment , new-medicine, skilled-physician, mushroom , healthy-food )
SF MOVIE DATABANK SF MOVIE DATABANK (Tokyo) -(1997) More than 600 titles of SF movies are listed. You can find various data such as Director and staffs, Actors and Actoresses, Original title in English, Copies for Japanese publicity, etc. (SF , MOVIE , SCIENCE FICTION, FUTURE , SFX , SPECIAL EFFECTS, STARTREK , VIDEO , CINEMA )
MUSIC MEDICINE/subliminal MUSIC MEDICINE/subliminal (Tokyo) -(1996) Relaxation, Sleeping, Confidence, No Smoking, Concentration, Love Increase, Decrease Your Uneasiness, Diet,etc... (fortunetelling , business , psychology , music , CD , chemistry , ability , life , health , stress )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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