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{elementary, rudiment} + {private} + {school, Gakuin, Gakuen, academy, Academia} + {study, learn}
[ Index
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SeiBee Kids SeiBee Kids (Tokyo) - Financial education Seibee Kids program (smartkids, seibee, fainance, education , toy , kids , piggy , bank )
English course on mathmatics English course on mathmatics (Tokyo) - The course is based upon the same carricurum applied in UK. The student can learn mathematics in English by a tutor, nativespeaker in Tokyo and also a tutor in London. (UK , english , mathematics, distance , learning , london , british , culture , direct , contact )
e-ojyuken.com e-ojyuken.com (Kanagawa) - ojyuken,s HomePage (school , kindergarden)
Kotu kotu, Nagoya Japan Kotu kotu, Nagoya Japan (Aichi) -(2002) Kotu kotu's HomePage
Syousei Infants Teaching Syousei Infants Teaching (Hyogo) -(2002) This is Syousei Infants Teaching`s HomePage. Syousei is for under 7's children who prepare for an entrance examination for elementary school and kindergarden. (Syousei, Privateschool , Entranceexamination, Elementaryschool )
Welcome to Fushigi Club! Welcome to Fushigi Club! (Chiba) -(2001) For Japanese kids abroad, let's study with "Fushigi Club". (fushigi club, fushigi net, challenge , shinkenzemi, doranet, Vmate, school , private school , examination )
SmallWorld jr SmallWorld jr (Fukuoka) -(2000) SmallWorld (SmallWorld)
Investigations of water insects in the school pool, TOKYO, JAPAN. Investigations of water insects in the school pool, TOKYO, JAPAN. (Tokyo) -(2000) During winter to spring, many water insects, especially odonate(dragonfly)larvae are found in our outside school pool, KEIO Yochisha, Tokyo, Japan. We use these insects as the teaching material to study freshwater ecology. (dragonfly , elementary , school , pool , education , keio , science , insects , tokyo , japan )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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