Study Abroad Information Web Site - RAPS Study Abroad Center (Osaka) - We provide vaiouos study abroad information including, language training, university preparation program, working holiday assistance program, internship, voluntary work program, English plus program and many other program. We also provide free counseling service, school placement service with minimal charge and free on-line direct application service through the internet by expert study and travel abroad advisor who is qualified for general travel service supervisor in Japan. (English, Study, RAPS, Language, Training, Workingholiday, Voluntarywork, Internship, Universitypreparation, Homestay)
SMEs supporting site (Tokyo) -(2002) Information I established a home page to help management innovation of the nucleus / a medium and small-sized business, and to offer has IT, e business, the making of structure, the education training, internationalization, a coordinate widely. (IT, e-busines, HRM, consuiting, SME, education, grobal, international, cordination, managment)
albasutaff web site (Osaka) -(2002) Our Business Is Servant (alba,business,staff)