(Tokyo) - LEGO Mindstorms ROBOLAB makes it possible to create robotic inventions using smart technology, the power of your mind, and your own two hands. (present, lego, mindstorms, robotics, robolab, robocup, learning, ris, dacta, mindstorm)
(Kanagawa) - IT examination is fully supported. Teaching materials for IT examination of OracleMaster, MCP, Cisco, WebSphere, MOUS, Turbo-CE, Solaris and Java, information processing, etc. iStudy is sold. Moreover, the voucher ticket (IT test taking-an-examination ticket) is also sold. Our shop is also managing the APTC Musashikosugi hall. (iStudy, Oracle, MCP, Cisco, CCNA, @iStudy, Ticket, IT, TEST, Vender)
(Saitama) -(2000) The Reading Tutor was designed to help students of the Japanese language improve their reading skills in Japanese. This system was developed specifically to help learners study written Japanese at their own pace, in their own way. (Japanese, Language, Learning, Reading, Tutor)