HIRATA LABORATORY (Saitama) - If you have an interest in Cogeneration, Gas turbine, Pipeline, Gas fuel, Combined Cycle and Hydrogen energy, Please drop by Dr. HIRATA is one of the most famous scholar in such a field of Japan. (gas, turbine, cogeneration, pipeline, repowering, combined, cycle, distributed, energy, system)
hydrogen bomb official homepage (Osaka) -(2001) This homepage has a lot of infomation about our band hydrogen bomb. You can listen to our music in this homepage. (hydrogen, bomb, JOIN)
INTELLIGENT OPTICAL SYSTEMS JAPAN,INC. (Kanagawa) -(2000) Intelligent Optical Systems was founded in April,1998,exclusively to focus on optics-based ssensing and monitoring products.The IOS team has developed cutting-edge technologies for fiber optic biochemical and environmental sensors,monolithic on-chip chemical sensors,highly multiplexed physical and structural sensors,intelligent monitoring instrumentation,and sensor networks. (fiber optic sensor, biochemical sensor, hydrogen leak sensor, fuel cell, environmental, Biotechnology, gene chip readout, Neural network, chemical,physical,biological optrodes, Bragg grating technology)
chuwa (Tokyo) -(2000) incinerator that can burn waste perfectly in safe. keep under reguration value of dioxins, Hcl, dust. (incinerator, dioxins, ElectroStaticPrecipitator, drier, EnvironmentMachine, waste, sludge, dust, Hcl, ScrappedMaterial)
NIPPOH CHEMICALS CO., LTD. (Tokyo) -(2000) The early entry of the company into the field of fine chemicals enabled the use of unique technologies, resulting in a great number of special original products based on iodeine, cyanogen, and bromide that won the trust of consumers. (IODINE, BROMINE, SYANO)
Welcome to Safety Tech. (Hyogo) -(2000) The Third Party Inspection including Used Plant/Machinery Inspection for the shipment to Indonesia, Sales of Seiryu Densetsu, Water Purifier/Activator and other services related to Information Technology Business. ISO consultancy for foreign affiliates is one of our latest services. Our Home page is frequently updated. (Inspection, Indonesia, Active Hydrogen, Water Purifier, Water Activator, Safety Tech., Seiryu Densetsu, Used Machinery, SOHO, Plant Inspection)
BatteryShop Paco (Fukuoka) -(2000) High costperformance & high power! ni-mh,ni-cd battery shop, customize ok! pacobattery.com (Ni-mh, Ni-cd, battery, camera, professional)