SUNG SENG CO., LTD. (Hyogo) - Sung Seng Co., Ltd was established in 1969 as a trading company importing and exporting machinery, Injection Moulds, Waste paper,clothing, , various goods, Kobe , Japan.Customer satisfaction has been our target in all these 34 years of our operation. We have now accumulated knowledge,experiences and expertise to be one of major supply sources. Please feel free to contact us . we available to speak multi-language which Japanese, English, Mandalin,Cantonese (Mould, machinery, ONP, automobile, import, export, Garments, car, injection)
ASAKAKOUBOU (Saitama) - The work of the trial product and product by FRP and NC and optical molding.The duplicate by vacuum fabrication.The environment-friendly car. (the trial product, the duplicate, optical molding, Fiber Reinforced Plastics, NC macine, vacuum fabrication, ecology car)
HIDECO Corpration (Tokyo) - Supplies magnetic compounds, ferrite powders for flexible magnets & soft ferrite, and the mfg. equipment such as presses, gap grinders, rolling M/C. (AirGapGrindingMachines, Anisotropy, MagneticCompounds, InjectionMolding, MagneticMaterials, CalcinedFerritePowder, FerriteCompounds, FlexibleBondedMagnets, HardFerriteMagnets, HIDECO)
3DTIMON - Injection molding CAE (Shiga) -(2002) Welcome to 3D TIMON HP. We have developed the software allows customers to conduct Injection molding simulation with 3D models! Please check out the contents of our website! (simulation, injection, mold, products, 3D, CAD)
CosTech's Homepage (Ibaraki) -(2001) M-COST is a progaram to quote the guideline-price of injection mold parts and those dies. Even the people who do not have expertise on dies and molding can use it. (CosTech, plastic, injection, quotation, mold)
HAKUSUI PLASTIC INDUSTRY CO.,LTD (Chiba) -(2001) Customer's plan idea is made a product. It corresponds consistently from the plan development to the manufacturing shipment as a professional of the thing making according to the hope of the customer. Please use it as a member of the distribution section customer's Manufacturing Department gate. (plastics, industry, manufacturing, plan development, molding, injection molding, blow molding, Chiba pref.)
Richell Industrial Parts Division Website (Toyama) -(2001) Global brands have chosen Richell as a business partner for its manufacturing knowhow combined with well-furnishied facility. Richell provides OEM including mobile communication equipment.
YoshikawaKasei (Osaka) -(2000) from the conception and design of production ltems to diemaking,molding and assembly an lntegrated production system that can meet a variety of needs