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{hard, hardware} + {music, musical} + {rock, rocking, rockin}
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Reference(frequency) {heavy}
UNOFFICIAL AUDIOSLAVE FANSITE UNOFFICIAL AUDIOSLAVE FANSITE - audioslave website for japanese fans. biography, discography, translated articles and interviews, lyrics, tabs, pics, etc. (audioslave, chris cornell, brad wilk, tim commerford, tom morello, soundgarden, rage against the machine, rock , hard rock , music )
Why? and Jazz Why? and Jazz (Aichi) - i love music. do you love it? (music , soul , techno , jazz , rock , blues , funk , reggae , mystery , hardboiled)
WindingZoetrope WindingZoetrope (Hyogo) - Welcome to WindingZoetrope Amateur band in Japan's site.You ca't see the good preview (English) if you wanna see with Your computer no install language the Japnese. So sorry. (WindingZoetrope, Music , Member , Nuno, Guitar , Rock , HR, HM, Devin, Washburn)
GUTIAR TARO HP GUTIAR TARO HP (Nagano) - Please come my HP! (Guitar , Music , Rock )
givela's HomePage givela's HomePage (Mie) - matsusaka,mie,japan (music , fishing , punk , hardrock , radio , classic , visual , 4speaker, 100yenCD, rock )
AGURA/HIOC AGURA/HIOC (Nara) - HARDCORE PUNK BAND HIOC and AGURA (NEW Project of TARO (ex-HIOC)'s WebSites. (HIOC, rock , punk , hardcore , music , culture , agura)
mattikurei-poohyan-land mattikurei-poohyan-land (Osaka) - Pooh made original music.Midi and mp3 is good! (midi , mp3 , music , rock , p-box, yamaha , roland , poohyan)
Dorothy'sCandy Dorothy'sCandy (Chiba) -(2002) Kawan Takahide's HomePage (Dorothy'sCandy, cat , rock , takahide, kawano , alternative , grunge , heavyrock , hardrock , punk )
VIVA VIVA (Kanagawa) -(2002) THIS IS MUSIC SITE (VIVA , music , rock , hardcore , mixture )
Personal Data of Shigeboh Personal Data of Shigeboh (Tokyo) -(2002) Shigeboh is a Japanese amatuer singer & songwriter. In this page, he is introducing to himself. (singer , songwriter , profile , japanese , midi , mp3 , desktopmusic, pops , rock , musician )
Eros's Little Room Eros's Little Room (Kanagawa) -(2002) Hey Guys! Do you know THE MAD CAPSULE MARKETS? Come on! I show you! (MAD , EROS , LISTEN , THEMAD, PICTURE , PIC , BBS , CHAT , HARDROCK , GIF )
The Spinner The Spinner (Hokkaido) -(2002) Main contents: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure,Musics,interesting talk,and so on. (jojo , HR, HM, HR/HM, MR.BIG, B'z , fishing , lure )
PEARL JAM SHOP PEARL JAM SHOP (Tokyo) -(2002) Pearl Jam Online Shop (PearlJam, music , rock , Seattle )
puri puri (Kanagawa) -(2001) puripuripuri (HR/HM, puri, rock , h, a, m, b, o, j , s)
CD Review CD Review (Iwate) -(2001) Jun's HomePage (music , rock , pops , CD , Review , hardrock , America , uk , rock&roll , sound )
DEEPFACTORY DEEPFACTORY (Tokyo) -(2001) Movie&Music (JapaneseOnly) (movie , music , DEEPFACTORY)
TAILGUNNER TAILGUNNER (Saitama) -(2001) toyguncustom (airgun , toygun, casio , fiva, B's, movie , music , hardrock )
TETSUYA CHIBA MUSIC STATION TETSUYA CHIBA MUSIC STATION (Tokyo) -(2001) This page produces original songs (MP3) made by TETSUYA CHIBA. And this also has 30sec.-demo songs, and so, please feel free to access! Check it out right now!! (MP3 , song , music , singer , writer , pops , rock , hardrock , original , new )
Hyper enough radio Hyper enough radio (Mie) -(2001) In our usual room, we are listening to our favorite punk, hardcore, and guitarpop music. (music , rock , punk , hardcorepunk , guitarpop , alternative , indies, radio , label , mp3 )
...in your side ...in your side (Tokyo) -(2000) for D.I.Y punx! hard core,fast,emo,chaotic,rock!! (punk , hardcore , emo , chaotic , live , fastcore, inyourside, rock , goe)
Sound Picture Sound Picture (Hyogo) -(2000) Sound Picture is music and photogragh Homepage. Welcome to your access! (music , photogragh, hardrock , camera )
zionghead,japan zionghead,japan (Chiba) -(2000) zionghead's homepage (ZIONGHEAD, FLAVOR , ROSALIND, G-FREAKFACTORY, ZEROHOUR, PULLINGTEETH, VACUUM , BOMBFACTORY)
We plays many kind of music. Let's enjoy music with us!! We plays many kind of music. Let's enjoy music with us!! (Tokyo) -(2000) This site is Breakdown's Web site.There is Real Audio & MIDI DATE. And information of Desk Top Music. (XGWORKS, DTM , DESK , TOP , MUSIC , GUITAR , ROCK , POPS , PUNK , FUSION )
Masapine's page Masapine's page (Hyogo) -(2000) WORKOUT. Itami,Hyogo,Japan (Tony , MacAlpine)
SHIO'S ROCK THE HOUSE SHIO'S ROCK THE HOUSE (Tokyo) -(2000) Japanese female Vocalist 'SHIO's site.You can listen to her original music and POWERFUL voice. (rock , progressive , hard , vocal , voice , training , female , music , composer )
Indies Front Line Indies Front Line (Tokyo) -(2000) japanese indies music page (indies, punk , rock , music , underground , visual , noiz, junk )
HUCK FINN'S HOME PAGE! HUCK FINN'S HOME PAGE! (Aichi) -(1998) HUCK FINN has been operating since 1981 in IMAIKE the most exciting district of Japan's central city, NAGOYA.. (JAPAN , NAGOYA , IMAIKE , ROCK , LIVE , HOUSE , HUCK, FINN, HARD , CORE )
listen to the whole genre of music listen to the whole genre of music (Fukuoka) -(1998) This site introduces the whole excellent music that's unfairly known. This site also requests for your recommendations of YOUR favorite CDs. (jazz , guitarist , WorldMusic , rock , CD , progressive , fusion )
ROCK,HARDCORE,TECHNO ROCK,HARDCORE,TECHNO (Osaka) -(1998) HardGrindGabberRock and SensitiveCoreRock Site (hardcore , gabber , hardrock , techno , G.I.F , music , alternative )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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