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{geology, geoscience, geological}
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Reference(similarity) / logic // quality /
science for child science for child (Mie) - science question and answer (science , chemical , nature , astro , question , biology , answer , physical , astoronomy)
Four Peaks Geoconsulting, L.L.C. Four Peaks Geoconsulting, L.L.C. (Kyoto) - We provide analytical services of geological materials and qualityprofessional geological consulting services (AnalyticalTestingServices, PowderX-raydiffraction, Petrography, PhaseIdentification, InductivelyCoupledPlasma, ClayMinerals, ICP , XRF)
Institute for Enviromental and Geological Studies Institute for Enviromental and Geological Studies (Aichi) - Institute for Enviromental and Geological Studies (Institut,Enviromental,Geological,Studies)
Website of Ninomiya Publishers Website of Ninomiya Publishers (Tokyo) -(2002) Homepege of Ninomiya Publishers (Textbook of Highschool Geography, Atlas) (geography , highschool , human , geology, earth , science , textbook , atlas , globe , japan )
The Kiseki Museum of World Stones The Kiseki Museum of World Stones (Shizuoka) -(2002) Although to study the stones using one's imagination with their colo(u)rs and shapes may not be scientific, this way of appreciating stones, is always refreshing, regardless of the time period even now or country. For example, people in England once called sea urchin fossils pound stones. (stone , mineral , fossil , rock , museum , gem , geology, naturalhistory, crystal , Japan )
Work information portal site aruyon.net Work information portal site aruyon.net (Tokyo) -(2002) Work information portal site aruyon.net (job , work , business , career , recruit , approach , matching , secretary , clerl)
Work information portal site aruyon.net Work information portal site aruyon.net (Tokyo) -(2002) Work information portal site aruyon.net (job , work , business , career , aruyon, matching , recruit , itochu )
Arsenic Groundwater Pollution Arsenic Groundwater Pollution (Tokyo) -(2001) An information of arsenic groundwater pollution around Asia (asia , bangladesh , groundwater, well , pollution , contamination , water , geology)
Canals Canals (Aichi) -(2001) JR2YEV, radio station and Kariya H.igh School (JR2YEV, amateru, radio , Japan , star , SF , Kariya , Eton, station , school )
mail-magagine [3e+ing] mail-magagine [3e+ing] (Kanagawa) -(2001) mail-magagine [3e+ing] (mail , magagine, [3e+ing])
Katsuya's HomePageNeptune Katsuya's HomePageNeptune (Chiba) -(2001) This page contains astronomy and photograph of stars, solar eclipse and comets. (astronomy , photograph , stars , eclipse , planets , geology, travel , meteorites, comets )
Daiiti Consaltants Technology Daiiti Consaltants Technology (Hiroshima) -(2001) Daiiti Consaltants Technology's Home Page. Consaltants for water and soil. (arsenic, fluorine , manganese , Geological, survey , water , Pollution )
CHU'S PAGE CHU'S PAGE (Kyoto) -(2001) This page is written by Chu, he is graduate school student of kyoto university, Japan. This page contains study intrest amd information of kyoto City and his diary and more. (chu, tanaka , eclogite, kyoto , geology, music , dairy , information , kyoto-Univ )
Japan Society of Geoinformatics Japan Society of Geoinformatics (Osaka) -(2001) Japan Society of Geoinformatics (Geoinformatics, Geoinforum, Geology, Geological, Information , Computer )
Civil Information Offer Civil Information Offer (Ishikawa) -(2001) Civil Information Offer (landslide, prevention , earthquake , Offer , civil , iso , disaster , cals , plan )
Natural Consulting Co.,Ltd. Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan Natural Consulting Co.,Ltd. Kanazawa, Ishikawa, Japan (Ishikawa) -(2001) consult kanazawa ishikawa help-wanted civil cityplanning survey geological (consult , kanazawa , ishikawa , help-wanted , civil , cityplanning, survey , geological)
hagibor inc. Home Page hagibor inc. Home Page (Yamanashi) -(2000) Welcome to Hagibor inc. Home Page
Ammonites from Hokkaido, Japan. Ammonites from Hokkaido, Japan. (Hokkaido) -(2000) Some Ammonites from Hokkaido, Japan. (ammonites, Hokkaido , ammonite , ammon, fossil , @ammon)
Star's Window -by Epion/Tomohito Koyama- Star's Window -by Epion/Tomohito Koyama- (Tokyo) -(2000) This page is created by Epion for communication about hobbies with friends. And this page's main topics are Astronomy,Computer Music,Photography,and Personal computers. (Astronomy , Music , Photography , computer , Hobby )
Ammonites from Hokkaido, Japan. Ammonites from Hokkaido, Japan. (Hokkaido) -(2000) Some Ammonites from Hokkaido, Japan. (ammonites, Hokkaido , ammonite , ammon, fossil , @ammon)
OHBAS's HOMA PAGE OHBAS's HOMA PAGE (Miyagi) -(2000) Ohba's website containing subsite of CG gallary "DREAMINGDREAM", "Yamano-Raireki (origin of mountains)" including gological interpretation to folklore and literatures by Kenji Miyazawa, and about miffy, a famous character by Dick Bruna. (OHBA's , DreamingDream , origin of mountains, Kenji Miyazawa, folklore , geology, volcano , miffy , northeastern Japan, Sendai )
kinmiraisha-bookcatalog kinmiraisha-bookcatalog (Aichi) -(1999) kinmiraisha's book guide (kinmiraisha, earthquake , disaster , geology, culture , asset , science , environment , publication , book )
Geology.Tokorozawa.Saitama.Japan Geology.Tokorozawa.Saitama.Japan (Saitama) -(1999) Amedasu Viewer for education high school and junior high school.Made by Yoshiji Watanabe.Meiho High School. (amedas, gelogy, earth , education , software , meiho )
herb and stones page herb and stones page (Tokyo) -(1999) This page is written by japanese only. About harb and stones. (geography , herb , garden , tea , biology , mountain )
Saitama Museum of Natural History Saitama Museum of Natural History (Saitama) -(1998) Saitama Museum of Natural History's Homepage (Natural , History , Saitama , Japan , Geology, Biology )
EarthScience Laboratory of Senior High School attached Aichi University of Education EarthScience Laboratory of Senior High School attached Aichi University of Education (Aichi) -(1998) Earthscience Laboratory of Senior High School attached Aichi University of Education (EarthScience, University , Education )
Institute of Geosciences Institute of Geosciences (Shizuoka) -(1996) Serving various informations various informations about our institute in both Japanese and English, etc.
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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