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Word(s): @={Shinya}

/ shin // shiny // true /

  • yaharasinya (Tokyo) -

  • Shinya Izumi Web Site (Tokyo) -
    Welcome to Shinya Izumi Web Site !!

  • Shinya's Home Page (Yamagata) -

  • hakaiou (Fukuoka) -
    (ZERO-ONE, hakaiou, Nabigation, Nabigator, IWGP, nwa, upw, ufo, oh)

  • fumimaru&sinya (Tokyo) -
    (golf, ferret, score)

  • Shinya's Home Page (Yamagata) -

  • shinya osaka japan (Osaka) -
    An automatic bicycle inflator, fold-up tent sale
    (Fold-up, tent, Fold-up, tent, Brush, cleaner, Boots, washing, machine, Bicycle)

    about hardcore and movie
    (hardcore, movie, cinema, film, sxe, crudos, jarmusch, punk, vito, uniform)

  • Tiny Bubbles Web Site (Osaka) -
    We are Tiny Bubbles!! We playing the '50's, '60's, '70's Pops! Let's enjoy the good music with us.
    (Oldies, Group, Sounds, Live, Band, Osaka, Beatles, Tiny)

  • Yobuko Hotel Sinya (Saga) -
    Welcome to YOBUKO!

  • shinya'skoya (Tokyo) -

  • GreenForest (Hokkaido) -
    Shinya's Home Page!!!!!!!
    (S, mad, Profile, interesting, forest, Green, mail, high, school)

  • GreenForestBBS (Hokkaido) -
    (forest, green, diary, mailfriend, Shirashima, Shinya, high, school, BBS)

  • (Tokyo) -
    This home page is made by Shinya Tamai of POCASKAJAN who belongs to WAHAHA-HOMPO.
    (WAHAHA-HOMPO, PocaSkaJan,, Derailment-Music, Music, gag, love, rankinng, diary, haiku)

  • skjapan (Hyogo) -(2002)
    (skjapan, shinya, kakicyan)

  • Asura (Osaka) -(2002)
    My HP is only Japanese. I am sorry. However, when good, please refer to my HP. There are a picture and a novel. People who want to see a novel in English need to give me mail (since it is good in English). The novel is sent in English.
    (Mr., full, swing, TOKINODAITI, Fantasy, continent, Dream, Novel, MiyukiYoma, NobuyaSuzuki)

  • Shinya Sakamoto's page (Tokyo) -(2002)
    This page introduces about orienteering in Japanese.
    (orienteering, compass, map, o-map, olc)

  • A handmede group!`DOGSFILM`Kyoto (Kyoto) -(2002)
    A handmede group!DOGSFILM-site
    (dogsfilm, warp, shinyafujiwara, yayotea, vandadiva, wonder, sawai, kyoto, cinema, music)

  • SHINYA FUJIWARA-on the web (Kyoto) -(2002)
    dogsfilm-shinya fujiwara-on the web.
    (shinya, fujiwara, cinema, video, music, guiter, wonderfull, songs, goodtimes, warp)

  • web.shinya (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Musician mr.shinya inagaki's homepage
    (led, zeppelin, suga, sikao, stalin, apia, shinya, tenmado, acoustic, fork)

  • web.shinya (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Musician mr.shinya inagaki's homepage
    (led, zeppelin, suga, sikao, stalin, apia, shinya, tenmado, acoustic, fork)

  • MATSUOKASHIKKO CO (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    This is MATSUOKASHIKKO CO sight.GENDAIWAGU is a brand designed by NOBUYA MATSUOKA and produced by MATSUOKASHIKKO CO.
    (Japan, furniture, tansu, wakagu, wafu, MATSUOKASHIKKO, GENDAIWAGU, okawa, kagu, wagu)

  • THE KING OF MASTERS (Hiroshima) -(2002)

  • CLICK! Akashi, Hyogo, Japan (Hyogo) -(2002)
    Dir en grey
    (Shinya, Toshiya, Die, Kyo, Kaoru)

  • MATSUOKASHIKKO CO (Fukuoka) -(2002)
    This is MATSUOKASHIKKO CO sight.GENDAIWAGU is a brand designed by NOBUYA MATSUOKA and produced by MATSUOKASHIKKO CO.
    (Japan, furniture, tansu, wakagu, wafu, MATSUOKASHIKKO, GENDAIWAGU, okawa, kagu, wagu)

  • SHINYA YOSHIDA's HOME PAGE (Miyagi) -(2002)
    Now this page is Japanese only. It's going to have an English page soon, please wait for a while.

