Moments in 608 (Kanagawa) - Moments in 608... There are some original songs composed by Max. I want to compose 'kindhearted' songs, and I'm trying to make such songs. I have a Synthesizer and I've been writing songs for 4 years. You may possibly be able to find your favorite songs!(^^) (song, music, original, compose, arrange, pop, synthesizer, keyboard, triton)
STOLENMOMENTS (Tokyo) -(2001) this page is about our club-event, STOLEN MOMENTS, that aims to make audience comfortable by serving our original dishes, easy-listening or BOSSA NOVA DJ.this page features various commments about MUSIC, dishes. (club, event, bossa, lounge, dishes, cafe, easy, comfortable, tokyo, brazil)
3-D STUDIO (Saitama) -(2001) 3-D photograph collection by H,Asakura.Underwater 3D,Insect 3D,Snapshot 3D photo.3-D camera report. (3D, stereophoto, 3Dphoto, underwaterphoto, underwater3Dphoto, insectphoto, insect3Dphoto, snapshot, snapshot3D, stereocamera)
SOUL DAISUKI ! ! (Tokyo) -(2001) SOUL DAISUKI!! is the HomePage for people who loves Black Music,especially,SOUL,FUNK,R&B,and Jazz. DAISUKI means the most favorite thing you like, not only man or woman,but also music,sports,hobby and any more. SOULMAN(The Owner of This HomePage) introduces His Favorites SOUL Albums and Favorite Bar in Tokyo in this HomePage. Please ENJOY yourself,and take some great FUN!!! (SOUL, FUNK, daisuki, ojays, moments, O'Jays, P-FUNK, Stylistics, BUENA, vista)
saitoemaki (Fukuoka) -(1999) eMi's Home Page.Rumiko Takahasi's unofficial fan page!illustlathon,CG main.uruseiyaturaranma1/2inuyasyaetc... sorry,Japanese only (Rumiko, Takahasi, Uruseiyatura, Ranma, Inuyasya, Rumic, CG)
Solafish Tokyo (Tokyo) -(1998) Solafish-Tokyo It's a COOL HOMEPAGE! NICE! BODY! Do you know Maison Ikkoku? Tokeizaka Town is in Tokyo.Tokeizaka's TRUE Photo Museum is in This HOME PAGE. (tokyo, information, medical, love, maison, Ikkoku, homepage, board, notice)