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{Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese} + {student}
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@+{board, plate, boarding} ...(46)
@+{bulletin} ...(45)
@+{diary} ...(54)
@+{English} ...(55)
@+{foreign, oversea, abroad} ...(81)
@+{girl, woman, Musume, lady, daughter} ...(48)
@+{high, upper, up, higher} ...(130)
@+{junior} ...(49)
@+{language, lingual} ...(46)
@+{school, Gakuin, Gakuen, academy, Academia} ...(190)
@+{senior} ...(95)
@+{study, learn} ...(89)
@+{university} ...(89)
Yankira Tsusin Yankira Tsusin (Tokyo) - Koyanagi young killers HomePage (japan , yankira, youngkillers, tokyo , fuchu , koyanagi )
Investgating the truth about Zenrin Student Hall Investgating the truth about Zenrin Student Hall (Tokyo) - 1967 March, when Vietnum war was raging, and Chinese Cultural Revolution began, a conflict occurred between young Japan Communist Party members and Chinese students and many wounded. (Communist , Revolution , Mao , China , JCP , CCP)
La Honda jP La Honda jP (Tokyo) - Ti piace molto Italia? (ITALIA )
C.Yanagita,Miyazaki,Japan C.Yanagita,Miyazaki,Japan (Aichi) - chigusa yanagita (nagoya , miyazaki , aichi )
IJCE JAPAN IJCE JAPAN (Kanagawa) - IJCE is the organization made by mainly University students. (exchange , culture , iceland )
wagakki wagakki (Osaka) - welcome (syamisen)
about one japanese student's life. about one japanese student's life. (Mie) - i hope that u like here
Amateur Theater Group HIRAKI-ZA Amateur Theater Group HIRAKI-ZA (Aichi) - Welcome to HIRAKI-ZA. We live in Nagoya city, Japan. HIRAKI-ZA is amateur theater group. Let's theatergoing with us. (hirakiza.com, actor , actress , theater , Nagoya , Japan )
Guesthouse Yumiko Kyoto Japan Guesthouse Yumiko Kyoto Japan (Kyoto) - Reasonable dormitory-style guesthouse.Free internet sccess PC. (guesthouse , dormitory , backpacker , cheap , travel , B&B, homestay , kyoto , japan , hostels )
Akihiro web page Akihiro web page (Osaka) - Hello! This homepage is baseball and fishing!! (Akihiro , Osaka , Misaki , baseball , fishing , blackbass , Japan , Picture , student , japanese )
murokichi-japan murokichi-japan (Saitama) -(2002) This is murokichi's Home Page. I taked the photo. Welcome and Look my page. (photo , art , muro , simple , black , poem )
Nobu's Page Nobu's Page (Mie) -(2002) This is the true story of a Japanese who was once an English major, and who wanted to be a professional airline pilot, but who ended up in medical school. (Nobuhiko , Kira , pilot , medical , Mie , student , airplane , Nobu , Amazon.com, Japan )
aufan aufan (Nagano) -(2002) au(IDO.cellar) (cellar , ido , au , motorola , CdmaOne, ericsson, DoCoMo , KDDI , j-phone , nokia )
The East Japan Student Explorers Network The East Japan Student Explorers Network (Tokyo) -(2001) The East Japan Student Explorers Network's Home Page (exploration , expedition , adventure , explorer , caving , Rafting , climbing , outdoor , survival )
APMAN estate Tokyo Japan APMAN estate Tokyo Japan (Tokyo) -(2000) Sweethome's estate website (estate , sweethome, shinjyuku , tokyo , ebisu , shibuya , ikebukuro , minatoku , hiroo , meguroku )
Shiraai Shiraai (Niigata) -(2000) This page is Shiraai's home page. I like drawing! And there are a lot of illustration. But Japanese only. (Illustration , Japan , Japanese , Tag , WebGames, Drawing )
TeruNet TeruNet (Kanagawa) -(2000) It is the page for Begginer of Computer. (Begginer, Student , Computer , Lesson , Japan )
Investgating the truth about Zenrin Student Hall Investgating the truth about Zenrin Student Hall (Tokyo) -(2000) 1967 March, when Vietnum war was raging, and Chinese Cultural Revolution began, a conflict occurred between young Japan Communist Party members and Chinese students and many wounded. (Communist , Revolution , Mao , China , JCP , CCP)
real estate IWATANIZAISHO,sendai,miyagi,japan real estate IWATANIZAISHO,sendai,miyagi,japan (Miyagi) -(2000) real estate IWATANIZAISHO sendai miyagi japan (japan , miyagi , sendai , estate , aoba , tohoku , hachiman , nakayama )
Yunoji's Electroarts Yunoji's Electroarts (Chiba) -(2000) A homepage which amateur illustrater Satoru Yunoji presents (Yunoji'sElectroarts, maid , illustrations , amateur , student , japanese , japan )
MOUSE CLUB MOUSE CLUB (Ehime) -(2000) This site put out about the information of living and lanking of every kind and welfare, moreover management and exchange of circles. (CollegeStudent , japan , ehime , matsuyama , InternetCafe , welfare , link , life , SearchEngine )
miyazaki,kiyotake,japan miyazaki,kiyotake,japan (Miyazaki) -(1999) kiyotakebunsitu'homepage (medical , sutudent, hospital )
Web-U! Web-U! (Kyoto) -(1997) japan students bureau (japan , students , network , bureau , bike )
Japan new Japan new (Kyoto) -(1996) Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan. (Recruitment , Kansai , Student )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
こちら 。