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{hospital, clinic} + {lumbago} + {shoulder} + {stiff, stiffness, stiffen}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
kajimura_chiropractic_clinic kajimura_chiropractic_clinic (Kyoto) - kajimura_chiropractic_clinic
agatuma youtuu-dou seitai ryouinn fureai agatuma youtuu-dou seitai ryouinn fureai (Tokyo) - low-back pain stif neck headache oriental traditional health method japan tokyo kanda urawa-city chiropractic pain ache treatment trigeneivial insomnia arthritis neuralgia muscle neurological massage tendon hamstring migraine dysmenorrhea shoulders stress blood-pressure spasm fatigue health method japan tokyo kanda saitama urawa-city (low-back, pain , stif, lumbago , headache , saitama , spine , chiyodaku, minamiurawa , chiropractic )
Amita HariKyu Inn Amita HariKyu Inn (Tokyo) - Tokyo,JAPAN (amita, shinkyuin, katakori, youtsuu, chiyoda-ku, jiritsusinkei, zutsuu, hari, kudan , shinkyu)
Itsuki's HomePage PhysicalTherapist Itsuki's HomePage PhysicalTherapist (Saitama) - ageo, saitama, japan (Chiropractic , Lumbago , Stiffness , Physical , Therapist , Saitama , Ageo , massage)
kezuka's,homepage kezuka's,homepage (Kanagawa) - kawasaki,kanagawa,japan (kezuka, Chairoprachic)
bonestretcher bonestretcher (Kyoto) - bonestretcher (bonestretcher)
at peace at peace (Kyoto) - At Peace kinesiology chiropractic tuning fork therapy (kinesiology , chiropractic , tuning , fork , therapy )
Wada Acupuncture&Moxibustion Wada Acupuncture&Moxibustion (Osaka) - Acupuncture&Moxibustion (Acupuncture , Moxibustion , Osaka , pain , health , medicine , needle , stiffness )
rinpaseitaihokutokinseichiryouin rinpaseitaihokutokinseichiryouin (Hokkaido) - (hokuto , kinsei, sanjiku, rinpa, seitai, youtuu, katakori, kairopurakuteku, serapi, kenkou)
Osteopathy Hospital Yamamoto Osteopathy Hospital Yamamoto (Osaka) - http://www.e-seikotuin-yamamoto.com (sprain , chiropractic , remedy , fracture , bonesetter , bonesetting, Osteopathy , Hospital )
RelaxSpace RelaxSpace (Fukuoka) - RelaxSpace (RelaxSpace)
nakamura-chiryoin nakamura-chiryoin (Kanagawa) - chiryo katakori
yamazaki acupuncture yamazaki acupuncture (Saitama) - The person who doesn't get well wherever it goes Consult on the lumbago,the neuralgia , the knee pain, climacteric fault and traffic accident aftereffects, any other pain. (needle , moxibustion )
japan matuto massage japan matuto massage (Chiba) - massage japan matuto (massage, japan , matuto, matsuto)
sakai.shiatsu sakai.shiatsu (Saitama) - make your enjoy life
Tsutsumi seikotsuin's Home Page Tsutsumi seikotsuin's Home Page (Ibaraki) - Tsutsumiseikotsuin.Tsukuba.Japan (judo-therapy)
Ichihara Bodycare Laboratory Ichihara Bodycare Laboratory (Tokyo) - Your Bodycare Laboratory (SholderPain, LowBackPain, Headache , Insomnia , Fracture , Sprain , Esema, Neuralgie, Algomenorrhea, IntervertebralDiscs)
Alba's Chiro,Tokyo,Miyakawa Chiropractic Alba's Chiro,Tokyo,Miyakawa Chiropractic (Tokyo) - Miyakawa's chiropractic.Tokyo,Japan. (miyakawa , chiropractic , hernia , setagaya , stiff , shoulder , neck , slipped, disk , headache )
