Rock House 80's (Fukuoka) - This is the HomePage for people to love the 80'HR/HM. I hope you to shout your ideas. Let's enjoy this party!! (HR, HM)
Freak Scene (Osaka) - used clothing/rock/skate/art/records/toy/supreme/hectic/stussy/recon/ssur/redhotchilipeppers/nirvana/sonicyouth/mudhoney/beck/rageagainstthemachine/ozzyosbournes/mtv/weezer/foofighters/radiohead/avril/audioslave/zwan/smashingpumpkins/french/kurtcobain/hole/courtneylove/matrix (redhotchilipeppers,nirvana,rageagainstthemachine,, weezer,radiohead,foofighters, pearljam,thebeatles,fujirock,summersonic, hectic,supreme,spins,ciaopanic, americanlagcie,hrm,wr,cher,bape, bapy,unitedarrows,journalstandard, nike,adidas,puma,tas,gravis,emerica, toymachine,t19,burton,sonicyouth, stussy,zooyork,real,sony,sexpistols, smart,mini,warp,asayan,popeye)
UNOFFICIAL AUDIOSLAVE FANSITE - audioslave website for japanese fans. biography, discography, translated articles and interviews, lyrics, tabs, pics, etc. (audioslave, chris cornell, brad wilk, tim commerford, tom morello, soundgarden, rage against the machine, rock, hard rock, music)
Noodle Slang (Fukuoka) - Gorillaz fan site Gorillaz Discography and Biography Lotsa Japanese fan arts English section is readable (Gorillaz, 2-D, Murdoc, Russel, Noodle, Rock, hip, hop, Music, Jamie)
Wallflowers Society (Saitama) -(2002) Wallflowers Society is the nonprofit organization which is exhibiting the album covers, record jackets and wallpapers of various musicians. We are respecting all the musicians and artists. (wallpaper, record, hipgnosis, rock, bjork, pink, floyd, sylvian, progressive, crimson)
wallflowers society (Saitama) -(2002) Wallflowers society is the nonprofit organization which is exhibiting the album covers, record jackets and wallpaper of various musicians. (wallpaper, hipgnosis, sleeve, rock, progressive, sylvian, nirvana, stones, zappa, kate)
marmalade (Kanagawa) -(2002) MARMALADE is an orange coloured Home Page,and MAMALAID has music contents.If you LOVE music,you can click LOGO which is righthand of the title marmalade,and you get to the pages MAMALAID! (original, music, mp3, guitar, rock, marmalade, band, roudz)
Hard&Progressive (Tokyo) -(2002) There are also many contents of the review site and others of Rock music HR/HM and ProgressiveRock. (Rock, HardRock, HevyMetal, ProgressiveRock)
Welcome to PORTO Label WEB (Nagasaki) -(2002) Porto Label is one label in Southeast Asia. We continue sending music information from [Nagasaki] of Kyusyu of Japan. This label is a group of an artist of mongrel music idea concluded on the freest misunderstanding in mongrel culture birthplace [Nagasaki].It is not the West rash.It is not partial to Japan.It is free expression of the coming generation that there is not of inferiority complex. (music, indies, cult, heavy, rock'n'roll, fantasyscore, threehundred, cansells, sxsw, maokarisu)
RUSTY'S ROOM (Tokyo) -(2001) ROCK&POPS MUSIC NEWS (MUSIC, INFOMATION, eltonjohn, ROCK, POPS, georgeharrison, britishrock, kinks, beatles, erickclapton)
WWF IS WIPPLEMAN (Aichi) -(2001) Hi!This page is most xciting page I ever seen!Let's talk about WWF EMINEM or LIMP BIZKIT!!sorry this page is japanese only. (eminem, wwf, rock, nsync, limp, bizkit, austin, jericho, hhh, music)
puri (Kanagawa) -(2001) puripuripuri (HR/HM, puri, rock, h, a, m, b, o, j, s)
Trouble Star (Tokyo) -(2001) unofficial OASIS fan site for news,bootleg,and so on. (liam, noel, andy, gem, UK)
D's (Tokyo) -(2001) D's page. mainly about music. (music, daialy, message, rock, dance, insturuments)
wallflowers society (Saitama) -(2001) We are exhibiting wallpapers,desktop pictures & record sleeves of a lot of rock musician of British,American & Japanese music.hipgnosis,60's,70's,80's,90's,progressive rock,female,black,hard rock,heavy metal and more !! (wallpaper, desktoppicture, sleeve, hipgnosis, progressive, stormthorgerson, 70's, psychedelic, KING, CRIMSON) (Osaka) -(2001) What's kinds movie do you fond of?We have many cinemacollections(posters,postcards,autographs,steals,premium goods etc.) and you'll able to find goods you want by our site! Let's challenge searching big star's name your crazy about!! (poster, postcard, cinema, movie, actor, actress, stamp, rock, jazz, artist)
onevoice (Tokyo) -(2001) One Voice is music school at setagaya Tokyo. Courses are Vocal, Piano, Drums, Bass. (vocal, voicetraining, piano, drums, bass, R&B, rock, pops, live, lesson)
winter wonderland (Tokyo) -(2001) Winter's website. All kinds of popular music... rock / R&B / Hip-hop / progressive / top40 and much more. Absolutely fabulous website that you can't miss! (Billboard, chart, progressive, rock, winter)
English Karaoke Bar Bruce (Aichi) -(2000) Bruce is the place where you can sing variety of English popular songs. We have over 3,500 songs of all time, but mainly '70s '80s & '60s. You don't have to be a great singer here, just relax and feel comfortable with your memories. (karaoke, rock, pops, soul, r&b, jazz, music, entertainment, sing, bar)
DREAMS (Osaka) -(1999) this page is tropical fish biginners page.and my favirite album is hardrock heavy metal music. (fish, metal, rock, HR/HM, music)
GET IN THE RING (Osaka) -(1999) welocome music freaks! (gunsnroses)
Panda in WonderWall (Tokyo) -(1999) If you lovealternative rock,Panda,Barbie doll,Vivienne Westwood,come and see me!! Be a good friend of me in Wonderwall!! (alternative, rock, movie, panda, vivienne, WestWood)
M.Y.HOME (Tokyo) -(1998) Loxanne's Homepageis opened M.Y.HOME MUSIC AWARD'98 (music, rock)
Rick Springfield Supporters (Aichi) -(1998) This is Japanese Rick Springfield fan club's web page. My web-page is Japanese & English and many Rick's photos make enjoy you. (Rick, Springfield, Supporters, High, Tide, RickSpringfield, HighTide)
Michael Jackson's supporter's page (Osaka) -(1998) This site is Japanese Michael Jackson's supporter's page. Especially I consider and hope that everybody know his man, his humanity. I expect somebody who does not yet know well who are called King of pop the man Michael Jackson. (MUSIC, Michael, Jackson, ROCK, SOUL, POPS)
As Choice (Tokyo) -(1998) Music Review Web Site As Choice Rock,Pops,Dance,World,Sound Tracks,Jazz...etc chart information,bbs,links, and more!! (As, Choice, music, review)