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{Java} + {Perl}
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OsakaProgrammersSchool OsakaProgrammersSchool (Osaka) - e-learning (e-learning, C , Perl , Delphi , Development , WebSystem)
INETPLUS INETPLUS (Tokyo) - This Site is SOHO by opensource and web application. linux server or web application development. (internet , home, page, web , application , linux , java , access , log , server )
TeraSystems co.,ltd. TeraSystems co.,ltd. (Saitama) - Delphi,Java,Perl,system development,IT consulting (Delphi , Java , Perl , Windows-application, Web-system, Web-application , saitama , koshigaya , IT-consulting, C# )
enari's web site enari's web site (Kanagawa) -(2002) enari's web site (enaena, enari, tsuyoshi , nagabuchi , guitar , www , JavaScript , perl , music , enari's)
EMUZU PARK EMUZU PARK (Tokyo) -(2001) I have MOBILE Display & Horror Story & JavaScript & Perl (MOBILE , Display , i-mode, J-Sky , Horror , Story , JavaScript , Perl , PC , Link )
ICP Programming Seminar ICP Programming Seminar (Tokyo) -(2000) provides computer training; subjects include C, C++, VC++, VB, Java, Perl and Linux. (training , seminar , programming , school , C , VC++, VB , Java , Perl , Linux )
Mji2000 Mji2000 (Tokyo) -(2000) this is a hachiohji footsal team's site. you can chack your sprits if you come the website you get meny important element. we have a Mji's chat that some members come every day. please come to my website. (city , chat , prolog , c , java , perl , html , lisp , link , chack)
oldman and sea oldman and sea (Kyoto) -(2000) Oldman and the sea.Everybody,come here! (diary , crime , link , music , program , html , java , perl , c )
michelangelo michelangelo -(2000) A site on computer and internet. I provide also tutorials about c/c++ lauguage. (computer , internet , c/c++ , hacker , HTML , Python , Perl , Java , Network )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/27.
こちら 。