Okazaki Clinic Of Osteopathy Okazaki Clinic Of Osteopathy (Kochi) - Okazaki Clinic Of Osteopathy (Osteopathy , hand , power , stiffness , in, the, shoulder , lumbago , cancer , diabetes )
PAINLESS GINZA CLINIC PAINLESS GINZA CLINIC (Tokyo) - Painless Clinic (Painless , Clinic )
healthy-slim-miwa healthy-slim-miwa (Ibaraki) - enjoy diet (diet )
woo woo (Shizuoka) - I Like woo (woo )
tukiji,cyuuou,tokyo,japan tukiji,cyuuou,tokyo,japan (Tokyo) - smile clinic (pain , clinic , ischodynia, lumbago , hernia )
IKAI acupuncture clinic IKAI acupuncture clinic (Kyoto) - IKAI Acutuncture Clinic is incurable disease speciality clinic at throat middle place in the Kyoto city. It responds to consultations, such as a person who has not been satisfied although various medical treatment was performed, and a person forsaken in Western medicine. (kyoto , acupuncture , clinic , back pain, medicine , treatment , shiatsu)
Kawai Manual Therapeutics Kawai Manual Therapeutics (Aichi) - Our manual therapeutics is effective in headache, the stiffness of the shoulders, lumbago, a hernia, menopausal disorders, autonomic imbalance, healthy maintenance, etc. Chiryu-shi, Aichi (headache, , the, stiffness , of, the, shoulders, , lumbago, , a, hernia, , menopausal)
tokyo kapou clinic tokyo kapou clinic (Tokyo) - we presents heslthy! by kanpo (kanpo)
tsutsumiseikotsuin.Tokyo.Japan tsutsumiseikotsuin.Tokyo.Japan (Tokyo) -(2002) Tsutsumi seikotsuin's Home Page (judo-therapy, Judotherapist, Tokyo , Japan )
SUNWELLNESS Home Page SUNWELLNESS Home Page (Tokyo) -(2002) Shinnjyuku,Tokyo,Japan (theraphy, barrance, altanative, medicine , life , yoga , karate )
ishizuka dental office ishizuka dental office (Kanagawa) -(2002) homepege of ishizuka dental office (dental , caries , perio , TMD, orthdontics)
NoderaJyokendou NoderaJyokendou (Tokyo) -(2002) NoderaJyokendou's HomePage SkinManipulation (SkinManipulation)
Kaikidou osteopathic and acupuncture clinic for hallux valgus and ingrown toenail Kaikidou osteopathic and acupuncture clinic for hallux valgus and ingrown toenail (Osaka) -(2002) Kaikidou osteopathic and acupuncture clinic'Home Page Object: hallux valgus, ingrown toenail, low back pain(LBP), stiff neck, gonalgia and feeling of cold et al. Treatment: Kasahara's taping therapy, Super Elastic Wire and Shape Memory Alloy Plate therapy, osteopathy, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, rolling action massage et al. ADD:Isoji2-12-1-109, minato-ku, osaka, japan Tel.&Fax:06-6575-4118
Kimura Chiropractic Kichijoji Tokyo Japan Kimura Chiropractic Kichijoji Tokyo Japan (Tokyo) -(2002) Kimura Chiropractic Kichijoji's Home Page (low , back , pain , headache , kichijyoji, mitaka , musashino , chiropractic , tokyo , health )
chiropracticcenter koikeseitaiin chiropracticcenter koikeseitaiin (Kanagawa) -(2002) (chiropractic , seitai, pain , kawasaki , kanagawa , beauty , health , footcare , bodybarance, relaxation )
mikage surgery clinic mikage surgery clinic (Hyogo) -(2002) mikage surgery clinic (surgery , clinic )
sakai.siatsu sakai.siatsu (Saitama) -(2002) make your enjoy life
