Forest Of Mineral (Nara) - Such a thought which continued being scrupulous when he wanted to build the monochrome which can be used in comfort because of a child is soap got blocked a lot. The excellent piece of a prejudice of 100f natural materials Bamboo Charcoal therefore realized. High-class Bamboo Charcoal handmade soap (Bamboo, Soap, Skin, Skincare, Natural, High-class, Cosmetics, Washable, Handmade, Charcoal)
Forest Of Mineral (Nara) - Such a thought which continued being scrupulous when he wanted to build the monochrome which can be used in comfort because of a child is soap got blocked a lot. The excellent piece of a prejudice of 100f natural materials Bamboo Charcoal therefore realized. High-class Bamboo Charcoal handmade soap (Bamboo, Soap, Skin, Skincare, Natural, High-class, Cosmetics, Washable, Handmade, Charcoal)
Forest Of Mineral (Nara) - Such a thought which continued being scrupulous when he wanted to build the monochrome which can be used in comfort because of a child is soap got blocked a lot. The excellent piece of a prejudice of 100f natural materials Bamboo Charcoal therefore realized. High-class Bamboo Charcoal handmade soap (Bamboo, Soap, Charcoal, Skincare, Natural, High-class, Cosmetics, Washable, Handmade, Additive-free)
active (Mie) -(2002) It is contributing to the community through development, manufacture, and sale of environmental related goods including Active and a washable tatami. (washable, tatami, Active)
PARADISE' COLOR (Osaka) -(2002) Here is a paradise of color! We have many kind of futons,covers,blankets,pillows,and lovely baby goods,you will find your really favorite one.There are also washable types for you have an allergy and atopy. (futon, cover, sheet, blanket, baby, pillow, allergy, atopy, washable, bedding)