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Kaichiro MORIKAWA website (Chiba) - Kaichiro Morikawa is a theorist in the field of architectural design. The homepage compiles his archive of studies. (Morikawa , Kaichiro, otaku , architecture , Akihabara , design , manga , taste , kitsch, anime )
peep hole (Hyogo) - The shop of cute used wear and handmade miscellaneous goods by mitty. (cute , bag , amigurumi, usedwear, mitty, rabbit , pop , vintage , kitsch, handmade )
Kitsch!Market (Hokkaido) -(2001) Always low price! It's Kitsch Market. thank you. (brand , fassion, dress , recycling , freemarket , buy , cheap , flat , shopping , market )
SAMURAI KITSCH GIRLS (Mie) -(2001) Takeshi's HomePage It's Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!! (psylocke, hentai, anime , manga , samurai , ninja , geisha , harakiri, chiba , takeshi )
DuckSouP (Hokkaido) -(2001) ZENstyle.handmade. (furniture , zakka)
pickles market (Aichi) -(2000) perori&yukiusa (pop )
Antiques & Collectables Store SAKURA (Tokyo) -(1999) Antiques & Collectables Store SAKURA (collectable , antique , shop , toy , dish , silver , doll , characters )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
こちら 。