(Tokyo) -(2002) Various works of prominent Japanese artist Nagao Minoru including book and CD covers design, fantastic world, Haiga, Haiku Illustrated are ehxhibited. (Illustration, Haiga, Haiku, illustated, CD, jacket, bookcover, painter, interior, design)
(Tokyo) -(2002) ASP type groupware service. A server, soft installation, an engineer, etc. are unnecessary entirely. (Groupware, Strage, SharePoint, Frontpage2002, Trial, ASP)
(Gunma) -(2002) Just a bit of advanced designs will make your webpages more cool. (HomePage, HTML, source, FrontPage, Golive, PageMill, link, refresh, image, map)
(Kanagawa) -(2001) Infomations about how to make a homepage. (CGI, FTP, JavaScript, FFFTP, Frontpage, HTML)
(Saitama) -(2001) Computer educational school. Our class are Microsoft Windows,Word,Excel,PowerPoint,Access,IE,and any software. (Microsoft, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, School, FrontPage, Internet)
(Tokyo) -(2001) We offer hosting service of good quality by low price for an individual / a group / an individual enterprise person.We are thoroughly particular about comfortable access! (hosting, WEB, CGI, Java, SSI, Flash, lowprice, comfortable, HP, frontpage)
-(1998) You can use 150MB disk space,CGI,Java,Shockwave,RealAudio,Mailinglist and Microsoft FrontPage. \4,900+500/Month (cgi, FrontPage, com, rental, server, java, ShockWave, RealAudio, MailingList, CloverClub)