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{information, informational} + {process, processing}
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Toyohasi Sozo College Toyohasi Sozo College (Aichi) - It goes on to an information system university. The Toyohashi Sozo College media network subject of study Japan's network engineer is insufficient now. The Cisco networking academy establishment, CCNA, CCNP. A practice lesson is developed as an oracle database academy tie-up school. (cisco , oracle , networking , academy , ccna , cg , ra, toyohashi , sozo college, database )
[.IT(dot IT)] [.IT(dot IT)] (Aichi) - [.IT(dot IT)] is an aid site for the direction which takes network-related IT qualification!! (IT, Cisco , CCNA , CCNP, CCDA, CCDP, CCIP, Checkpoint, CCSA, Network )
PITS PITS (Saitama) - Welcome PITS site. (IT, system , developer , consultation , saitama , tokorozawa , kotesashi, information )
Kato's Logical World Kato's Logical World (Yamagata) - Kato's Logical World will introduce about learning, teaching, studies, digerati, infomation, school,report, book, Japan (mathematics , logic , teaching , studies , schoolreport, educationalplanning, autoplanner, electric , notes , soft )
SANPO SYSTEM CO.,LTD. SANPO SYSTEM CO.,LTD. (Kanagawa) - SANPO-SYSTEM Homepage (Software , Web , LED )
goukakuit goukakuit (Osaka) - sorry japanease only (IT)
mesimakobu mesimakobu (Kyoto) - MESHIMAKOBU which has an effect in cancer prevention (meshimakobu, antineoplastic, matsutake matsutake , virus , medical treatment , cancer , transition , control , prevention , immunity , action , supplement , powder , daily , neoplasm , malignancy , processed )
MicroTV MicroTV (Osaka) - microtv (MicroTV, cable , unix , Linux , windows , pc , netcam, webcam, contents , redhat )
tech21 tech21 (Aichi) - Any vivration page (vivration, FEM )
Shunji,Mitsuyoshi,HOMEPAGE Shunji,Mitsuyoshi,HOMEPAGE (Tokyo) - Shunji Mitsuyoshi is Established ST (Sensibility Technology).Announced ST Sensitivity Computer. Sensibility Technology Robot. Academic paper, Quantum Computing was accepted by IEEE.Sentience system Computer.MIT visiting sculer (SentienceSystemComputer, ST , Sensibilitytechnology, MIT , mitsuyoshi , AGI, seibudou, IEEE , Robot , Quantum )
Earth Design International, Inc. Earth Design International, Inc. (Tokyo) - System for managing/tracing mask disposed state (Tracing , Visualize, Disclosure , Evaluation , Evidence , Environment , Inventory , Manifest, Waste , Management )
IT IT (Tokyo) - IT (IT)
PITS PITS (Saitama) - Welcome PITS site. (IT, system , developer , consultation , saitama , tokorozawa , kotesashi, information )
Welcom to Software Course Welcom to Software Course (Kanagawa) - C/C++ Programing Lesson (algorithms , C , C++ , VisualC++, program , software , object , language , system , engineer )
Kubopu's EOR!? Kubopu's EOR!? (Tokyo) - Kubopu's HomePage (MCP , MCSE , CCNA , MCP , MCSE , CCNA )
BUCHO.NU BUCHO.NU (Kanagawa) - Hello! I like trying new things,to know news,listen to people's ideas,opinions... watching movies, travelling in U.S, driving my car, romantic and dance music...now I want to do and make money in Computer market. If you want to learn Japanese,I will tell you and talk with you! I'm looking for Penpal. I'd like to learn lots of things from you by exchanging mails. (download , software , internet , personal , computer , chat , america , us , usa , drive )
A System engineer living in YOKOHAMA A System engineer living in YOKOHAMA (Kanagawa) - A System engineer living in YOKOHAMA (YOKOHAMA , Management , System , engineer , Consultant , Project , Professional )
S.I.Planning Co.,Ltd. S.I.Planning Co.,Ltd. (Osaka) - The total coordinator concerning information processing from an intranet systems configuration to network shopping. (SIPlanning, IntranetSystems , Computer , PackageSoft , Software , ServiceAreaSystem, FoodShopSystem, SalesManagement, InformationTechnology , Supply )
Limited company SAT Limited company SAT (Tokyo) - Limited company SAT (SAT , Development , Web , UNIX , ORACLE , DB2, JAVA , VisualBasic , COBOL , Windows )
Mastering C Language Mastering C Language (Tokyo) - This course provide you a skill of C Language from the beginners to the experts. The best point of this course is that you can ask a lot of questions via email. (C , language , programming )
Room of an information processing examination Room of an information processing examination (Saitama) - A software development engineer [ of a National Examination for Information Processing Technicians ] (one sort of old things), technical engineer (database, network ), and beginners' class system administrator's past collection of problems, Web quiz, etc. are offered. (National Examination for Information Processing Technicians, Technical engineer, Database , Network , Software development engineer , Beginners' class system administrator, quiz , Past problem , Information processing examination)
This page useful a sourse of information This page useful a sourse of information (Chiba) - everyday news (SCSI , Linux , Mac , windows , CD-R, CPU , USB , MIDI , MP3 , DVD )
Technical-G Technical-G (Kanagawa) - Technical-G (soft )
TERAHOUSE/TOKYO TECHNICAL COLLEGE TERAHOUSE/TOKYO TECHNICAL COLLEGE (Tokyo) - Tokyo Technical College have 5 campus in Tokyo,JAPAN.We have 24 departments of Automotive Engineering,Biotechnology,Environmental Technology,Design,Data Processing,Architecture. (Architecture , Automobile , Interior , Game , Internet , Biotecnology, Environment , Web , 3Demention, Dataprocessing)
Fat Scan Fat Scan (Tokyo) - The FatScan could scan the fat of the internal organs from CT image. This software is very powerful and simple. (Fat , scan , ct, analysis , internal , organs , scanner , film , ipa , physician )
okinawa herb development okinawa herb development (Okinawa) - okinawa herb development home pege (okinawa , turmeric , photo , herb , information , mail-order , explanation , tea , production , processing )
quiz quiz (Fukui) - fukui,Japan (quiz )
e-shikaku(charrenge e-shikaku) e-shikaku(charrenge e-shikaku) (Kanagawa) -(2002) e-shikaku it (s-shikaku, it, pasokon, internet )
Japan Software Management Co.,Ltd. Yokohama,Tokyo, JAPAN Japan Software Management Co.,Ltd. Yokohama,Tokyo, JAPAN (Kanagawa) -(2002) Japan Software Management Co.,Ltd. (bio , bioinformatics, computational , biology , se, hiring, requirements , recruitment )
Tech I Use Tech I Use (Kanagawa) -(2002) IT Consultant (Useware, Computer , IT, Internet , Network , LAN , Instractor, Support , Kanagawa , Kawasaki )
An easy way to cope with infomation through the internet An easy way to cope with infomation through the internet (Tokyo) -(2002) It is so important to expand your capabilities when you face huge flood of information through the internet. We have an easy way...
How to do speed reading How to do speed reading (Tokyo) -(2002) You can learn or work more with less stress by expanding your capabilities through our trainings.
sikaku sikaku (Tokyo) -(2002) sikaku (AFP , CFP )
Qualification information Qualification information (Kanagawa) -(2002) Detailed [ about an information processing engineer capability certification examination ]. (Information , processing )
CASL-II simulator CASL-II simulator (Chiba) -(2002) CASL-II page (CASL, CASL2, CASL II)
SAICE medical system page SAICE medical system page -(2002) SAICE Corporation deals with the clinical laboratory system(Laboratory Information System /Laboratory Automated System), myelogram counter myelogram counter , blood cell differencial counter blood cell differencial counter and so on. [Sorry,Japanese contents only] (computer , software , information system , image filing processing system, laboratory automated system, blood , marrow , cell , counter , clinical laboratory testing, medical , instruments )
Information Design Information Design (Tokyo) -(2002) the publication is japanese and accompanied with the set up of a website to complement the static content of the printed version with up-to-date information and a searchable database of ID related resources. (Information , Design , Interface , Process , Communication , Datebase)
ATYS ATYS (Kanagawa) -(2002) ATYS HOME (ATYS, ATY'S)
Japan Information Processing Service Co., Ltd. Securities & Finance Division Japan Information Processing Service Co., Ltd. Securities & Finance Division (Tokyo) -(2002) Total Solution Provider for Finance & Securities Division (Finance , Securities , Development , Software , Outsourcing , Integration , System , T+1)
Nihon-Intech corp. HomePage Nihon-Intech corp. HomePage (Kanagawa) -(2001) astugi, kanagawa, japan. (Nihon-Intech)
itwebtest.com itwebtest.com (Tokyo) -(2001) itwebtest.com (JITEC)
YUCK! Limited partnership. Tokyo,Japan. YUCK! Limited partnership. Tokyo,Japan. (Tokyo) -(2001) YUCK! Limited partnership's WebPage. Comprehensive advertising agency. Outsourcing business. (Advertising , Production , Outsourcing , Design , Printing , Advertisement , Medium , Event , Planning , Various )
Quotation Quotation (Tokyo) -(2001) I do an estimate publication of a machine equipment, electric equipment, test machine of all genres. Are enlisting a member, manufacturer (Fluid , inspection , machine , environment , machine , control , watching , equipment , measurement , measurement )
P's Software Homepage Tokyo Japan P's Software Homepage Tokyo Japan (Tokyo) -(2001) windows linux er medical (medical , pc , os )
konomi@x konomi@x (Yamagata) -(2001) takke's homepege (pc , bungy, etc., i-mode)
Information for German Environmental Technology fron Seto Information for German Environmental Technology fron Seto (Tokyo) -(2001) Umwelttechnologie-Nachrichten und -Informationen aus Deutschland und EU-Laendern, (Umwelt, Technologie, Information , Recycling , Wasser, Abwasser, Waste , Abfall)
BraiNet BraiNet (Aichi) -(2001) This site provides you various information of Brain; mail-magazine, current research information, digital art and so on. (brain , neuron , science , consciousness , memory , attention , biology , magazine , art , cognition)
Avesta Avesta (Tochigi) -(2001) Takeda's HomePage
Coral Home Page Coral Home Page (Tokyo) -(2001) Coral's Home Page (Coral , Akasaka,Minato-ku,Tokyo,Japan, CASL)
This page useful a sourse of information This page useful a sourse of information (Chiba) -(2001) everyday news (SCSI , Linux , Mac , windows , CD-R, CPU , USB , MIDI , MP3 , DVD )
adhocrat adhocrat (Tokyo) -(2001) ADHOCRAT's HomePage,Software & Out-sourcing. (SECS, XML , VRML , Java , out-sourcing, PC-assembly, Linux , PowerPoint)
Nakajo Engineering's HomePage Nakajo Engineering's HomePage (Niigata) -(2001) nakajo.hitachi.niigata.japan
Digital CirKit Digital CirKit (Chiba) -(2000) Digital Cirlit introduces you about my favorites! Kamagaya, Chiba, Japan (Cisco , hide , UNDERWORLD, TECHNO , PRELUDE )
Road To I-turn Road To I-turn (Osaka) -(2000) This page opens in public the information of my private plan to move to countryside. (iturn, uiturn, qualification , oracle , i-turn, ui-turn, u-turn, countryside , engineer )
Nihon System Design Nihon System Design (Saitama) -(2000) We can construct future system. (company , software , system , design , computer , internet )
YamamotoGakuen,Chiryuu,Aichi,Japan YamamotoGakuen,Chiryuu,Aichi,Japan (Aichi) -(2000) YamamotoGakuen,ComputerCollege (Infomation, Computer , College )
Kurashiki Sakuyo University Kurashiki Sakuyo University (Hokkaido) -(2000) In April, 2000, a uniquely international music education program will start in Kurashiki, Japan. (Kurashiki , Music , Piano , Tchaikovsky , Moscow , musicians )
ore no page ore no page (Kanagawa) -(2000) Japanese Painting Supporter's PAGE! (soccer , japan , national , team , hotspring , futsal , worldcup , olympic )
Mail-magagine for Sys.administrater until october Mail-magagine for Sys.administrater until october (Ibaraki) -(2000) Let's try the sys.administrater.3 time per one week. (sys.administrater, licence , Information-technology , mail-magagine, implement-tech.term)
Taira's Home Page Taira's Home Page (Miyagi) -(2000) My major research interest is in analogical problem solving and learning. (Cognitive , Psychology , thinking , learning , transfer , analogy, prblem, solving, statistics , information )
Cnet OrganicChemistry Cnet OrganicChemistry (Tokyo) -(2000) My home page is Cnet. OrganicChemistry (OrganicChemistry, database , cat , news , computer , college )
Numadu Commercial Senior High School Numadu Commercial Senior High School (Shizuoka) -(2000) Live Camera (Numadu , Commercial , Senior , High , School )
ICS CO.,LTD. Home Page ICS CO.,LTD. Home Page (Ehime) -(2000) ICS CO.,LTD. Home Page (J-Debit, VAN , IBM , PC , Iyobank)
Yumekobo - Dream Factory Yumekobo - Dream Factory (Saitama) -(2000) Murakami's HomePage (SOHO , Computer , Rock , Music , Karate , Hacker , Mac )
SUN-TEC Co.,Ltd SUN-TEC Co.,Ltd (Ibaraki) -(2000) SUN-TEC Co.,Ltd (SUN-TEC, Co.,Ltd, GPS )
IT plaza FIC IT plaza FIC (Fukushima) -(2000) Fukushima, Japan.
