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{Tokyo} + {university}

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Word(s): @=@1+@2


  • how to educate any children to get into Tokyo University (Kanagawa) -
    Anyone can manage to make his children get into Tokyo University easily.

  • todai channel (Tokyo) -
    (tokyo, univ)

  • mannsuriy (Tokyo) -

  • keiyounet co,.ltd (Kanagawa) -
    Turumi Kawasaki Estate

  • Tokyo Denki University OB Orchestra (Tokyo) -
    Tokyo Denki University OB Orchestra, Tokyo Japan.
    (TDU, Tokyo Denki University OB Orchestra, philharmony, Orchestra, amateur, concert, Symphony, accept, Yoshikawa Takenori, NHK Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo, NHK)

  • WARRIORS HP (Tokyo) -
    warriors Home Page
    (warriors, tokyo, univ, american, football)


  • aoki dental clinic (Aichi) -
    Aoki Dental Clinic,Log Homes ,Dental Surgery,ISO9001Support
    (iso9001, log, homes, dental, surgery, whitening, barrier, free, wheel)

  • Hodaka Chintai Center (Chiba) -
    Hodaka chintai center's HomePage.(Chiba)
    (Hodaka, SUT, rent, apart, one, room, unga, noda)

  • Quality Foods Daimatsu (Tokyo) -
    Quality foods Daimatsu. Welcome to Daimatsu's Home Page.
    (fish, foods, Women, Shinjuku, hospital)

  • nokka (Chiba) -
    (nokka, dennkidai, hakoneekiden, 5000m)

  • Tokyo University English Speaking Society Practical English Section (Tokyo) -
    Welcome to Tokyo University English Speaking Society Practical English Section!!!(a bit long...)
    (University, Tokyo, English, Guide, Imperial, palace, Asakusa, Meiji, Shrine, Shinjuku)

  • nokka (Chiba) -
    (tdu, track)

  • TAK's Website (Tokyo) -
    TAK's HomePage
    (Takamasa.Wada, Higashimurayama, akitsu, kinjo, Takahiro.Matsumoto, Dentsu, TokyoUnivercity, of, Sience)

  • Hodaka Chintai Center (Chiba) -
    Hodaka chintai center's HomePage.(Chiba)
    (Hodaka, SUT, rent, apart, one, room, unga, noda)

  • Welcome to inoue orthopedics clinic (Tokyo) -
    We run orthopedics in Tachikawashi,Tokyo,Japan.Pressurization training is performed as a new trial.
    (Pressurization, training, orthopedics, Rehabilitation, Sport, clinical, medicine, tachikawa, tokyo)

  • IES Tokyo Center (Chiba) -
    IES; Institute of International Education of Students, Tokyo Center
    (English, Homestay, Hostfamily, Internship, Studyabroad, Education, Intercultural, Fieldplacement, International, Communication)

  • signature (Saitama) -

  • World CARP-University of Tokyo (Tokyo) -
    World CARP-University of Tokyo's Home Page!
    (CARP, World, University-of-Tokyo, Tokyo-University, Volunteer, Clean-up-Project, religion, science, leader, truth)

  • tokyo keizai university guide (Tokyo) -
    introduction to tokyo keizai university
    (university, kokubunnji, education, economics)

  • It is a real estate company good at lease of house planner Hachioji-shi, Tokyo (Tokyo) -
    It is a real estate company house planner of Hachioji-shi, Tokyo, and, in us, a lease apartment apartment of a university student is proud, and we want to send useful information to a customer in this homepage.
    (A, Hachioji, apartment, apartment, real, estate, university, junior, college, lease)

  • TK'SHOMEPAGE (Tokyo) -

  • HlthSoc University of Tokyo (Tokyo) -
    The Web site of the Department of Health Sociology, the University of Tokyo.
    (Health, Sociology, University, Research, Tokyo, Yamazaki)

  • Junichi Shimizu's Web Site (Tokyo) -
    This Web site includes the pages about Health sociology, Nursing, Liver Transplantaion and me.
    (Junichi, Shimizu, Nursing, Sociology, Transplantaion, Empowerment)

  • University Of The Sacred Heart Tokyo,Cheerleader's,Hearties (Tokyo) -
    We are working focusing on 4 times of the conventions per year. I let this page pass and think that what is necessary is just to be able to introduce the pleasure of cheerleading
    (University, Of, The, Sacred, Heart, Tokyo, Hearties, cheerleading)

  • SANKOKEN, INC. (Tokyo) -
    (SANKOKEN, MOT, Techno-Mail, aristotles, HASSHA, OURS, sience)

  • Kenzo Fujisue's website (Tokyo) -
    This is Kenzo Fujisue's website. Associate Professor, Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
    (Fujisue, Kenzo, u-tokyo, Innovation, psi)

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Postgraduate clinical training program (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Tokyo Medical and Dental University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Postgraduate clinical training program
    (Tokyo, Medical, and, Dental, University, Hospital, postgraduate, clinical, training, program)

  • Department of Pediatrics,Tokyo Women's Medical University Daini Hospital (Tokyo) -(2002)
    This homepage contains useful information about the clinical training program for pediatrician and about outpatient clinic for patients and their parents.
    (Pediatrics, clinical, training, University, hospital)

  • World CARP-University of Tokyo (Tokyo) -(2002)
    World CARP-University of Tokyo's Home Page!
    (CARP, World, University-of-Tokyo, Tokyo-University, Volunteer, Clean-up-Project, religion, science, leader, truth)

  • Tokyo Institute of Technology Orchestra Horn part (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Tokyo Institute of Technology Orchestra Horn part
    (Horn, Classic, Orchestra)

  • Tokyo Home Teacher Center (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (kantoh, Lowcost, professionalteacher, Hometeacher, 20years, hurry, Enjoy)

  • Yokohama Net Home (Kanagawa) -(2002)
    Yokohama Net Home 's HomePage
    (Yokohama, House, Home, Hakuraku, Touyokoline)

  • Laboratory of forest ecology, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Laboratory of forest ecology, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology. Research about material cycle & decomposition of organic matter.
    (ecology, laboratory, cycle, microbial, soil, forest, environment, mineralization, decomposition, nutrient)

  • Kenta (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (The, Smashing, Punpkins, GRAN, tennis)

  • Study Solution Provider NOBEL (Tokyo) -(2002)
    We provide study problem solving for home families. All the tutors (academic consultant) belong to Tokyo Big10 universities, Tokyo Univ., Hitotsubashi Univ., Tokyo Institute of Technology, Ochanomizu Univ., Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Keio Univ., Waseda Univ., Sophia Univ., International Christian Univ., and Chuo Univ. We focus to propose solutions of one-to-one study method through Double Tutors System.
    (NOBEL, tutor, home, teacher, double, tutors, system, study, solution, provider)

  • tokyo piano tuning (Tokyo) -(2002)
    piano tuner m-palace. tokyo
    (PianoTuning, music, yamaha, kawai, steinway)

  • Tokyo University Of Mercantile Marine 50th HomePage (Tokyo) -(2002)
    Tokyo University Of Mercantile Marine 50th HomePage
    (tokyo, GPS)

  • Michiya Ohtake Otake Piano and Hobby (Hyogo) -(2002)
    Michiya Ohtake (Otake)'s Home Page,Piano and Hobby.
    (piano, pianist, concert, classic, music, bach, beethoven, chopin)

  • KojimaEstate (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (HinoCity, ChuoCollege, TeikyoCollege, TokyoYakkakaCollege, MeiseiCollege, KeioLine, Reasonable)

    This WEB site is a HOMEPAGE of TOSHINOBU KANEKO LABORATORY @ Tokyo University of Science.
    (cryptorec, security, cipher, ipo, key, iso, illustrator, photoshop, html, javascript)

  • tokyo medical&dental university (Tokyo) -(2002)
    (tokyo, medical, &, dental, university)

  • sayaka&suzuka (Tokyo) -(2002)
    sayaka&suzuka's HomePage

  • Manabu's crazy world (Osaka) -(2002)
    History of fuck'n crazy Japanese guy, Manabu, update and rink page
    (Manabu, Kato, NZ, Vanuatu, Rebun, Asia, Canada)

  • Kenchan's Travel Bureau (Tokyo) -(2002)
    The plan for Japan Railway.Seishun 18nkippu.
    (appchem, travel, rail, air, University, Tokyo, hitch)

  • plastic & reconstructive surg. TMDU (Tokyo) -(2001)
    plastic & reconstructive surgery, breast reconstruction, cleft lip & palate, microtia
    (plastic, surgery, microsurgery, LASER, breast, reconstruction, cleft, lip, palate, microtia)

  • Tomooka Lab. Home Page (Chiba) -(2001)
    Department of Biological Science and Technology, Science University of Tokyo Tomooka Lab.
    (science, university, tokyo, tomooka, nuron, reproduct, cell, p53, line)

  • Echizen Gyosyo HomePage (Fukui) -(2001)
    (fish, soysauce, seasoning, cooking, onlineshopping)

  • mg (Osaka) -(2001)

  • Welcome to Takahashidenki! The cheapest, kindest and fastest. (Kyoto) -(2001)
    Our shop, located at Teramachi-shijo Avenue, afamous street on both sides of which you can find many famous electric appliance stores, sells almost any kind of electrical appliances. Our merchandise runs the whole gamut from household electrical goods to computer hardware and software. We try our best to sell cheaper, faster and kinder. You will get the cheapest, the fastest and the kindest of all any other shop can provide.
    (electronic, marathon, tennis, Teramachi, Kyoto, amusement, entertainment, recreation, popular, retailer)

  • steel materials lab., Dept. of Metallurgy, the university of Tokyo (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Home page of Shibata Lab. at Univ. of Tokyo. Introduction of professor, main researches, recent papers, machines, experiments and members.
    (steel, materials, lab.)

  • lucky!! (Chiba) -(2001)
    Come on!!
    (lucky, Tuba)

  • Naohiro MATSUMURA's Home Page (Tokyo) -(2001)
    This cite mainly describe about my profile, research topics of Chance Discovery, and my diary.
    (naohiro, matsumura, chance, discovery, diary, profile, osaka, tokyo, yao)

  • A-WORKS (Tokyo) -(2001)
    HomePage of Tokyo Zokei University's animation creaters organization A-WORKS
    (a-works, aworks, animation, anime, tokyozokeiuniversity, zokei, tokyo)

  • Wellcame to Yamagataya (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Yamagataya,co Homepage

  • sanaihouse (Saitama) -(2001)
    sanaihouse web site
    (sanaihouse, apamancenter, chintai110, saitamacity, saidai, lease, apartment, minamiyonostation, saitama, buying)

  • Takkun's home,saitama, (Saitama) -(2001)
    Takkunn, he is 1years old. his family daiary, trip,sick etc//// fight!
    (takkun, hospital, of, tokyo, unv, sick, saitama,kasukabe)

  • vaporstudio (Tokyo) -(2001)
    vaporstudio:we are launcing on a new workshop. First put coming soon!! <THE ARAKAWA river Absolute border>
    (vaporstudio, omni-engine, university, komaba, vapor, studio, play, theatre, disney, tokyo)

  • HMB (Kanagawa) -(2001)
    MOCHIZUKI Hiromu's Homepage.
    (handicapped, disabled, Mochizuki, Hiromu, sailing, disability, handicap)

  • Tokyo Saikou (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Todai-Gogatsusai joint exhibition project planned by department of Urban Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, the Univercity of Tokyo. What can we do for making the city of TOKYO be more attractive or simply be better? Let's think of this ultimate subject on the WEB!!!
    (tokyo, univercity, festival, architecture, infrastructure, urban, civil, future, city, problem)

  • the flute ensemble Spark (Hokkaido) -(2001)
    home page of the flute ensemble Spark
    (flute, ensemble, Hakodate, chamber, music, arrangement, Bach, visual, Tokyo, University)

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Digestive Surgery (Tokyo) -(2001)
    This is a home page introducing the advanced cancer therapy, including advanced endoscopic surgery.
    (digestive-surgery, gastric-cancer, colon-cancer, breast-cancer, thyroid-cancer, endoscopic-surgery, breast-reconstruction)

  • I LOVE YOU (Saitama) -(2001)
    I lose my wife and children on medical accident,in tokyo university hospital,japan.
    (medical, accident, side, effects, medicine, tokyo, university, kudo, love, medio)

