Tsukuba International Students' Association (TISA) (Ibaraki) - Aimed at catering to the needs of international students, TISA tries to promote understanding and exchange among international students. This includes interaction with Japanese students as well. TISA holds many activities (ie. annual bazaar, tea parties, sports events, trips, etc.) throughout the year which all are encouraged to take a part in. (TISA, TNP, Tsukuba, International, Students', Association)
SMILES (Kanagawa) - This is miyo's HP that tells you about my life in Japan and in the States. I'm a university student who's gonna major in social work. I hope you enjoy my HP! (california, english, socialwork, japan, international, usa, studying, abroad, volunteer, redding)
Kansai International High School (Osaka) -(2002) Native speakers of English teach not only English Conversation classes at our school but also Biology, Earth Science, Health, Physical Education, Math and Preparation for TOEIC/TOEFL. By graduating from our school, you will be able to acquire the qualification to enter a good college or university and will be considered a high school graduate approved by the Japanese Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry. (English, Conversation, StudyingAbroad, Homestay, HighSchool, kikokuseito, International, Eiken, Toeictaisaku, Toefltaisaku)
nanryo upper secondary school (Saitama) -(2001) Nanryo Upper Sedondary School Official Site. Introduction of Nanryo high school in Japan. Seeking oversees schools which would like to have the international exchange activities -- exchanging Emails or students etc. (Japan, Saitama, Toda, school, education, English, language, student)
Global Internship Trainee Promotion (Tokyo) -(2001) We AIESEC University of Tokyo collect the student who participates in the Global Internship. Please utilize the Global Internship of AIESEC whose various business studies are possible at the 80 or more countries or areas of worldwide as a part of the carrier rise in the today when globalization of the talent advances quickly, by all means. (Internship, International, Traineeship, AIESEC, Global, Student, Network, Social, NPO, English)
ryugakunet (Tokyo) -(2000) Ryugakunet is a support website for people who arrange overseas study by themselves. As well as being a site that offers numerous services and information, including honest feedback from current overseas students, details of foreign institutions and on-line study abroad counseling etc, it provides information for prospective students in addition to being an interactive community space for current students abroad and people with previous overseas experience. (study, abroad, ESL, Language, school, International, University, College, Homestay, English)
Kobe International Center for Cooperation and Communication (Hyogo) -(2000) Kobe International Center for Cooperation and Communication (KIC) promotes both international cooperation and international exchange in Kobe, through its programs, the Center extends knowledge and expertise to developing countries, facilities cultural exchange on a domestic level, and promotes local international cooperation efforts. (international, cooperation, communication, scholarship, Kobe, Asia, KIC, KAP, KIP, KICC)
Sakae Institute of Study Abroad (Tokyo) -(2000) SISA(Sakae Institute of Study Abroad) is a college placement and counseling service institute for Japanese students who wish to study at American high schools, colleges, and graduate schools. (study abroad, college placement, study in America, international students, study abroad programs, study abroad counseling, SISA, Yoko Sakae, Sakae Institute, international student recruitment)
Matsudo International School (Chiba) -(1999) Matsudo International school is a Japanese language school authorized by an organization to promote Japanese Language Education, which located in Chiba,Japan. We provide long term, short term course and Intensive course for enrolling to higher grade. (Japanese, School, abroad, study, student, nihongo, language, education, university)
Welcome to ISI (Tokyo) -(1999) Introduction of a Japanese language school for foreign students proceed to universities & colleges in Japan, it's school dormitory, and it's activities such as cultural exchange. (isi, japanese_language_school, study_in_japan)