My paraphernalia (Kanagawa) - The paraphernalia which make me fine are stuck for my toolbox. Although there are no mortal arms, this is all also an important thing for me. (paraphernalia, work, favarite, partner, profile, topics, garden, fukumoto, cafe, diary)
Family Name and Sword Possession Allowed (Hyogo) -(2000) The Official trader Kawagucci-ya in Harima during Edo period was allowed to claim a family name and keep sword, however such were normally allowed only to a Samourai family at the time. How this could happen and custom in the period are described. (Banshuu, Fukumotohan, Kawaguchiya, Tenpo, Surname, Sword-Possession, Himeji, Kanzakigun, History, Provincial-note)