The structure of The Cicada and the Ant. (Kyoto) - We have two blind epots concerning The Cicada and the ant by Aesopus' fable. Is Diligence so much important? (Aesopus)
RIETSU CO.,LTD. (Tokyo) - Our company is a company of wholesale, such as miscellaneous goods, clothing, food, and the precious metals, and import wholesale. Export commission of a used motorbike is also performed. (import, trade, bike, discount, wholesale)
glasshopper (Kanagawa) -(2002) I am the glasshopper. (glasshopper)
zenosu company (Ibaraki) -(2001) zenosu company (arowana, afurikatumegaeru, futahoshikorogi, kaeru, korogi, ikie, nettaigyo, miruwamu, hacyurui, reutouesa)
Welcome to the grasshoppers world (Kyoto) -(2000) I'll send the ecology of the grasshoppers photos that is very new and lovely. So I'd like to know everybody their real states. (Welcome, to, the, grasshoppers, world, digital, camera)