(Hyogo) -(2002) PANO Project is making CD pamphlet which took in video. University reference of the Japan whole country can also be performed. (PANOProject, CDpamphlet, University, Reference, OpenCampus, Panorama, 3Dobject, CampusGuide)
(Saitama) -(2001) Homepage production, NTT goods handling, Toner sales (the next day, report) for the printer, and so on are done. (Homepage, production, NTT, ISDN, ADSL)
(Tokyo) -(2001) Buy Music CD Record (record, cd, Beatles, ErickClapton, EltonJohn, Kinks, ElvisCostello, PaulMcCartney, JohnLennon)
(Hokkaido) -(2000) SUPEINN NO SHYUKYOUSAIBAN's Home Page (movie, hi-ho, exploitation, trivia)
(Tokyo) -(2000) Japan Etegami Society's Homepage.An Etegami can provide a postcard-size window into its author's heart, and at the Japan Etegami Society we're asking people of all nationalities and age groups to give us glimpses of their dreams for the future and memories of the past. Throughout the year 2000 we'll be accepting submissions, exhibiting them continuously in Tokyo( and later on the internet ), and early 2001 several hundred Etegami will be selected and published as a collection. (Etegami, Japan, Gallary, exhibition, postcard, letter, Pamphlet, Century, internet)