  • Yagawa Lab., Dept. of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science, Univ. of Tokyo (Tokyo) -(2001)
    This is Yagawa Laboratory, Department of Quantum Engineering and Systems Science, University of Tokyo.
    (yagawa, computational, cfd, parallel, mechanics, fluid, solid, large-scale, supercomputer, fem)

  • Young Buddhist Association of the University of Tokyo (Tokyo) -(2001)
    This page is the official site of Young Buddhist Association of the University of Tokyo.
    (Tokyo, Buddhism, religion, culture, study, education, Buddhist, course, young)

  • tokyoCANNIBALISM (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (tokyo, cannibalism, theatre, play)

  • room of koeri (Tokyo) -(2001)
    poem esssay diary bbs photo birthday
    (poem, diary)

  • Redlice Klavier Quartett (Saitama) -(2001)
    Redlice Klavier Quartett's Home Page
    (pianoquartet, splendida, stringtrio, piano, violin, viola, cello, quartet, trio, orchestra)

  • chatchatchat (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (chat, CHAT)

  • chatchatchat (Tokyo) -(2001)
    (chat, mail)

  • From a Faraway Memory (Saitama) -(2000)
    I had an operation to pick out a tumor on my cerebellum from fall to winter in 1999 at the Tokyo medical university hospital. I publish this home page for the new starting point that is narrowly escape death, and I begin working here. I described doctors and nurses who took care of me, my working place friend, also my family gave me courage with their communications.
    (tumor, operation, hospital, university, courage, communication, doctor, nurse, friend, family)

  • softball/Shibata.nishiguchizemi (Yamanashi) -(2000)
    Satoshi Shibata's website. I am a student of Tsuru university. I major education and literature. I play softball and like soccer. I wait your coming!
    (softball, saul, bellow, soccer, futsal, internet, company, burning, heart)

  • Daifuku, Campus Idol, Tokyo Woman's Chrstian University (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Daifuku, Campus Idol, Tokyo Woman's Chrstian University
    (cat, photo)

  • Have a nice life in Fuchu,Tokyo! (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Valuable information about Fuchu, Tokyo by Meisei-Shouji (Real Estate).
    (meisei-shouji, fuchu, real, estate, mansion, life, information)

    It's Slot racing and Bicycie
    (slot, racing, abarth, bicycle)

  • soft tennise (Tokyo) -(2000)
    welcom soft tennise
    (softtennise, tokyo, kokubunji, golf, maiseiuniv, tatikawa)

  • Yamagata Station (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Yamagata Station is the webpage of Shinji Yamagata who belongs to University of Tokyo and majors in educational psychology. If you are interested in psychology, please visit my station!
    (Yamagata, Shinji, psychology, university, E.S.S.)

  • SANICHIMARU Group (Chiba) -(2000)

  • Second CSC of Koujin-Koubou (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Student of Tokyo Institute of Tecnologe Callege, make this HP. If you are titech student, come here.
    (Titech, UNIX, CSC)

  • UT-info (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Information and research service
    (Information, research)

  • Yasuto on Site!! (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Infomations on admission to TUAT, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.
    (suzuki, yasuto, TUAT, tokyo, university, admission)

  • ASR International (Tokyo) -(2000)
    ASR International Homepage
    (Administration, Structure, Research, Tokyo, University, International, Cabinet)

  • Intelligent System Lab/Arai-Yuasa-Ota Lab. The Univ. of Tokyo (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Arai-Yuasa-Ota Laboratory does research into intelligent systems, especially mobile robotics. Robots Who's Who contains more than 40 robots in our lab. The research topics cover cooperative control among robots, group behavior of multiple mobile robots, theory of distributed autonomous systems, Holonic Manufacturing Systems(IMS/HMS), general manipulation theory and so forth.
    (Arai, Yuasa, Ota, mobile, robots, assembly, distributed, autonomous, systems, emergence)

  • UniversalTheater (Chiba) -(1999)
    TravelDiary.Movie.Photo.and so on.
    (travel, photo, diary, MajorLeague, LosAngeles, america, U.S.A, movie)

  • JUN's ROOM (Tokyo) -(1998)
    (JUN, starcraft, punk, hardcore)

