(Tokyo) - Wonderful fruit"CAMU-CAMU" is the treasury of natural vitamin C!! The amount of vitamins is 2994mg in 100g! About 60 times as much natural vitamin C as lemon (50mg of fruit juice) is included. Fruits will bear purple from deep red, if a globular shape and an outer skin are smooth for the diameter of 2cm - 3cm and it ripens [ there is gloss and ]. Flesh is near pink transparently. In Peru, it is used as a dressing for salads which reinforces the material of juice, ice cream, jam, a candy, and jelly, and vitamin C as healthily good fruits. (camucamu, vitaminC, fruit, healthily, Peru, kinos, japan, camu-camu, camu camu, camucamufruit)
(Tokyo) - Wonderful fruit"CAMU-CAMU" is the treasury of natural vitamin C!! The amount of vitamins is 2994mg in 100g! About 60 times as much natural vitamin C as lemon (50mg of fruit juice) is included. Fruits will bear purple from deep red, if a globular shape and an outer skin are smooth for the diameter of 2cm - 3cm and it ripens [ there is gloss and ]. Flesh is near pink transparently. In Peru, it is used as a dressing for salads which reinforces the material of juice, ice cream, jam, a candy, and jelly, and vitamin C as healthily good fruits. (camucamu, vitaminC, fruit, healthily, Peru, kinos, japan, camu-camu, camu camu, camucamufruit)