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Word(s): @={Masayasu}

/ masa // masaya // saya /

  • paradise of naturelife (Okinawa) -(2001)
    nature life at asagiri.
    (naturelife, asagiri, yamamura, countrylife)

  • paradise in rally raid (Okinawa) -(2001)
    (Parisdakar, Yamamura, Crosscountryrally, Pharaohs, Tunisie, Bike, Enduro)

  • The network of an earthly paradise (Okinawa) -(2001)
    parisdakar Yamamura Masayasu's HomePage
    (Yamamura, Masayasu, okinawa, Migration, Nature, Bike, Healing, Diving, Paris, Dakar)

  • Tax accountant Ide Isahaya, Nagasaki, Japan (Nagasaki) -(2001)
    Accountants and business consultants with expertise in tax, audit, estate, financial planning, valuations and computer consulting in Isahaya, Nagasaki, Japan.
    (accountant, tax, audit, ecall, estate, consultant, insurance)

  • The network of an earthly paradise (Okinawa) -(2001)
    parisdakar Yamamura Masayasu's HomePage
    (Yamamura, Masayasu, okinawa, Migration, Nature, Bike, Healing, Diving, Paris, Dakar)

  • Internationalization of Japan and Its National Universities (Kyoto) -(2000) Professor Masayasu Aotani has spent twenty years in the United States before returning to his alma mater Kyoto University in 1998. He attended five graduate schools in the States, worked in Silicon Valley, and became a college professor after receiving a Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of California at Berkeley. Upon his return, he realized how much Japan was behind the United States in its internationalization efforts. As a Professor in the International Center of Kyoto University, he organizes various projects and teaches many classes to help students acquire English proficiency and become more aware of different cultures. He highly recommends students to study abroad and to do an internship overseas. He is a major driving force behind Kyoto University's student exchange activities with foreign institutions. His bottle-blonde hair as well as his commute on skateboard has become widely known in Kyoto and other parts of Japan as a sign of big changes coming to Japan's national universities in the 21st century. Tel: 075-753-2568 Fax: 075-753-2562
    (AOTANI, Internationalization, Kyoto, University, Japan, English, Education, Study, Abroad, Skateboard)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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