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Word(s): @={ipsec}

  • VPN-Club (Aichi) -
    Let's Try! VPN!! Japanese Only!
    (Windows2003, RTA, IPSec, Yamaha, DSL, Windows2000)

  • KASAGO IPv6 (Kanagawa) -
    KASAGO IPv6, a new version of KASAGO TCP/IP with remarkable record of implementation, is a TCP/IP Ipv6 protocol stack designed and developed for embedded systems.
    (ubiquitous, IPSec, IKE, T-Engine, IPv6, Mobile, WebBrowser)

  • KASAGO TCP/IP IPv4 (Kanagawa) -
    Kasago TCP/IP is a TCP/IP protocol stack developed by Elmic Systems specifically for embedded applications.
    (ubiquitous, embedded, IPSec, IPv6, WebServer, T-Engine, TCP/IP, MobileIP, SNMP, Mobile)

  • ChipSign Product and Technology -
    The chipSign product portfolio ranges from IP core, over chips to boards. Flagship product is the MODEX-7000 SSL Accelerator Card that eliminates SSL bottlenecks in secure servers. This board offers a unique combination of high performance (7,000 RSA operations per second) with low power (less than 3.5 watts), compressed form factor (only 5 mm building height) and high reliability (no fan means no moving parts).
    (chipSign, Accelerator, IPSec, Rubicon, TLS)

  • -(2001)
    "VPN Insider -- Superguide for Virtual Private Networks, IPSec, network security, routers, XX"
    (VPNs, Virtual Private Networks, Virtal Private, Virtual Privte, vpns, IPSec, ipsec, network security)

  • NTT-EAST:Ephelio-VPN Easy Kit (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Turn key solution presented by NTT-EAST for Internet virtual private network building.
    (VPN, Vertial, Private, Network, IPSec, Security, NetScreen, Firewall, Internet, Router)

  • -(2000)
    "VPNs, Virtual Private Networks, Virtal Private, Virtual Privte, vpns, IPSec, ipsec, networ XX"
    (VPNs, Virtual Private Networks, Virtal Private, Virtual Privte, vpns, IPSec, ipsec, network security)

  • Netlock Technologies Japan Corporation (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    Netlock provides end-to-end network security of data across between computers.
    (NetLOCK, security, network, internet, authentication, encryption, IPsec)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan