Bernie Torme, Gillan, Ozzy, Guitarist, Electric Gypsies (Fukuoka) - Bernie Torme (ex Gillan, Ozzy Osbourne, Atomic Rooster) Home Page. The strat magician in British Rock. The complete discography, BBS, News, Bootlegs. (Bernie, Torme, Electric, Gypsies, Gillan, Ozzy, Osbourne, Silver, Atomic, Rooster)
Sound Street (Kanagawa) -(2002) Discography, CD review, etc. of Jagatara,The Roosterz,Nick Lowe,Elvis Costello,Led Zppelin,The Wedding Present The Jesus and Mary Chain, etc. are introduced. (jagatara, roosterz, nicklowe, elviscostello, ledzppelin, weddingpresent)
LIVE CAFE ROOSTER (Tokyo) -(2001) Livecafe ROOSTER is livehouse and resutaulant. Blues, Jazz, Soul music, Rythm and blues, everynight ! Very near JR Chuo-line Ogikubo station. (but Japanese language only ...) (livehouse, Rooster, blues, jazz, soulmusic, R & B, restaulant, music)