(Tokyo) - Yasushi Tanaka is greate artist. He and his wife Louise Gebhart Cann were Joyce, Paund & Hemingway's friends. (tanaka, yasushi, hemingway, joyce, pound, iwatuki, urawa, gallery-hongou, loise, cann)
(Tokyo) - Yasushi Tanaka (1886-1941) is great japanese artist. His wife Louise Gebhart Cann had close friendship with James Joyce,Ezura Pound,Earnest Hemingway and Gartlud Stein. (tanaka,yasushi, hemingway, joyce, pound, louise,cann, seatlle, gallery-hongou, gallery, hongou)
(Osaka) -(2002) I am making original brand stuff. please check it up!! Millie and Joyce (MJ, WOO, Millie, Joyce, original, brand, trade, shoking, behappy, Osaka)