(Tokyo) - Shinwa School is since 1987 in Adachi-ku Tokyo. In small size friendly atmosphere from young children to elderly people have been studying English from native English teachers. Please feel free to contact us. (japan, school, english, native, conversation, tokyo, culture, japanese, student, bisiness)
(Nara) -(2000) Experiental(=learn by doing)learning center. Our members and visitors can enjoy themselves while learning, socializing and developing their language skill. (English, Language, Education, Center, learning, Nara, Japan, Museum, Life, Art)
(Tokyo) -(2000) This site is made for those who are studying English and world & us news.You can read the articles translated into Japanese side by side.Let's join us! (Bilingual, Net, News, bnn, bnn-japan, bilingualnetnews, Japanese, language, study, English)
(Hiroshima) -(2000) Hiroshima,Japan.
(Kyoto) -(1998) Since 1950, we provide various level of courses of Japanese langu age. Over twenty thousand graduates are now active in all parts of the world. Maintaining close contact with these people, the Center will continue to advance its role in international cultural exchange and friendship. (Japanese, School, Education, Language, Teacher)
-(1998) Are you seeking a Japanese Learning site? You would like to learn Japanese. But you have no access to a Japanese school, No textbook, no tutor. Here is the most suitable web site. Able Japanese Laboratory. (Japanese, English, Chinese, Multi-media, Interactive, Language, School, Agent, Able, Individual)
(Tokyo) -(1997) In This HomePage, I will show you some illustrations that I published in magazines or drew accepting requests by customers or only as a pastime. I'm going to renewal these at times. (illustration, picture, CG, anime, manga, animation, Japanese, linguistics)