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{hear, listening, listen, hearing} + {music, musical} + {rock, rocking, rockin}
[ Index
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web DAWNS web DAWNS (Tokyo) - We are Japanese Rock band. Welcome to our homepege! (HEAD , GOOD , TV , ROCK , molt , music , band , live , CD , TAPE )
Listen to my music Listen to my music (Saitama) - Norissy's music site (music , MIDI , Rock , Pops , hobby , ZONE )
Born To Lose Born To Lose (Tokyo) - very cool rock website!hard rock,heavy metal,progressive rock,and much more!all kind of the rock music! (WOD, HR/HM, LOUDNESS , ORIGINALSOUND, RECORD , ROCKBAND , DRUM , CD , LIVE , VIDEO )
ZGGZ-site ZGGZ-site (Tokyo) - ZGGZ-HomePage (band , hirosima , music , japan )
Spurn Spurn (Aichi) - Spurn is under activity in Nagoya-city. Original music is also exhibited ! (spurn, skytrain, music , live , muzie, rock , spitz , pops , guitar , navy )
SYMPHODIST SYMPHODIST (Osaka) - SYMPHODIST's official homepage SYMPHODIST is dark and hard rockband in Japan. SYMPHODIST's music is somewhat classical. (rock , band , guitar , hard , classic , Japan , CD , live , music , indie )
Rabbit's Opinion Web Site = shoUjiro's web site Rabbit's Opinion Web Site = shoUjiro's web site (Tokyo) - Rabbit's Opinion Web Site = shoUjiro's web site (live , audition , rock , pops , blus, shoujirouumeno, rabbit'sopinion, diary , picture , music )
Time1019-online- Time1019-online- (Osaka) - This homepage wanted as many people as possible to get to know my music, and created this. If you listen to my music, I need to think that it is very glad. (Time1019, Time , yama3, Music , ambient , Still , Love , osaka , EasyListening, Grand )
STAIL indies band homepage STAIL indies band homepage (Saitama) - STAIL is rockband the music is good!! (indies, rock , pops , saitama , rockband , music , cd , hot , cool , stail)
Triangle Force Online Triangle Force Online (Kanagawa) - This is HP of Japanese rock band,TRIANGLE FORCE!! Check it out and enjoy it!! (TRIANGLE , FORCE , Music , rock , band , K2U, Suzuki , Masaya , CD )
Spacejuke.com Spacejuke.com (Tokyo) - music program site (J-POP , MUSIC , ROCK , POP , TV , RADIO , PV, BAND , JPOP , MOVIE )
muu muu (Osaka) -(2002) MP3 (MP3 , BGM , Rock , Guitarpop , realplayer , BGM )
++ COOKIE ++ ++ COOKIE ++ (Kyoto) -(2002) we are COOKIE!! (KOICHI , MITCHAN, RYOTA , LIVE , MUSIC , POP , ROCK , BASS , GUITAR , DRUM )
RE-LIZE RE-LIZE (Osaka) -(2002) RE-LIZE HomePage (POPS , ROCK , MUSIC , DL, mp3 , J-POP , NetRadio , Vocal , kenshin , RE-LIZE)
mp3.com kenshin mp3.com kenshin (Osaka) -(2002) mp3.com kenshin HomePage (POPS , ROCK , MUSIC , VOCAL , DL, mp3 , J-POP , NetRadio , kenshin , RE-LIZE)
VORTEX RECORDS VORTEX RECORDS (Tokyo) -(2002) VORTEX RECORDS official web site (music , record , audition , demo , rock , techno , dub, artist , label , dance )
EVER'est Official Site EVER'est Official Site (Tokyo) -(2002) Hello!! Welcome EVER'est official site! (EVER'est, Tokyo , Rock , music , band , Ayers, everest , official )
Eros's Little Room Eros's Little Room (Kanagawa) -(2002) Hey Guys! Do you know THE MAD CAPSULE MARKETS? Come on! I show you! (MAD , EROS , LISTEN , THEMAD, PICTURE , PIC , BBS , CHAT , HARDROCK , GIF )
spaceBUZZ spaceBUZZ (Aichi) -(2002) It is network distribution about the pattern of a live event. An indies band is supported in various forms. others -- sound source audition ranking -- useful -- contents fullness, such as a link collection (rock , punk , indies, band , music , sound , streaming , net , event )
PUNKBAND MAKKACHING HP PUNKBAND MAKKACHING HP (Kanagawa) -(2002) Blowout system band which is working centering on Kanagawa The audition of HP member prof of MAKKACHING, live information, and music can also be performed. (PUNK , BAND , LIVE , MUSIC , ROCK , Audition )
