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Word(s): @={firmware}

/ firm // ware /

  • Welcome to UniTy Homepage (Osaka) -
    Welcome to UniTy Homepage. Our company is an independent software engineering group. For the purpose of acquiring new technology, an investment is readily made. Good service is offered by preparing good environment.
    (UniTy, Computer, Softwear, Osake, suita, JobOffer, Windows, Linux, C/C++, Network)

  • System Comunicate (Tokyo) -
    system integlation
    (software, hardware, farmware, technical, support)

  • Open Technology (Tokyo) -
    Professional group that does the development of middleware, device driver with good and tackle with the software technology in the next era.
    (driver,device,firmware,palm,voice,image,dvd, DVD)

  • Inter Techno Japan (Nagano) -
    Welcome to Inter Techno Japan's web site!!
    (software, firmware, homepage, design, intec, Internet, inter, techno, japan, PC)

  • One Light Ltd. Home Page (Tokyo) -
    One Light Ltd. Home Page

  • pwcom (Ibaraki) -(2002)
    Software Developer Tskuba, Ibaraki, Japan

  • MK Sysytem (Saitama) -(2002)
    Outline: ASIC trust development company. Development of FPGA and IP by hardware description language, Verilog-HDL and VHDL. Otherwise, they are Firmware development, electronic circuit design, circuit board evaluation, a substrate design. A word: The building like Kagohara station on foot 3 minute is a workshop. It is being wished he wants to stand on the role of people of his post who are developing the circuit in the company of the neighborhood. It seems that the cases where ASIC is converted into FPGA use have increased in number while the world changes the flow from mass production to small quantity many kinds. Our company specializes ASIC development in FPGA, and serves development, a design, and a period reasonably.
    (ASIC, FPGA, Firmware, Electric Circuit, Development, design, Trust design, Kumagaya, Verilog-HDL, VHDL)

  • Welcome to Freelines (Nagano) -(2002)
    Wellcome to Freelines
    (Embedded, Device, driver, Digital, Software, Hardware, Firmware, Development, Real, Time)

  • InterDesign Technologies (Tokyo) -(2002)
    InterDesign Technologies' Web site
    (LSI, EDA, system-level, Co-design, SoC, VisualSpec, SpecC, VisualMech, 3D-CAD, CAE)

  • Sasaki Engineering Office (Tokyo) -(2002)
    We develop embedded systems, especially RTOS, TCP/IP, filesystem, and their device drivers.
    (embedded, system, network, RTOS, TCP/IP, filesystem, ITRON, IPv6, firmware, porting)

  • Western Technology (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Western Technology's Home Page
    (Western, GUZIK, HDD, Tester, Storage, MO)

  • Welcome to Firmware Design (Nara) -(2001)
    (Computer, Firmware, Design, Hardware, Software, Mitsuhiro, Kurokawa, DAIHYO-NUSHI)

  • ADTEX (Gunma) -(2000)
    New Automatic Control System (NACS)

  • Fcom East Japan Corporation (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Fcom East Japan Homepage
    (VisualBasic, FcomEastJapan)

  • SOFMATE (Nagano) -(2000)
    Sofmate's Home Page
    (software, firmware, SOHO)

  • Sutoh System Design's homepage (Tochigi) -(2000)
    Sutoh System Design's homepage. Builtin Computer system's Factory.
    (micon, soft, farmware, builtin, control, independent, fishing, offroadbike, ski, sutohsystemdesign)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan