Kusha (Osaka) -(2002) Kusha is the Web site which the aerial photograph of the Japanese principal cities is transmitted from onto the PC or the PDA. (PocketPC, HandheldPC, Zaurus, PC, infogate, PDA, NTT, DoCoMo, DATAWEST, ISO)
World City Guide -(1998) City Guides for All Travelers! We evaluate every city with Diarrhea, how dangerous Men are there and more interesting standards. Ready for Travel Links and Message Board. Essays, written by one College Girl, about Love, Pregnancy and Birth are Terrific! Girls, Check them out! (travel, information, city, guide, essay, united, states, USA, asia, europe)
Project for Global Information Issues (Tokyo) -(1995) Project for Global Information Issues is a project of GLOCOM (Center for Global Communications), which is affiliated with IUJ (International University of Japan). PGII's mission is to collect and analyze information concerning policy-making, legal issues, social institutions, and cultural practices as they develop with advances in information technology.