Kenfucky Fried Chickens! Listening site Kenfucky Fried Chickens! Listening site -(2002) Taiwan most stylish alterbative band KFFC's site. (download , punk , free , rock , music , band , independent , Mpeg , oversea , alternative )
sandwich factory corporation internet sandwich factory corporation internet (Tokyo) -(2001) rock band sandwich factory corporation (rock , band , live , music , sandwich , factory , corporation )
LISTENING LISTENING (Kyoto) -(2001) I'm a LOMO Grapher (music , LOMO, rock , pop , core , travel , album , alternative , live , radio )
STATISTICS Official WEB Page STATISTICS Official WEB Page (Kanagawa) -(2001) STATISTICS is a Progressive Hard Rock BAND which is so POP and catchy that both so called J-POP fans and Rock fans can love to listen. (e-music, music , free , download , metal , J-POP , Rock , SONG , indies, STATISTICS )
Listen To The Music Listen To The Music (Kanagawa) -(2001) Nakman's Home Page (nakman, keith , richards , free , man , going , home, fly , away2000, blues )
RAZE RAZE (Ibaraki) -(2001) oh (RAZE, RYU , SHIN , YU-MA, LIVE , ROCK )
GIRL'S MUSIC ONLINE GIRL'S MUSIC ONLINE (Kanagawa) -(2001) Onlinemusic.ne.jp is RealMusic!! (girls , onlinemusic, pop , rock , reggee, techno , jazz , classic )
let's find out about swarm's arm let's find out about swarm's arm (Tokyo) -(2001) Official site for the Tokyo-based indie pop band, swarm's arm . Offers history, photos, discography, sound and video clips, schedule and more. (music , indies, guitar , rock , audio , sound , RealPlayer , Windows Media Player, event , swarmsarm)
CORNELIA CORNELIA (Tokyo) -(2001) Cornelia's official HomePage !! (band , live , mp3 , midi , word , cornelia, fanclub , rock , music , cd )
6'smiles(Japan) 6'smiles(Japan) (Mie) -(2001) pokkunn's HomePage (6'smiles, pop , rock , guitarpop , powerpop, diary , band , music , live , listten)
MyWife MyWife (Miyagi) -(2001) Crick here and listen my original world class music MP3. (MyWife, MP3 , Rock , Pop , Japanese , StevieWonder, NeilYoung, RichardThompson, RadioHead , LowBarlow)
CLARABELL HOMEPAGE CLARABELL HOMEPAGE (Saitama) -(2001) This is CLARABELL's homepege. Original tune is able to listen to it. (realplayer , windowsmediaplayer, rock , band , music , originaltune, song )
Crush & Build Records Crush & Build Records (Tokyo) -(2000) This site is organized by Tokyo FM . Please send us your original songs and join the Audition system ! (tokyoFM, radio , crush , Audition , build , debut , streaming , MP3 , realaudio , Rock )
Really Nuts Homepage Really Nuts Homepage (Kyoto) -(2000) REALLY NUTS is the Japanese rock artist who play great rock music in Tokyo.This HP, We'll introduce them and let you know their information and their schedule coming up next, enjoy ! (REALLY , NUTS , rock , music , musician , artist , Japanese , Japan , original , popular )
the Village of HAGERON the Village of HAGERON (Tokyo) -(2000) Stress free rock music from TOKYO! Easy-Listening CORE MUSIC! HAGERON's official site. Don't miss it! (music , rock , tokyo , Easy-Listening, core , indies, band , live , concert , stress )
RockJazzPops RockJazzPops (Kanagawa) -(2000) rock (rock , jazz , hiphop , midi , wav , mp3 )
Hi-Jump Hi-Jump (Tokyo) -(2000) We are the music label from Japan. If You want hear new cool sound , please access our web. There , you can get many songs for free ! (label , music , MP3 )
listen to the whole genre of music listen to the whole genre of music (Fukuoka) -(1998) This site introduces the whole excellent music that's unfairly known. This site also requests for your recommendations of YOUR favorite CDs. (jazz , guitarist , WorldMusic , rock , CD , progressive , fusion )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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