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Word(s): @={prototype}

/ proto /

  • SOLITUDE (Tokyo) -
    Original molding dolls created by Yuuki Ishiyama website.
    (creater, doll, hobby, figure, work)

  • studio JETS (Hiroshima) -
    kiyosei's Home Page
    (studiojets, jets, kiyosei, ordermade, order, maker, modeler, modeling, art, doll)

  • shitara mfg co,.ltd. (Tokyo) -
    indastlial machine maker
    (machine, maker)

  • PROTO/TYPE (Wakayama) -

  • original, accessories, enelo. (Osaka) -
    They are pages, such as those who want to make their brand.
    (Order, Accessories, Jewelry, Wax, WAX, prototype, Craft, Original, Metal, carving)

  • anata no genkei tukurimasu! (Ibaraki) -(2002)
    anatano genkei tukurimasu!
    (japanese, only)

  • Ctyan's Room (Ibaraki) -(2002)
    Japanese Only!
    (Ctyan, Sewing, Sewing)

  • Prototype automobile (Hiroshima) -(2001)
    OA Proto Corporation is a comprehensive manufacturer of prototype automobiles. Since 1964 , we have been dealing with the fundamentals of auto manufacturing, creating a complete range of products, from prototype models to completed vehicles. We have been entrusted by Japanese auto manufacturers with the creation of prototype vehicles and have accumulated our own technologies. We are one of few companies in Japan specializing in creating prototype vehicles.
    (vehicle, prototype, automobiles, specialist, manufacturers, Japan, Japanese, Rubber, disposal, tires)

  • TOYO Extrude Hone (Saitama) -(2001)
    extrudehone prometal surftran
    (extrudehone, prometal, surftran, 3DP)

  • COSTEM (Yamagata) -(2001)
    SPECIALIZED IN CUSTOMISED PARTS MANUFACTURING. We have been focused on customised model, prototype and small lot manufacturing of precision parts with our customer's strict requirement.
    (manufacturing, parts, custom, prototype, automation, assembly)

  • Akakata-atelier,Yokohama,Kanagawa,Japan. (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    Akakata's HomePage
    (figure, original, character, garagekit, illustration, gallery)

  • H.I.GIKEN CO.,LTD. Home Pege (Aichi) -(2001)
    (trial, prototype, plastic, mold, STL, CAD, inj, Japan, H.I.GIKEN, Nagoya)

  • Taiho Seiki Co.,Ltd (Aichi) -(2001)
    press automation equipment and related parts. laboursaving systems and equipment. stamping dies and ZAS dies. welding machines. jigs and gauges.
    (press, welding, automation, stamping, prototype, dies, environmental, laboursaving, taihoseiki, taiho)

  • SAITO'S HomePage (Tokyo) -(2001)
    SAITO'S HomePage

  • Tokyo,Japan,Unigraphics user co.Ltd (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Desing and Produce of PreciseCastingDie
    (Unigraphics, ATOS,, CAD, CAM)

  • e-ken.'s HomePage Prototype (Kanagawa) -(2000)
    It's a original musical site by e-ken.. You can listen the musics by MIDI or MP3.
    (original, arrange, music, song, synthesizer, classic, diary, MIDI, MP3, e-ken.)

  • hub design (Shizuoka) -(2000)
    Specializing in car design, industrial design,advanced design,running prototype model,show models.
    (hub, design, CarDesign, product, IndustrialDesign, cad, ShowModel, prototype, styling, modeling)

  • Kyoden (Nagano) -(1999)
    PCB/Modeling/OEM/Kyoden Co.,Ltd.
    (PCB, 3D, OEM, Modeling, Prototype, CAD, Japan, Nagano, Kyoden)

  • TK Seimitsu Co. Ltd (Aichi) -(1999)
    TK Industry Co. Ltd located in Aichi Prefecture, Anjo City, designs and produces metal part prototypes. From the design and processing of sheet metal to quality control, we provide total support for our customer'sproduct development.
    (TK, Anjo City, processing, parts, prototype, testing, design, sheet metal)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan