- Japanese famous drummer, SANO,Yasuo'fan site. This site are detabase of his recording works. (yasuo sano, sano, drums, drummer, AIR, Mondo Grosso, Original Love, Morning Musume, SAKURA, Kanno Yoko)
(Osaka) - computer aided design classroom with a the homeworkplace. The guidance that makes a business trip to an one-to-one group. Free reservation nighttime midnight day national holiday O.K. An inexpensive low charge system. (CADmasuter, CADschool)
(Fukuoka) - This websaite provides information about credit, loan, and cashing card. But it is written in Japanese. (credit, loan, cashing, VISA, MasterCard, JCB, owner, business, card, ec)
(Hyogo) -(2002) This is Prof.S. Ueno's homePage. Dr.Sususmu Ueno is a professor of accounting at Konan University in Japan. At present, he is a visiting research professor at University of Nebraska Lincoln. (Susumu, Ueno, Professor, Accounting, Academician, Management, Konan, University, Researcher, EVA)
(Tokyo) -(1999) MBA reports of HEC-MBA<ISA>, France,and Aoyama Gakuin Univ.<GSIB>,Japan. US Silicon Valley essays. Airplane illusts. Japnanese/English bilingual. (MBA, business school, Aoyama Gakuin Univ., HEC, ISA, France, visa, stay permit, US, Silicon Valley, California, aircraft, study abroad, illustration, nightly school, GSIB, Paris)