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{elementary, rudiment} + {examination, exam} + {school, Gakuin, Gakuen, academy, Academia}
[ Index
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akakmkrk (Tokyo) - auction (AMAZON )
e-ojyuken.com (Kanagawa) - ojyuken,s HomePage (school , kindergarden)
TECS (Aichi) - Test of English Communication Skills for Preteens (TECS, test , English , Communication , skill , preteen, chiid, children )
Syousei Infants Teaching (Hyogo) -(2002) This is Syousei Infants Teaching`s HomePage. Syousei is for under 7's children who prepare for an entrance examination for elementary school and kindergarden. (Syousei, Privateschool , Entranceexamination, Elementaryschool )
Tokyo School Correspondence course part Jupiter (Tokyo) -(2002) Jupiter's Homepage.The optimal home study teaching materials for small children for the measure against entrance /entrance.The object for mothers guidance of instruction sticks and it is easy instruction. (Kindergarten , Elementaryschool , examination , training , correspondence , at-any-time, Jupiter , schooling)
kuma education center (Osaka) -(2002) We are education school.Children are very interesting. Day care center LITTLE BEAR open. (school , study , kindergarden, child , education , day , care , baby , teacher , student )
JUMP child school (Tokyo) -(2002) near shibuya child school (child , school , shibuya , CD-ROM , JUMP )
hananbanjou (Tokyo) -(2001) THANKS (MCP , MOUS, USJ )
Infant Classroom ESPOIR in Japan (Tokyo) -(2001) Infant classroom ESPOIR (espoir , infant , Kindergarten , Elementary , school , Admission , Education , keio , gakushuin )
Welcome to Fushigi Club! (Chiba) -(2001) For Japanese kids abroad, let's study with "Fushigi Club". (fushigi club, fushigi net, challenge , shinkenzemi, doranet, Vmate, school , private school , examination )
Euphoria (Tokyo) -(2001) Euphoria
Road to Teacher (Kanagawa) -(2000) Nobusen's HomePage (teacher , child , school )
otemon gakuin elementary school (Osaka) -(2000) Osaka, Japan. (otemon , elementary , school , international , information , music , osaka )
TOMO (Tokyo) -(2000) Tokyo, Japan. (teacher , edu )
dennou sensei homepage (Tokyo) -(1999) dennou sensei
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
こちら 。