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Reference(similarity) / elvis /
rakudane rakudane (Ishikawa) - rakudane tsukudapro (rakuda, diet , youtsuu)
Rakuzen Rakuzen (Tokyo) - Rakuzen (Diet , Gyoen, ra-kuzen, seitai, tokyo )
UDE-Jiman UDE-Jiman (Saitama) - lowerback,stiffneck,headaache,health,motorcycle,car,bar,food,etc,professiones links,by personal serected, (lowerback-pain, stiff-neck, health , pelvis, pain , kannda, spine , strained , urawa , lumbago )
banndo banndo (Fukuoka) - banndo
J&J seikyaku J&J seikyaku (Aichi) - J&J Manual therapeutics (Bowleg, Reform , Manualtherapeutics, Pelvis, Medical , shoulder , Halluxvalgus , Flatleg, Knee , Breast )
Bonesetter-Fukuda Bonesetter-Fukuda (Tochigi) - Bonesetter Fukuda's HomePage (tochigi , Bonesetter , Medical-treatment , Headache , Lumbago , Backbone , TOHABIRITESHON, Pelvis, Reform , Muscles )
Chiropractic Higuchi-seitai Kyoto Japan Chiropractic Higuchi-seitai Kyoto Japan (Kyoto) - Chiropractic Higuchi-seitai Kyoto Japan (chiropractic , backpain, hernia , knee , pain , pelvis, numbness , lumbar, joint , sholder)
Toyoigaku Proportion Center Toyoigaku Proportion Center (Tokyo) - Toyoigaku Proportion Center
Marvelous Marvelous (Chiba) - Welcome to Marvelous (marvelous , beauty , atopic , diet )
uda seikotuinn uda seikotuinn (Fukuoka) - helllo!
karadanozikan karadanozikan (Chiba) - seitai (seitai&rifurekusorozi)
Body Conditioning Machine SEYURIA Body Conditioning Machine SEYURIA (Osaka) - Sankuri's HomePage (sankuri, seyuria, lumbago , shoulder , health , stress , pelvis, handstand, stretch , condition )
toyo_seitai kouseikan toyo_seitai kouseikan (Aichi) - good
JapanChiropracticCollege'sHomePage JapanChiropracticCollege'sHomePage (Aichi) - Nagoya,Aichi,Japan. (Japan , Chiropractic , College , Ikeo, Masao )
takayanagi takayanagi (Ibaraki) - massage and chiropractic (chiropractic , treatment , massage , acupressure , physical , conditions , lumbago , backache )
Arelax Helthy goods shop Arelax Helthy goods shop (Kumamoto) -(2002) Arelax Healthy goods shop (Health , goods )
youtsuukatakorikaizen youtsuukatakorikaizen (Saitama) -(2002) youtsuukatakorikaizen
Aozora Chiropractic Aozora Chiropractic (Chiba) -(2002) Chiropractic in Kitakogane,Matsudo,Chiba. (Chiropractic , Chiropractic , Stiff shoulder , Low back pain, Women's diseases, Women's diseases, Chiropractic , Adjustment , Hip joint, Matsudo )
Fresh-OSG Fresh-OSG (Gunma) -(2002) Fresh-OSG's HomePage (health , order , shop , supporter )
move move (Ehime) -(2002) move (move )
KOTOBUKI SEITAI Takasaki,Gunma,Japan KOTOBUKI SEITAI Takasaki,Gunma,Japan (Gunma) -(2002) Kotobuki Seitaiin HomePege (kotobuki , seitai, chiropractic , Takasaki , Gunma , women )
yahashira chiropractic yahashira chiropractic (Chiba) -(2002) Since 1986 Chiropractic in Yabashira,Matsudo,Chiba. (Chiropractic , Chiropractic , Stiff shoulder , Low back pain, Women's diseases, Women's diseases, Chiropractic , Adjustment , Hip joint, Matsudo )
Chiropractic Office Youz Chiropractic Office Youz (Tokyo) -(2001) Yamamoto Yuzo's homepage.
Chiropractic Chiropractic (Osaka) -(2001) As as for chiropractic, also vertebral reform medical therapy is said, corrects the distortion of the framework by the fact that the backbone is reformed, cancelling the pressure of the nerve which it occurs with the distortion of the framework the cure due to the thought of recovering health. (hand skill medical therapy, vertebral reform medical therapy, chiropractor, reform of the backbone, Pelvis, skull , cervical vertebra top, Reduction , improvement of vital force, sacral medical therapy)
Experience report 2 of Mutsuu Seitai Experience report 2 of Mutsuu Seitai (Osaka) -(2001) To be a real health, open your inner healing power. Mutsuu practice, it is the first time what funtastics. (headache , vomit , bowels , nature healing , turning of pelvis, electrical stimulation, first spine, vertebra, crooked body, posture survey)
tokyomatida tokyomatida (Tokyo) -(2001) Takahashi Seikotsu Thiryouin's HomePage (mathidasity, outdoor )
yahashira chiropractic yahashira chiropractic (Chiba) -(2000) Since 1986 (chiropractic , chiropractic , lumbago , stiff shoulder , chiropractic , women's diseases, adjustment , adjustment , legs , lumbago )
Keytron Keytron (Chiba) -(2000) Now, due to Keytron's latest developments in anti-snoring products, you and the people around you can sleep easily and quietly. Ichikawa, Chiba, Japan. (snore , healty, waistpelvis, sleep )
Seitai Arai Home Page Seitai Arai Home Page (Toyama) -(2000) Seitai.Toyama.Japan (Chiropractic , Massage , Stiff , Shoulders , Lumbago , Sauna )
Japan Adjustment Therapeutist Society's Homepage Japan Adjustment Therapeutist Society's Homepage (Tokyo) -(2000) Japan Adjustment Therapeutist Society's Homepage
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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