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Word(s): @={EFL}

/ toefl // teflon // reflex /

  • -
    Vancouver and Toronto locations offer year-round English programs for adults who wish to improve their knowledge of English for career or business purposes, or in order to enter colleges and universities in North America.
    (Canada, Vancouver, Toronto, adult, language, ESL, internship, EFL, university, homestay)

  • (Aichi) -
    Located in Nagoya, Japan, ABC PLUS ENGLISH SCHOOL is a continually expanding company. However, it is not a huge franchise chain of English schools; our focus is on building up valued clientele and positive reputation in the local community. The students' ages range from 1 year old to adults, although the majority of students are children. Teachers have the opportunity to get to know their students on an individual basis, building up a relationship with them over time, and use an original syllabus and a wide range of teaching materials and methods to teach them. Not only do teachers develop good relationships with students, but the working environment is friendly and provides the opportunity to make life-long friends. Contact us if you are interested!
    (job, work, working holiday visa, RECRUITMENT INFORMATION, English for kids, English school, school, phonics, class, lesson, native speaker, English teacher, teacher, visa, instructor, teaching, teach, conversation, full time worker, part time worker, application, applicant, language, English, Japanese, EFL, TESOL, TESL, TOEIC, TOEFL, eiken, gaijin, USA, the United States, Canada, UK, Australia, Japan, Aichi, Nagoya, foreigner)

  • (Aichi) -
    Information for ESL/EFL/TESOL/TESL teachers who want to teach E nglish in Japan.
    (English, conversation, international, business, communication, employment, job, work, occupation, school, private school, education, training, study, practice, learn, lesson, language, pronunciation, listening, children, kids, baby, ESL, EFL, TESOL, qualification, private, indivisual, free, teacher, tutor, foreign study, working holiday, homestay, travel, foreign, oversea, company, enterprise, incorporation, management, manager, specialization, Japan, Nagoya, Hekinan, Anjo, Okazaki, Handa, Nishio, Kariya, Mikawa, Tokai, Chubu, Chukyo, Owari, Canada, United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Asia, event, halloween, