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[ top
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| E-word
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{foreign, oversea, abroad} + {language, lingual}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
Reference(frequency) {information, informational}
{practice, training}
{teacher, educator, tutor}
@+{America, American} ...(58)
@+{China, Cyugoku, Chuugoku, Chugoku, Chinese} ...(72)
@+{conversation, conversational} ...(107)
@ +{culture, cultural} ...(43)
@+{education, educate, educational} ...(80)
@+{English} ...(215)
@+{homestay, homestays} ...(68)
@+{human, populace, personage, person, people, masses} ...(65)
@+{internation, internationally, internationalization, international} ...(88)
@+{Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese} ...(196)
@+{linguistic, linguistics} ...(130)
@+{school, Gakuin, Gakuen, academy, Academia} ...(190)
@+{Spain, Spanish} ...(58)
@+{study, learn} ...(307)
@+{translation, translational, translator, translate} ...(60)
@+{travel, trip, trek, tourism, tour, journey} ...(108)
@+{university} ...(74)
@+{work, occupational, occupation, business, working, travail, labour, labor, job} ...(70)
Bel Espace European Picturebooks Shop (Kyoto) - The online shop of European picturebooks (picturebooks , French , Italian , European , shop , bel , espace)
01chase.com (Tokyo) - Web Designing and Netbuisiness Consulting (Webdesigning, Flash , CGI , Programming , Netbuisiness, Logo , Homepage, Illustration , ForeignExchange , FX )
nyaksa (Kyoto) - For the people who want to study Vietnamese. Kyoto, Japan (Vietnamese , Cuu, Long , Viet , nam , Vietnam , Career , College , Kyoto )
TFLC PARADISE (Kanagawa) - TFLC PARADISE (tflcparadise, muneo , igarashi , keith , chewie, PARADICE)
Turkish, Turkiye, Turkce, Pinarcan (Tokyo) - Turkce ile ilgili ev sayfasi (Turkiye, Turkce, Turkey , Turkish , Pinarcan, Pinar, language )
Turkish, Turkiye, Turkce, Pinarcan (Tokyo) - Turkce ile ilgili ev sayfasi (Turkiye, Turkce, Turkey , Turkish , Pinarcan, Pinar, language )
go-kunnonandemokouza (Tokyo) -(2002) go-kun`s Homepage
Go-kun Homepage (Tokyo) -(2002) 23ku, Toukyou, Japan.
Gaeilge (Osaka) -(2002) Information on learning aids of Irish language (Irish , Gaeilge, Gaelic, dictionary , grammar , Celt , Celtic , meter , Goidelic, language )
roshiahu (Chiba) -(2001) banner (GIF , FLASH )
The Pikachu's Gallery (Kanagawa) -(2001) Welcome to this Gallery! Here you'll find many images of Pikachu which are at play, dancing, chattering away and speak to you.... I am sorry to say that all the Pika-captions are written in Japanese... But I believe that the Pikachu itself might be an universal language, so don't be disappointed. I'm sure that you'll be dying to form a friendship with our Pikachu. Have fun! (Pikachu , photo , gallery , lovely , pirated , daily , goods , heartwarming, images )
Thai (Osaka) -(2001) Thai info (Thailand , Bangkok , Thai , tai)
Be Free , DVD regional code for grobal communication (Tokyo) -(2000) You know that DVD is a commom media for global use, but there is non-humanity regional code that be regulated by huge pressure group. We should make DVD be FREE for every the week, for example minorities, foreigin people and our children. (dvd , region , free , foreign , language , bilingual )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
こちら 。