NewHP NewHP (Fukuoka) -(2000) japanesehorserace (horse , race , money )
KONCH-HP KONCH-HP (Fukuoka) -(2000) keiba horse race (keiba , horse , race , money , link )
OTAC Card Center OTAC Card Center (Kyoto) -(2000) J-Debit or Debit Card System include OTAC(OMRONSOFTWARE Total Acounting Card System). (J-Debit, Debit , DebitCard, CacheCard, PointCard)
studying abroad studying abroad (Hyogo) -(2000) studying abroad (TOEFL , SAT , GPA, ISU, CPU , AMERICA , MIT , UNIVERSITY )
saenba New-YAMASHIGE meat's information web saenba New-YAMASHIGE meat's information web (Kochi) -(2000) Saenba New-YAMASHIGE is a meat shop which seal meats & information web for meeats (saenbaNew-YAMASHIGE, meat , present , beef )
Systems Auditors Association of Japan Systems Auditors Association of Japan (Tokyo) -(1999) Systems Auditors Association of Japan (Systems Audit, Information Processing, Computer , Security , Virus , Y2K , RAS)
YUBI,.Co.LTD YUBI,.Co.LTD (Kanagawa) -(1999) We are YUBI,.co.ltd. Please,access our homepage UBNET. (CAD , OA , 3D , CG )
welcome to hiro's homepage!! welcome to hiro's homepage!! -(1998) fashoin,mail friend ,bbs,freemarket (fashion , mail , friend , bbs , freemarket )
Salt Inc. Salt Inc. (Tokyo) -(1998) Salt,Inc. tokyo Japan (FlexOS, RTOS , Operating System , Software , Operating System , Real-Time Operating System, Multitasking Operating System, Preemptive, POS , Point Of Sales, FA , ATM , Salt,Inc, ISI , Intel , SI , MSDOS, CP/M , Source Code, Scheduler , Priority Scheduler, Kernel , Pipe , Shared Memory, Round-robin, Dispatcher, Reentrant, IPC, Dynamic loading, Time Slice, Virtual Memory, Semaphore, Asynchronous, Misc , disk mirroring, DOS Application, Network , Ethertnet)
Kyoto Information Processing Service Co.,ltd. Kyoto Information Processing Service Co.,ltd. (Tokyo) -(1998) Kyoto Information Processing Service Co.,ltd. Webpage (FAX , CATV )
Institute for Vocational college Information Technology Education Institute for Vocational college Information Technology Education (Tokyo) -(1998) Institute for vocational college information technology education HomePage (School , Education , Technology , Multimedia , Contents , Network , Game , Creator , Engineer , Robot )
DTP support & Internet Consultant DTP support & Internet Consultant (Tokyo) -(1998) DTP support & Internet Consultant (DTP , PhotoRetouch, INTERNET , HOMEPAGE, SystemIntegration , NETWORK )
sekisui plastics' homepage sekisui plastics' homepage (Osaka) -(1997) sekisuiplastics'homepage (plastic , styrofoam, chemistry , recycle , environment , employment , company information, enterprise , waste , sekisui )
Mimasaka women's college and Mimasaka junior college Mimasaka women's college and Mimasaka junior college (Okayama) -(1996) (domestics , fashion , secretary , dietitian , infant , child , visual , ceramic art , information processing, fashion design)
Niigata High Technology College Niigata High Technology College (Niigata) -(1996) Niigata, Niigata, Japan. (college , multimedia )
Nikon System Nikon System (Kanagawa) -(1996) Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan. (information processing)
Information Processing Society of Japan Information Processing Society of Japan (Tokyo) -(1996) Minato, Tokyo, Japan. (research organization , computer )
Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (Tokyo) -(1995)IPA IPA Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan. A quasi-governmental organization established in 1970 with its mission to promote information technology and the industry. Serving organization profile, project overview, announcements, etc.
Information Processing Center, The University of Tokushima Information Processing Center, The University of Tokushima (Tokushima) -(1995)
Real World Computing Partnership Real World Computing Partnership (Tokyo) -(1995) Real World Computing Partnership, Tokyo, Japan. Serving information on the Real World Computing Program and Technical reports, etc.
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
こちら 。