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{Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese} + {student}

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Word(s): @=@1+@2
@1={Japan, Nippon, Nihon, Japanese}


  • Yankira Tsusin (Tokyo) -
    Koyanagi young killers HomePage
    (japan, yankira, youngkillers, tokyo, fuchu, koyanagi)

  • Investgating the truth about Zenrin Student Hall (Tokyo) -
    1967 March, when Vietnum war was raging, and Chinese Cultural Revolution began, a conflict occurred between young Japan Communist Party members and Chinese students and many wounded.
    (Communist, Revolution, Mao, China, JCP, CCP)

  • La Honda jP (Tokyo) -
    Ti piace molto Italia?

  • C.Yanagita,Miyazaki,Japan (Aichi) -
    chigusa yanagita
    (nagoya, miyazaki, aichi)

  • IJCE JAPAN (Kanagawa) -
    IJCE is the organization made by mainly University students.
    (exchange, culture, iceland)

  • wagakki (Osaka) -

  • about one japanese student's life. (Mie) -
    i hope that u like here

  • Amateur Theater Group HIRAKI-ZA (Aichi) -
    Welcome to HIRAKI-ZA. We live in Nagoya city, Japan. HIRAKI-ZA is amateur theater group. Let's theatergoing with us.
    (, actor, actress, theater, Nagoya, Japan)

  • Guesthouse Yumiko Kyoto Japan (Kyoto) -
    Reasonable dormitory-style guesthouse.Free internet sccess PC.
    (guesthouse, dormitory, backpacker, cheap, travel, B&B, homestay, kyoto, japan, hostels)

  • Akihiro web page (Osaka) -
    Hello! This homepage is baseball and fishing!!
    (Akihiro, Osaka, Misaki, baseball, fishing, blackbass, Japan, Picture, student, japanese)

  • murokichi-japan (Saitama) -(2002)
    This is murokichi's Home Page. I taked the photo. Welcome and Look my page.
    (photo, art, muro, simple, black, poem)

  • Nobu's Page (Mie) -(2002)
    This is the true story of a Japanese who was once an English major, and who wanted to be a professional airline pilot, but who ended up in medical school.
    (Nobuhiko, Kira, pilot, medical, Mie, student, airplane, Nobu,, Japan)

  • aufan (Nagano) -(2002)
    (cellar, ido, au, motorola, CdmaOne, ericsson, DoCoMo, KDDI, j-phone, nokia)

  • The East Japan Student Explorers Network (Tokyo) -(2001)
    The East Japan Student Explorers Network's Home Page
    (exploration, expedition, adventure, explorer, caving, Rafting, climbing, outdoor, survival)

  • APMAN estate Tokyo Japan (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Sweethome's estate website
    (estate, sweethome, shinjyuku, tokyo, ebisu, shibuya, ikebukuro, minatoku, hiroo, meguroku)

  • Shiraai (Niigata) -(2000)
    This page is Shiraai's home page. I like drawing! And there are a lot of illustration. But Japanese only.
    (Illustration, Japan, Japanese, Tag, WebGames, Drawing)

  • SRAJ_KANSAI_OB/OG's (Osaka) -(2000)

  • TeruNet (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    It is the page for Begginer of Computer.
    (Begginer, Student, Computer, Lesson, Japan)

  • Investgating the truth about Zenrin Student Hall (Tokyo) -(2000)
    1967 March, when Vietnum war was raging, and Chinese Cultural Revolution began, a conflict occurred between young Japan Communist Party members and Chinese students and many wounded.
    (Communist, Revolution, Mao, China, JCP, CCP)

  • real estate IWATANIZAISHO,sendai,miyagi,japan (Miyagi) -(2000)
    real estate IWATANIZAISHO sendai miyagi japan
    (japan, miyagi, sendai, estate, aoba, tohoku, hachiman, nakayama)

  • Yunoji's Electroarts (Chiba) -(2000)
    A homepage which amateur illustrater Satoru Yunoji presents
    (Yunoji'sElectroarts, maid, illustrations, amateur, student, japanese, japan)

  • MOUSE CLUB (Ehime) -(2000)
    This site put out about the information of living and lanking of every kind and welfare, moreover management and exchange of circles.
    (CollegeStudent, japan, ehime, matsuyama, InternetCafe, welfare, link, life, SearchEngine)

  • miyazaki,kiyotake,japan (Miyazaki) -(1999)
    (medical, sutudent, hospital)

  • Web-U! (Kyoto) -(1997)
    japan students bureau
    (japan, students, network, bureau, bike)

  • Japan new (Kyoto) -(1996)
    Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, Japan.
    (Recruitment, Kansai, Student)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan