GeminiClub (Hiroshima) - this home page is anofficial fan club. I love saint seiya and gemini's saint! confidentially speaking,coterie page. I'm sorry! (Gemini,, GeminiClub,, SaintSeiya, ,Seiya,, CoterieMagazine)
ORANGEGROVE (Tokyo) - Welcome!! ORANGEGROVE web site (orangegrove, hayashidakenji, hayashida, kenji, okuimasami, okui, masami, otomojun, otomo, jun)
MINT ON MINT (Hyogo) - This is a SaintSeiya's fan site which mainly deals with GoldSaints and Specters. (SaintSeiya, MasamiKurumada, GoldSaint, Specter, Saga, kanon, Minos, Aeacus)
gnosis (Chiba) -(2002) It is HP of SAINTSEIYA which aids gold SAINT Aphrodite MUU Shaka especially. It is boast that there are not those with an illustration, those with a painting bulletin board, and an item that narrowed down the target with vote. There is an illustration request. (GNOSIS)
Malteze/The Legend of LA Metal -(2001) The ledgend of LA Metal MALTEZE! Check out audio clips, pix and more!! (Malteze, sammyfujimaki, masamifujimaki, LAMetal, CountYourBlessings, JapaneseGuitarist, JohnPilla, GoldRecords,, Victimized, metal)
REVIVE!! LEGENDARY HEROES!(Saint Seiya) (Tokyo) -(2001) Dedicated to Masami Kurumada's greatest epic, Saint Seiya. There are a lot of drawings(fanart) by Natsumi. (SaintSeiya, Natsumi, fanart, ShingoAraki, GoldSaint, LeoAiolia, MasamiKurumada, yaoi, ScorpioMilo)
PORNOGRAFFITTI (Tokyo) -(2001) Hello!This is the band PORNOGRAFFITTI's funsite. Ilove them.They are so cool!I want you to understand them. The sound is bery cool and pop.The song's poem is fantastic! Let's go into this page! And join us! (PORNOGRAFFITTI, AkihitoOkano, HaruichiShindou, MasamiShiratama, Akihito, Haruichi, Shiratama, SAUDADE, APOLLO, SWALLOWTAIL)
blue berry (Tokyo) -(2001) PornoGraffitti's unofficial funsite. Welcome to my homepage! (HaruichiShindo, AkihitoOkano, MasamiShiratama, Porno, PornoGraffitti, Music, rock, Radio, TV, sound)
Swing audio's Web page (Yamanashi) -(2001) Web sites introducing Jazz guitar &audio;condencer SP etc. (condenser, speaker, luthier, jazz, guitar, archtop, taylor,martin, laney,doug, stewart,louis, masami,satoh)
Aoki oldbookshop (Tokyo) -(2001) We have many oldbooks in Japanese.When you'd like to see Japanese folklore,literature and so on,please come to our site.(Japanese books only) (oldbook, secondhandbook, antiquebook)
waterorion official site (Tokyo) -(2000) waterorion official site (OrineFukushima, RyujiMizuki, RyuichiKonno, KayouNakajima, MasamiKumamoto, YoshieEbihara, SweetDragon, DragonNight, VoiceActor, waterorion)
Nie's Cosmo (Saitama) -(2000) Unofficial fan site of Masami Kurumada. About the stories, illustrations, bulletin board, etc. (Nie, Cosmo, Masami, Kurumada, Saint, Seiya, B'TX)