Tomorrow's Joe2 bilingual super visual site. (Tokyo) -(2002) It is so cool and beautiful cartoon visual of Tomorrow's Joe2 bilingual! The tomorrow's Joe was the boxing cartoon which was very famous in Japan The site of the modern version was made by one of Joe's fan. Tomorrow's Joe2 bilingual super visual site here for you. You will feel so excitement of Japanimation! (Tomorro's, joe, animation, cartoon, Japan, art, boxer, boxing, champion)
namidabashi made a student about ashitno-joe.evry body, come'on. (Kanagawa) -(2001) Do you know a boxer Yabuki joe?He is a great boxer.I sure you can feel his mind if you visit my homepage and read it.But sorry,my homepage is written in only Japanese. (ashitano, joe, rikiishitoru, tangedanpei, ashitanoJOEmodoki)
heppoko-paradise (Saitama) -(2001) This page is personal fan sight of kof and natuhiko-kyougoku.I have my illustration page and paintbbs.sorry,this page is Japanese only. (doujin, kyougoku, game, illustration, paintbbs)