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{friend, pal, intimacy, chum, buddy} + {mail, mailing} + {network, internetworking, networking, net, internet}
[ Index
| Japanese
| Editor's Note
Reference(frequency) {chat, chitchat, chatter}
Success story Success story (Saitama) - You only read mail. (Success , Decision , Life , Business , Dream , Health , Miracle , Friend , Network , Rich )
AS YOU WISH AS YOU WISH (Kanagawa) - AS YOU WISH By.Asumi (AS, YOU, WISH , php , Picture , NETaidoru, netaidre, ams, asumi , am's)
Hokago Net Hokago Net (Osaka) - Teens' Community (student , friend , teens , pupil , site , comunity, comunication, school )
INTERNET LOVE CLUB INTERNET LOVE CLUB (Osaka) - Do you need a internet love partner?Why don't you try to search here!! (Internetlove, Love , Mailfriend , MailfriendBBS , MidnightMmeetingRoom, AdultConversation)
365 Wan! 365 Wan! (Tokyo) - Everybody who is a owner of dogs can join us! We're chatting in mailinglist. (dog , friends , 365days, network , dogs )
kensyou club kensyou club (Tokyo) - kensyo club (net , bujiness, mail , get , point , sex , good , friend , manny, HP)
Mail Work Mail Work (Kanagawa) - Check and Join now!! (Bussiness, mail , free , easy , earn , paypal, USA , Internet , click , cash )
ZephyPirate ZephyPirate (Hokkaido) -(2002) Zephy Pirate Postpet Homepage Sorry Jpan (postpet , mailfriend , so-net, zephy, pirate , pirategroup, mail , food , event , room )
EPK, world ,friend,japan EPK, world ,friend,japan (Kanagawa) -(2002) Do you like friend ? Let's make friends ! (Chat , friends , Make , Japanese , friend , computer , internet , students )
Get Money!! Get Money!! (Tokyo) -(2002) You can get money!! (money , part-time )
-shovoi- -shovoi- -(2002) (friends , net , mail , bbs , link , fun , cheep , girl , boy , you)
FriendChatNetwork FriendChatNetwork (Saga) -(2002) ChatSite (Chat )
mintmail mintmail (Mie) -(2002) mintmail (mintmail, mintmail)
mintmail mintmail (Mie) -(2002) mint mail de \ (mintmail)
singlemama-net singlemama-net (Tokyo) -(2002) happy single (single , mama )
yozotai yozotai (Kanagawa) -(2002) Let's make friends! (friend , web , friends , novel , novels )
My wonderful life My wonderful life (Tokyo) -(2001) wonderful life (diet , netidol , cat , friend , creditcard , herbalife )
OdigoBox OdigoBox (Hiroshima) -(2001) The fan site of OdigoMessenger. There is also a bulletin board for friend collection. (Odigo , hyama)
House of TITTI House of TITTI (Kanagawa) -(2001) I would like to be NETIDOL. (NetIdol , MailFriend , i-mode, chat , diary )
kayo's room kayo's room (Osaka) -(2001) kayo's room (cherry , kayo , netidol , bbs , chat , diary , photo , maol, girl , friend )
kayo's room kayo's room (Osaka) -(2001) Sakura kayo official homepage.photo,profile,diary,bbs and chat (cherry , netidol , diary , photo , bbs , model , idol , frend, mail , chat )
Internet Profile Center Internet Profile Center (Mie) -(2001) Internet Profile Center (profile , mail , area )
47town.net 47town.net (Kanagawa) -(2001) 47town.net.Community site. (47town, town , 47town.net, community , Searchengine , link , friend , information , Homepage, city )
gc-net gc-net (Aichi) -(2001) gc-net info (gc-net)
$,money,japan,usa.business $,money,japan,usa.business (Osaka) -(2001) Do you like money? (money , usa , internet , business , cool , job , sale , easy , guide , $)
CHAT Network CHAT Network (Tochigi) -(2001) CHTA!!GAME!!BBS!! (CHAT )
CommunitySpot-88channel CommunitySpot-88channel (Kagawa) -(2000) This site have many BBS which you can make friends easily. (mailfriend , lover , pet , PostPet , idol , friend , greetingcard , sale , buy , auction , free good , help , shop , event , worker , job , newproduct, distribution , community , bargain , link )
let's enjoy Internet life! let's enjoy Internet life! (Aichi) -(2000) This site is for girls.We introduce Free and Pretty and Useful site.other cat diary,photos (free , cat , business , mailfriend , monitor , SOHO )
DIFY Internet Service DIFY Internet Service (Miyazaki) -(2000) Miyazaki town infomation. Shops infomation. Web site produce. (town , Miyazaki , hair , snack , teach , computer , free , internet , phone , mail )
netsurfin netsurfin (Gifu) -(2000) work (AllAdvantage, MP3 , Linux )
PeachVan PeachVan (Okayama) -(2000) BBS (link , board , chat , friend , computer , internet , mailinglist )
imodeMailFrirendsNet-Deaeru.net imodeMailFrirendsNet-Deaeru.net (Tokyo) -(2000) ?
Internet Station J-SUCCEED Internet Station J-SUCCEED (Kanagawa) -(2000) We have many BBS-board. Please enjoy it! (business , e-mail-friend, friend , funny , bbs , chat , game , pachinko )
net. net. (Hokkaido) -(2000) asahikawa.hokkaidou.japan (net )
Vehicle NETWORK Vehicle NETWORK (Tokyo) -(2000) coming soon!! You're getting New motorcycle life!! (bike , used , vehicle , network , custom , event , mail , motorcycle , parts )
egupyonnet egupyonnet (Tokyo) -(2000) egupyon network (i-mode)
Network of Kanagawa Prefecture Network of Kanagawa Prefecture (Kanagawa) -(2000) This page is made for making friends and fellows in Kanagawa Prefecture.Not only that, we also apply information about Kanagawa Prefecture. (friend , communication , chat , bbs , information , mail , network )
NetSquare NetSquare (Tokushima) -(2000) There is super search engine plus chat and bbs site. (Chat , BBS , PostPet , Friend , Search )
ShootingStarNight ShootingStarNight (Osaka) -(2000) NARU'S HomePage (postpet , vote , cyat, bbs )
G.B.& Hoshi's homepaage G.B.& Hoshi's homepaage (Kanagawa) -(1999) G.B.Hoshi's HomePage. (G.B.&Hoshi, chat , BBS , postpet , pkemon, game , music , movie )
a circle expand pet net a circle expand pet net (Toyama) -(1999) a circle expand pet net (circle , petnet)
for women for women (Kyoto) -(1999) for women (women , love , present , monitor , chat , guide , friend , refresh , mool, gourmet )
BRAD HOME BRAD HOME (Tokyo) -(1999) BRAD HOME I love game and chat !! but,another contents are upload on your request !!from Japan (game , GameCenter, SoulClibur, famicon, FamilyComputer , soccer , football , keeper , eva , evangelion )
sibumi's ICQ page-seek japanese ICQ users- sibumi's ICQ page-seek japanese ICQ users- (Tokyo) -(1998) there is the board of ICQ users. also you can send your pic-pic board is here. you'll seek your friend in japan I bet-at my page. (ICQ , e-mailfriends, CU-SeeMe, NetMeeting)
Saku-Net BBS Saku-Net BBS (Kanagawa) -(1998) Kanagawa, Japan.
net tourist net tourist (Gunma) -(1997) This is cool!! (net , tourist , freelink , eva )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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