  • Laboratory of Food Chemistry (Tokyo) -(1998)
    In our research, we study about the structure and function of proteins, saccharides and lipids in food. Purposes of our research are as follows. 1) Elucidate the relationship between the structure and function of food macromolecules. 2) Improve the structure and function of food macromolecules. We hope that our study lead to the development of new food and bio-materials with high function.
    (Food, Chemistry)

  • Tamami YAMAGATA's Page (Kanagawa) -(1998)
    Welcome to Tamami YAMAGATA's Page!!
    (CivilEngineer, twins, construction, university, of, Tokyo)

  • WAKAKO's Hobby Room (Chiba) -(1997)
    This is my HomePage about my hobbys (Trumpet etc.).
    (Trumpet, T.I.T., WAKAKO'sHobbyRoom)

  • UED's homepage (Tokyo) -(1997)
    My PC-environment is not poor but cheap, so not everybody are interested in here. But showing PC-mobile environment is important in itself, I suppose. Additionary here is the work as student of Tokyo Union Theological Seminary.
    (PC, notebook, environment, mobile, Theological, Seminary)

  • laboratory of cellular neurobiology (Tokyo) -(1997)
    Tokyo university of pharmacy and life science, school of life science. In our Laboratory of Cellular Neurobiology, we aim at clarifying the mechanisms of the higher functions of the brain by means of image analysis on the signal transductions inside neuronal and glial cells, and interactions among those cells
    (life, science, brain, cell, gulia, neuron, hippocampal, hippocampus, computer, memory)

  • Second Internist, Faculty of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Tokyo) -(1997)
    Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan.
    (medical, university, offer of job, intern)

  • Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo) -(1996)
    Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan.
    (education, university)

  • HomePame of Faculty of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University (Tokyo) -(1996)
    Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo Japan
    (University, Education)

  • Tokyo Medical and Dental University Home Page (Tokyo) -(1996)
    This is the Home Page of Tokyo Medical and Dental University. It includes Department of Medicine, Medical Hospital, Department of Dentistry, Dental Hospital, Institute for Medical and Dental Engineering, Medical Research Institute and associated educational Institutes.Here you can see many related informations.
    (University, Medicine, Dentistry)

  • University of Tokyo (Tokyo) -(1996)
    WWW Server of the University of Tokyo. The page is linked to WWW servers of Faculties, Graduate Schools, Institutes, Facilities etc. of the university.

  • Tokyo Denki University (Tokyo) (Saitama) -(1995)
    This server provide Information about Tokyo Denki University(aka TDU). All link of server at Tokyo Denki University also exist.

  • Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo) -(1995)
    Tokyo Institute of Technology: O-okayama Campus (Meguro-ku, Tokyo), Nagatsuda Campus (Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa), and Tamachi Campus (Minato-ku, Otkyo).

  • Department of Social Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo) -(1995)
    Department of Social Engineering, T.I.T., Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Interoducing Dept. of Social Eng., Providing the database of paper titles in this department, other data and other services in T.I.T..

  • Institute of Industrial Science (IIS), University of Tokyo (Tokyo) -(1995)
    The research activities of IIS span a wide spectrum of modern engineering fields ranging from basic engineering sciences to project oriented studies. This server provides information about Outline of IIS, Research Depts., Computer/Network services.

  • Takagi Lab., Institute of Industrial Science, Univ. of Tokyo (gopher) (Tokyo) -(1995)

  • Welcome Tokyo Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical and Intelligent Systems Engineering and Major of Mechanical Engineering for Production (Tokyo) -(1995)
    We open the information of our department, such as staffs, curriculum, researchs of each Lab. and etc. Please look and use our resources for developing your research.

  • The Homepage of Tokyo Woman's Christian University (Tokyo) -(1995)
    It shows artistic paintings by students, provides source scripts of texts used in classes in Zempukuji campus, technical reports from the math department and the Center for Information Sciences, a database of access technology products for visually disabled persons, etc.

  • Science University of Tokyo (Tokyo) -(1995)
    Science University of Tokyo, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.
    Serving information about Science University of Tokyo.

  • University of Tokyo (Tokyo) -(1995)
    University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
    The list of WWW Servers in University of Tokyo is here

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/07/26.
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