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The last point (terminal) The last point (terminal) (Osaka) - The last point (terminal) (diary , text , terminal , last , point , about, out , html , htm , log )
PONCH AND TWINS PONCH AND TWINS - Are you interested in Japanese identical twins? You are able to read short funny texts and to see many beatiful boys' photos. Visit my webpage, but this page is written by Japanese language only. (multiple , birth , twins , Australia , Melbourne , identical , Golden , retriever , dog , photos )
Smash*Entertainmentz Smash*Entertainmentz (Tokyo) - This is my HomePage. (smash , entertainment , ero , dairy , stancepunks, goingsteady, text , punk , hiphop , man )
kikuichimonji kikuichimonji (Osaka) - kei's home page (diary , text , funny , encounter )
Write on!! Write on!! (Saitama) - A novelist's help-site. It is [ when having been troubled by NETA ] useful, and is a site. Participated type site. please offer your NETA acquisition method etc. (Write , on, cool )
RealityEclairMind RealityEclairMind (Aichi) - Master BSK's HomePage (reality , eclair, mind , master , bsk, text , communication , essay , smile , sweet )
funwashi funwashi - Stupid diary in Japanese. (america , california , diary , text , bbs )
haguruma haguruma (Tokyo) - Mizuhama's HomePage (mizuhama, diary , text , gear )
Ground Zero Ground Zero (Nara) - Rei's HomePage. Main content is my diary. (Grond, Zero , text , diary , rei )
I wanted to be by the ordinary woman, but...? I wanted to be by the ordinary woman, but...? (Kanagawa) - The text system site which happens to the personal appearance of an alcoholism woman living in Kanagawa and which spells the every day near irregular. It updates almost every day. (Text , diary , laugh , japanese , TEXT )
okuto web okuto web (Aichi) - okuto web (coolb, text , book , live )
Love Replica Love Replica (Kanagawa) - LEMONed Love Replica (LoveReplica, LEMONed, SEX , X , music , diary , text , ecstasy , skin )
mash-do mash-do (Yamaguchi) - This site is mash-do. This site which consists of a diary and a text.Please enjoy yourself. thank you. (Diary , Text , Laughter , Log , Masochism , Fine , Enjoy , Mash-do, Mash , Criticism )
tyabashiratouritsu tyabashiratouritsu (Oita) - all text (text , aho)
SOVAC WEB SOVAC WEB (Shiga) - Nipponese only website. Comical text, Novel, Diary, etc. (Novel , Comedy , Diary , Download , DL)
One Person's Days One Person's Days (Osaka) - Ku-ta's Home Page (text , diary , daily , ragnaroc, foolish , joke )
Sadness Moon Sadness Moon (Hiroshima) - Sorry,This page is japanese only. (txet)
mizutanikizoku mizutanikizoku (Kanagawa) - mizutaniyutaka is most famous actor in Japan (mizutaniyutaka)
Tenjyoutenge yuigadokyuson Japan Text Neta Tenjyoutenge yuigadokyuson Japan Text Neta (Kanagawa) - Text Neta (text , Neta, Mac , sssoft)
heart heart (Kanagawa) - Many column and music's introduction (column , diary , laugh , love , secret , music , text , news , language , people )
My Homepage! My Homepage! (Osaka) - Text only. Diary only. (masadon)
Head to Tail Head to Tail (Tokyo) - This Page contains Funny Texts, and a few stories. Let us have a Relaxing Time. (novel , story , text )
TYOBIHIGE.JAPAN TYOBIHIGE.JAPAN (Tokyo) - jonasan's home page. (TEXT , diary )
innocent blue innocent blue (Kanagawa) - hina's diary. Sorry,no English page. (OL, ReadMe)
muryoudemirareruD muryoudemirareruD (Tokyo) -(2002) Very FUN contents exists here, I'm D!! (NoMoney, fun , contents , text , muryoudemirareruD, text , text , text , text , text )
owarai links owarai links (Tokyo) -(2002) owarai links (Laughter , Joke , Joke , interesting , pleasant , Killingtime , Killing time , H, H, Lascivious, trivial, BAKA , Talk , Parody , Sauce , Text , Text , Diary , Conte , Illustration , Photograph , Picture , Diagnosis , Fortune-telling , Check , Link )
THE 53XY web site THE 53XY web site (Nara) -(2002) Japanese only. Please study Japanese before look this site. (diary , 53XY, 53xyweb)
my homepage is fantastic!(dut) my homepage is fantastic!(dut) (Chiba) -(2002) Yawata,Ichikawa,Tiba,Japan. (diary )
-17hours -17hours -(2002) Kanon's Diary & Poem & BBS. (BBS , DIARY , POEM , USA )
owarai links owarai links (Tokyo) -(2002) owarai links (Laughter , Joke , Joke , interesting , pleasant , Killingtime , Killing time , H, H, Lascivious, trivial, BAKA , Talk , Parody , Sauce , Text , Text , Diary , Conte , Illustration , Photograph , Picture , Diagnosis , Fortune-telling , Check , Link )
TOLANKEERAIZA TOLANKEERAIZA (Hyogo) -(2002) Dragon Ball (Dragon , Ball )
nontitle nontitle (Tokyo) -(2002) Hello World! (nontitle, diary , text , abi)
Rabbit Punch! Rabbit Punch! (Fukuoka) -(2002) iz's Home Page.Sorry,Japanese only. (text )
Japanwse Bigeer Website Ronron Japanwse Bigeer Website Ronron (Tokyo) -(2002) Japanese Bigeer Website [Ronron] (japan , text , Ronron)
Ability Garage Ability Garage (Tokyo) -(2002) An everyday diary, cause-books, etc. Others also have scribble a little. (diary , gallary, abi)
ambitious ambitious (Gunma) -(2002) Turkey`s Japanese short stories. You gotta check this out. It`s not only funny but cool! (funny , cool , ambitious , diary )
GARAMU-MASARA GARAMU-MASARA (Hokkaido) -(2002) text interesting iunny garamumasara japan soul open entertainer limit hello (text , interesting , iunny, garamumasara, japan , soul , open , entertainer , limit , hello )
EliteBeautiful EliteBeautiful (Tokyo) -(2001) KAZUROMAN OfficialHomePage (elite , chat , homepage, bbs , tool )
netaheyakari netaheyakari (Yamaguchi) -(2001) diary (diary )
CHINMITEI CHINMITEI (Osaka) -(2001) happening group (TEXT )
sunken city sunken city (Hyogo) -(2001) ryousuke's homepage for magic,diary,novels. (ap, magic , novel , diary , text , game )
dennoulinkplus dennoulinkplus (Chiba) -(2001) linksite (link , search , bookmark )
yamatokagami yamatokagami (Kyoto) -(2001) Asahi's Home Page.All japanese. (funny , movie , journey , landscape , text , news , review , japanesque , diary )
BLACKGHOST BLACKGHOST (Osaka) -(2001) Tetsuki's HomePage (tetsuki, adachi , diary , bbs , link )
Plus_Minus Plus_Minus (Kanagawa) -(2000) THIS SITE IS MY MIND METAPHOR NANNCHATTE (text , various )
gimmick gimmick (Kanagawa) -(2000) Wagatsuma's HomePage (diary , text , past , words )
www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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