houyaekimaeseitaiin houyaekimaeseitaiin (Tokyo) -(2002) houyaekimaeseitaiin'HomePage (youtuu, katakori, gittukurigosi, sijyuukata, seitai, chiropractic , kyousei, houyaekimae, houyaekimaeseitaiin, houyaeki)
AKA,central massage manipulation clinic AKA,central massage manipulation clinic (Tokyo) -(2002) open up with your health and happy smile (massage, manipulation , clinic , relaxation , lumbago , stiff , relax )
kishihospital kishihospital (Ibaraki) -(2002) painclinic (pain , Tsuchiura , acupancture, lumbago , neck , stiffness )
someya dental clinic someya dental clinic (Saitama) -(2002) cool (cool )
sante relax sante relax (Fukuoka) -(2002) We care your pain. (pain , relax , massage, alternative , care , muscle , bone , sprain , sports )
SATORU ACUPUNCUTRE SATORU ACUPUNCUTRE (Hokkaido) -(2002) acupuncuture and moxibustion,sapporo,japan (acupuncture , moxibustion , healing , yin-yang, massage)
Chairopractic Chairopractic (Fukuoka) -(2002) yes (Chairopractic)
PATCH CONDITIONING PATCH CONDITIONING (Tokyo) -(2002) I want to arrange your conditioning. Patch Conditioning's Home Page. (acupressure , rehabilitation , pain )
NogiSeikotuin NogiSeikotuin (Osaka) -(2002) NogiSeikotuinHomePage
Ichiwaka Kinsei-in Ichiwaka Kinsei-in (Chiba) -(2002) Body design and adjustment for healthy life. (symmetry, chiropractic , backache , posture , strained back, bow legs, stiff shoulders , warp , joint pain, alternative therapy )
kawasaki manipulaition office kawasaki manipulaition office (Tokyo) -(2001) Kawasaki Manipulation Office's HomePage
tk-in tk-in (Osaka) -(2001) Please consult it worry, of every body. Higashi-Yodogawa,Osaka,Japan (Lumbago , Headache , Tinnitus, Knee )
acupuncture treatment room rakko-do acupuncture treatment room rakko-do (Tokyo) -(2001) we are going to open homepage soon. please wait. (acupuncture )
Masui Oriental Clinic Masui Oriental Clinic (Hokkaido) -(2000) Masui Oriental Clinic Acupuncture and Mox (acupuncture , mox, therapy , stiffness , pain , headache , health , diet , lumbago , marathon )
art chiropractic office art chiropractic office (Tokyo) -(2000) art chiropractic office back pain treatment backbone pervis adjustment, art slim beauty consultation room ear point a ntifat treatment (chiropractic , acupuncture , backpain, antifat, diet , therapy )
genki's HomePage genki's HomePage (Gifu) -(2000) Akanabe,Gifu,Japan
Seitai Arai Home Page Seitai Arai Home Page (Toyama) -(2000) Seitai.Toyama.Japan (Chiropractic , Massage, Stiff , Shoulders , Lumbago , Sauna )
Japan Adjustment Therapeutist Society's Homepage Japan Adjustment Therapeutist Society's Homepage (Tokyo) -(2000) Japan Adjustment Therapeutist Society's Homepage
Masuda Sekkotuin Masuda Sekkotuin (Fukushima) -(2000) Masuda sekkotuin's Home Page (TDE, perfect , harmony , Lumbago , TDI)
Hiro Acupuncture & Mxibustion Kyoto,Japan. Hiro Acupuncture & Mxibustion Kyoto,Japan. (Kyoto) -(2000) Acupuncture & Mxibustion Kyoto,Japan (Kyoto , Japan , Acupuncture , Moxibustion )
MurakamiTyuuouSeitaiin MurakamiTyuuouSeitaiin (Osaka) -(1999) good (chiropractic )
Nihon Seitai Nihon Seitai (Gifu) -(1999) Gifu, Japan.
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
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