  • Shinya's official web-site [S] (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Shinya's official web-site [S]
    (Shinya, gay, comic)

  • prince of tennis's online (Mie) -(2002)
    this page is about prince of tennis.
    (princeoftennis, tennis, date, goods, shinya, weeklyjamp, art)

  • Ozone Door - official website - Aichi, Nagoya, Japan. (Aichi) -(2002)
    Ozone Door official website.
    (Ozone, Door, J-pop, POPROCK, FUCK, IT, ALL, INDIES)

  • Shinya Ono (Chiba) -(2001)
    This homepage provides my professional background and achievement in translation and writing. It is an effort to overcome a slowdown, but also an appeal for a change in translation work. Much of translation work now goes through translation companies, which have a necessary role, but also has waste, and, often, wrongly-placed priority on "perfection" even when it is not necessary. So, I would like more translators work directly with end-users directly, and cut costs by 30% or more. I want to explore "sanchoku" (direct ties between producers and users) in translation, as well as in SOHO.
    (For end users, Attentive, Low rates, 17 years experience, Columbia University, NY city teacher, Mental health worker, Community work, Nikkei Sansei, Restructuring)

  • Precious Element (Niigata) -(2001)
    Sinya's Website

  • sinya's photo (Chiba) -(2001)
    Nature Photo JAPAN Chiba pref.

  • Shinya Fujiwara FanClub (Osaka) -(2001)
    welcome! Here is Shinya Fujiwara Fanclub sight. check it!
    (fujiwara, shinya, photo, travel, asia, india, david, sylvian)

  • eyesencia (Tokyo) -(2001)
    eyesencia is portal site about Japanese Artist's Official Web-site.
    (photo, art, araki, nobuyoshi, fujiwara, shinya, moriyama, daido)

  • Shinya Fujiwara Official Site (Tokyo) -(2001)
    the Official Home Page of Shinya fujiwara,Japanese Photographer,Writer,Painter.
    (shinya, fujiwara, photo, art, india, asia, memento, tibet, bari)

  • eclipse of the moon (Hyogo) -(2001)
    (lunasea, RYUICHI, cosplayer, slave, J, sinya, kawamura)

  • Flashback Disco (Ehime) -(2001)
    Flashback Disco
    (weezer, pre-school, polysics, benfoldsfive, underworld, captainfunk, blankeyjetcity, snoozer, jojo, radiohead)

  • BlueSkyCafe (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Photographs Of India /Lithographs Of Hindu Gods(90Years Old) / Miniatures And Other Antiques /FunnyThings In India /Psychedelic Rock,Soft Rock,Lounge Music etc
    (India, Photograph, Miniatures, Antiques, PsychedelicRock, LoungeMusic, BazaarPrint, RaviVarma)

  • dumoWEBsite (Hyogo) -(2000)
    dumois a TokimekiDoommetalBand in Kobe,Japan.They seek the Ozzfest seriously.
    (dumo, doommetal, ozzfest, band, kobe)

  • CHAOTIC-BABYLON (Ibaraki) -(2000)
    (Tabou, Shinsengumi, JapaneaseMovie, NagisaOshima, RyuheiMatsuda, TadanobuAsano, TomorowoTaguchi, HideakiIto)

  • Sinyanoumagoya (Kyoto) -(2000)
    Sinya's HomePage
    (Rosmarinus, Horse, race)

  • KENSO-HOME (Fukuoka) -(2000)

  • S. H. web -(2000)
    This is Home Page of Shinya HASHIMOTO, tubist live in Paris.
    (Tuba, Shinya, HASHIMOTO)

  • -Wick- (Tokyo) -(2000)
    This site is J-Rocks site. Dir en grey,X JAPAN,etc...
    (Kaoru, Kyo, j-rock, [KR]cube, Cage, Myaku, Zan, Ash)

  • page of net tuch matsudo (Tokyo) -(2000)
    this is our place!
    (volleyball, volley, ball, nettuch, Net, Tuch, sex, drug)

  • Shinya's HomePage (Aomori) -(2000)
    Aomori, Japan
    (house, hardrock, heavymetal, sm, idol, group, mania, maniac, ranking, original)

    YayoiKusama's painting and sculpture is beautiful.
    (ArtMuseum, YayoiKusama, MasuoIkeda, ShinyaHujiwara, SinroOtake, rodin, rouault, goya)

  • Kazuki Tomokawa's Web Site (Tokyo) -(1999)
    Kazuki Tomokawa's Web Site
    (KazukiTomokawa'sWebSite, KazukiTomokawa, ToshiakiIshizuka)

  • The classical guitar by S.Amakai (Kanagawa) -(1998)
    S.Amakai's HomePage: I show the information on classical guitar,particulary about guitarists,composers,their works & so on. I also show the discography on guitarist & composers.I will show the usage of guitar.
    (S.Amakai, classical, guitarists, composers, works, records, CD, discography)

  • HOLIDAY INN MITO (Ibaraki) -(1998)
    Mito,in japan ibaraki prefecture is a city in history and pround of its heritage.this heritage is seen in kairaku-en one japans finest edo era gardens-it was a health resort for the shogun tokugawa nariaki.

  • Shinya Kato's Homepage (Tokyo) -(1998)
    Shinya Kato,student of St.Paul's (Rikkyo) university in Tokyo, AIESECer.
    (Shinya, Kato, Katoshin, SPLC, AIESEC, Rikkyo, University)

  • SHINYA MURATA'S HOME PAGE (Tokyo) -(1997)
    SHINYA MURATA'S HOMEPAGE Newton MessagePad130 etc.
    (photo, cm, tv, newton, mp130, apple, pda, mac)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan