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{singer, vocalist} + {voice, vocal}
[ Index
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| Editor's Note
All That's Aiko,Jazz,Vocalist All That's Aiko,Jazz,Vocalist (Osaka) - All That's Aiko,Jazz,Jazzvocalist (aikoito, aiko , itoaiko, jazz , vocalist , jazzontop, artclub, heiheiclub, liveschedule, jazzvocal)
All That's Aiko All That's Aiko (Osaka) - All That's Aiko! (aiko , ito , jazz , vocal , vocalist , live , schedule , murakami )
Kanattari,Japan. Kanattari,Japan. (Yamanashi) - KANA's homepage.KANA is a performer,a singer,an artist.The report of TV program,description of her song and abstract painting,etc. (KANA , Singer , VoiceActor , TVStar, pokemon , PocketMonster , CrayonArtist, JapaneseTalent , Anime )
Soul&Beer please Soul&Beer please (Tokyo) - I Like Soul&Beer! (Vocal , MIHO , LIVE , Soul , Beer )
Wild Moon Flowers Wild Moon Flowers (Tokyo) - wild moon flowers (wild , moon , flowers , flowers )
CANNARIN'S WEBSITE CANNARIN'S WEBSITE (Chiba) - Cannarin's Website (Miss-U, Cannarin, Vocalist , essayist)
Ishiguro Kei official fan site Ishiguro Kei official fan site (Kanagawa) - Ishiguro Kei official fan site
YUSUKE NET YUSUKE NET (Tokyo) - Singer Yusuke's HomePage (Yusuke , R&R, Blues , Chanson , Canzone , Soul , Singer , R&B, Vocal , Pops )
HarajukuTV.Tokyo.Japan HarajukuTV.Tokyo.Japan (Tokyo) - J-Pop,Indies. CD-Release. ArtistPromotion. NewFaceAudition. HarajukuTokyoJapan. (harajuku , audition , newface, live , recordmaker, singer , vocalist , vocal , unit , producer )
Official site of Jazz vocalist Tomoka Ito Official site of Jazz vocalist Tomoka Ito (Gifu) - Official site of Jazz vocalist Tomoka Ito (Tomoka, vocal , vocalist , jazz , bosanova, Nagoya , live , gospel , musician , Ito )
Singer Singer (Kanagawa) - yukiko's Musician&Private Site (vocal , pianist , singer , MP3 , MIDI )
pineapple prince's Love in Vocals pineapple prince's Love in Vocals (Fukuoka) -(2002) Pineapple Prince's Home Page (pineapple , prince , jazz , vocal , fimale, CD )
vocal akko's homepage vocal akko's homepage (Saitama) -(2002) Soks.Saitama.Japan. (AKKO, BlackBird, AMTRAK, Z, VOCAL , VOICE , LIVE , singer , AKKO'sHomepege, musican)
the another side of crazy the another side of crazy (Tokyo) -(2002) crazy-taxxx the another side of crazy. (nude , singer , CUVE, taxxx, crazy-taxxx, rock , band , artist , takeshi , vocal )
the voice of girls the voice of girls (Tokyo) -(2002) Guide to the world of girl-pop (girl's , pop , rock , france , gall, french , pops , group , souds, singer )
RIN@room RIN@room (Kagawa) -(2001) RIN@room RinOkihara's HomePage. (netidol , profile , sound , photograpger, talk , photoalbum , cute , singer , Japanese , Japan )
mrine-voice mrine-voice (Osaka) -(2001) marinthevoice (marinthevoice, marin , voice , singer , talent , bluefire)
Ayu'sWebPage Ayu'sWebPage (Aichi) -(2001) Please come and enjoy with me! (ayu , diary , photo , picture )
Miki Ogino's Home Page Miki Ogino's Home Page (Kanagawa) -(2001) Miki Ogino, jazz vocal. I welcome you to my HomePage for some information re: my activities. (Ogino , OginoMiki, Jazz , Vocal , Live , JazzSinger, Live )
japan,anime,voice,actor,actress japan,anime,voice,actor,actress (Saitama) -(2001) amatuar voice actor&actress (anime , voice , actor , actress , singer , entry )
P'sCompany P'sCompany (Tokyo) -(2001) Youya's Home Page very very excellent! Girls Vocal Project is holding!! Let's come on!!! (girl , performer , vocal , player , project , performance , fun , newcomer )
