New Zealand Dream Weddings - Internationally acclaimed wedding planner. New Zealand Dream Weddings guarantees 100% total satisfaction. We are the planners who make dreams come true. All services available venues, churches, chapels, vehicles, flowers etc etc (wedding, New Zealand, weddings, chapel, church, wedding coordinator, wedding planner, brides, legal wedding, formal wedding)
Japanese car sale offer WWW board export import used Jap cars ads free - for overseas buyers ; Japanese car exporter message board ads free Japanese car bulletin board ads classified ads notice board vehicle for sale auto dealers carseller used vehicles offer to sell Jap auction JDM board free ads Japanese carexporter message board car dealers suppliers bulletin board Japanese car importer exporter bulletin board used car buy and sell classified ads free Japanese car importer exporter BBS message board ads free Global auto auction center Japan bulletin board (classified, Mombasa, bulletin, board, export, shipping, New, Zealand, Brisbane, sell)
Dr.H's Room - This site consists of: Introducing my life, job, etc. in New Zealand where I am living now Home stay guide (I can manage home stay at my house. But, the guide is in Japanese only at this moment, sorry.) Crime reports by Police with my comments Book reviews Introducing my researches I had done when I was in University (NewZealand, Oversea, Homestay, Christchurch, Dunedin, Bookreview)
Scotia in Auckland (Osaka) - This homepage includes some information about Auckland, and New Zealand as well as our diary and guestbook. Please write to us in the guestbook! (Scotia, Auckland, New, Zealand, Cafeholic, Archie, Mai, Herbert, Japanese, information)
Explore New Zealand -(2000) A comprehensive directory of NZ tourism products(accommodation,activities,tours,etc),completely in Japanese. Contact details and booking instructions are available for all products making the site very useful and convenient. A One-Stop-Shop for the independent Japanese traveller. (New, Zealand, Auckland, Christchurch, Queenstown, Farmstay, B&B, Accommodation, FIT, Trekking)
Outdoor Freak New Zealand -(1996) Outdoor Freak New Zealand... presents a chance for you to test your outdoor skills or just relax and enjoy the unspoiled beauty of the great New Zealand outdoors. Our tour packages have been designed with the OUTDOOR FREAK in mind. We have tours which include kayaking, rafting, camping, hiking, MTB and many other activities which are unique to each location. The locations in the North and South Islands combine some of the best scenery in the world with outdoor adventure activities on rivers, lakes, mountains and sea which make them the best natural theme park anywhere. All the tours are suitable for beginners but most also provide an element of challenge for even the experienced outdoor adventurer. (New Zealand, Outdoor, Overseas Travel, Adventure, Kayak, Camp, Hiking, MTB, Rafting, Natural Environment)