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sippu sippu (Fukuoka) - Sandard links in Japan (link , news , search , tool , information , guide , free , regular )
paulscholes paulscholes (Kanagawa) - Paul Scholes (japanese only page) (Paul , Scholes)
shinzo shinzo (Hiroshima) - snowboard,ski,skwal,etc wishing to be a extreme carver (snowboard , ski , skwal, extreme , carving , rowing )
shipoo shipoo - They are the miscellaneous notes, literary miscellany, and diary about studying-abroad, own car 240SX and lure fishing, music,cooking and others. a bulletin board, and a link collection!! Please surely come! japanese only, though. (shipoo, 240sx, kansas , oklahoma , lurefishing , text , yui , taninaka, yuitaninaka, sushi )
Moderer`s room by BATOH Moderer`s room by BATOH (Saitama) - Batoh`s Home Page (moderer, mustangu, rei , mosquito , zerofighter, GSX1100Skatana, Fw190)
tukinokoori tukinokoori (Aichi) - tukinokoori karube's home page (squall, rinoa, finalfantasy8)
Moderer`s room by BATOH Moderer`s room by BATOH (Saitama) - Batoh`s Home Page (moderer, mustangu, rei , mosquito , zerofighter, GSX1100Skatana, Fw190)
FANTASISTA FANTASISTA (Kanagawa) - saikoudesu (saikou, fantasista , GT40)
tukinokoori tukinokoori (Aichi) - tukinokoori karube's home page (squall, rinoa)
happy fun FOOTBALL and MUSIC happy fun FOOTBALL and MUSIC (Osaka) - happy fun FOOTBALL and MUSIC We love Manchester United and Music (ManchesterUnited, RedDevils, OldTrafford, PremireShip, SirAlexFerguson, RyanGiggs, PaulScholes, DavidBeckham, Roykeane, RuudvanNistelrooy)
Tom's Square! Tom's Square! (Kanagawa) - Warbirds 3DCG. ZERO FIGHTER,TYPE4 FIGHTER HAYATE Frank,Foche Wulf,Spitfire,P-38,P-47. (Warbirds , 3D , ZERO , FIGHTER , Foche, Wulf, Spitfire, P-38, P-47, akagi )
SOUL SQUALL SOUL SQUALL (Kumamoto) -(2002) original illustration,design,manga (boys , air , choir , libera, harry , potter , hanson, angel , voices )
world famous world famous (Osaka) -(2002) Manchester United fun site (ManchesterUnited, ManUTD, TheRedDevils, OldTrafford, PremireShip, SirAlexFerguson, DavidBeckham, PaulScholes, RyanGiggs, Roykeane)
HAYATE Group HP HAYATE Group HP (Tokyo) -(2002) HAYATE Group supports your busness as IT Consulting. Also we provides OnZoshi which is communication place. (Hayate , OnZoshi, Consulting , Communication , IT, poem , column , novel , IAR)
SQUALL Site SQUALL Site (Gifu) -(2002) chat for biginners and regulars,students and workers. bbs for area,mail friend and so on... (chat , bbs , biginner, regular , encounter , mailfriend , publisity, area , diary , communication )
RT RT (Miyagi) -(2002) RT_shippu Home Page (sky , japan , NS-1, GTR )
crossport crossport (Miyagi) -(2001) Sendai,Miyagi,Japan (crossport, homepage, web , squall, bbs , mail , event , club , DJ )
Oita Public Civil Computer English Version Oita Public Civil Computer English Version (Oita) -(2001) CIVIL PLAZA ENGLISH KEISHIN PLANNING PLAN AUTOCAD JW_CAD STANDARD VAGINA SEX (CIVIL , SEX , VAGINER, EXCEL , WORD , PLAN , PRINT , RIGHT , DRINK , ENTER )
Wing Meeting Place Wing Meeting Place (Nara) -(2001) AMA's Home Page (Photoshop , Painter , Key )
The Moon Observatory in Japan. The Moon Observatory in Japan. (Tokyo) -(2001) Shinobu Aose's Home Page. (Aerith, Cloud , Tina, Squall, Fujimi , Claudia, Blue )
Shippu tourists Shippu tourists (Aichi) -(2000) Pictures from rapid overseas tour.Palaces,Forts,Churches,Mosques,and etc. (overseas , tour , palaces , forts, churches, mosques, temples )
Sound Square [Keyco] Sound Square [Keyco] (Hyogo) -(2000) Sound Square [Keyco] (Sound , Square , Keyco, SQUALL, YourWay, YourStyle, CHOZEN, FUJI )
nonkiya's homepage nonkiya's homepage (Aichi) -(2000) toyota. aichi. japan (culture , japan , Japan )
BISHOKU KENBI BISHOKU KENBI (Kanagawa) -(2000) Mango Jam SQUALL (mango , squall, Ishigaki-island , okinawa )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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