harada vocalschool harada vocalschool (Osaka) -(2000) vocalschool (vocal , school , harada , kanatsu)
Teppei Nakashima Teppei Nakashima (Fukuoka) -(2000) It is an official site in which [it] assists in Teppei Nakashima which live acts from Fukuoka around Apia Shibuya. The tune is auditioned. iizuka, fukuoka, Japan (indies, guitar , vocal , vocalist , musician , live , apia , amateur )
Welcome_to_Naniwa_Choraliers! Welcome_to_Naniwa_Choraliers! (Kyoto) -(2000) The Naniwa Choraliers takes its name from their city's other name which is Naniwa. The male chorus was formed in 1993 and their motto is To be Clear and Cool. They have won prizes for the five years they took part in the Takarazuka International Chamber Chorus Contest. In 1999, they received the gold prize at the JCA National Choral Competition. Their director is Keishi Ito. (chorus , male-chorus, gleeclub, naniwachoralies, nanikora, ChamberChoir, choir , malechoir, singers , choraliers)
Horaguchi Momoko official web site Horaguchi Momoko official web site (Tokyo) -(2000) japanese j-pop artist,Horaguchi Momoko's official web site (NUDE , HORAGUCHI, MOMOKO , ARTIST , VOCAL , JPOP )
Yumi Murata voice training room Yumi Murata voice training room (Tokyo) -(2000) Professional lesson by noted rock'n roll singer Yumi Murata for those who are ar are going to be professional singer. (singer , training , lesson )
Heavenly Voice Heavenly Voice (Aichi) -(2000) Susie Kang Offical Fan Clug HP (Susie , Kang)
Kaztoshi Narisawa's Site Kaztoshi Narisawa's Site (Kanagawa) -(2000) A music composer, Kaztoshi Narisawa is looking for a male vocalist who likes R&B. (Vocal , Vocalist , Audition )
Jimmy Scott unofficial site Jimmy Scott unofficial site (Osaka) -(2000) About jimmy Scott, concert schedule, links, What's new, How I knew him etc. (Jimmy Jimmy , Scott , jazz , vocalist , singer , japan , tour , concert )
vocal lesson tokyo kokubunji vocal lesson tokyo kokubunji (Tokyo) -(2000) vocal lesson home page (VocalLesson)
mukumuku'sHomePage mukumuku'sHomePage (Saitama) -(2000) Omiya,Saitama,Japan. (ML)
actress's page natsuki aoi. actress's page natsuki aoi. (Saitama) -(1999) Japanise actress's page. Welcome to natsuki's cool page! (natsuki , actress , japan , actor , audition , deviw, entertainment , singer , VoiceActor )
Fight on Tanaka Mihoko Fight on Tanaka Mihoko (Kanagawa) -(1998) Do you know Tanaka Mihoko? Tanaka Mihoko is the most beautiful vocalist in Japan. Would you like to look at her photographs? Let's go to Tanaka Mihoko's HomePage! (Tanaka , Mihoko , vocalist , band , live , beauty , singer )
Kumamoto Philharmonia Singers home page. Kumamoto Philharmonia Singers home page. (Kumamoto) -(1998) Kumamoto Philharmonia Singers. Mixed chorus group. Member of society Chorus. The moon twice Training. (Chorus , Mixed chorus , Member of society Chorus, Kumamoto city)
Setsuko Uzuki Voice Training Setsuko Uzuki Voice Training (Tokyo) -(1998) Tokyo, Japan. (vocal , training , chorus , vocalist , band , recording , stage , karaoke )
HAL FAN CLUB HAL FAN CLUB (Tokyo) -(1998) Welcome to HAl FAN CLUB!! HAL is Vocalist of GREEN. (FAN , FC, rock , band , vocalist , vocal )
IDOL PIC & LINKS IDOL PIC & LINKS (Gunma) -(1997) idol liks (idol )
Kusachi Fumie Information center Kusachi Fumie Information center -(1996) Kusachi Fumie is a singer. but she is also a voice actress. (Kusachi Fumie, singer , voice actor , hummingbird)
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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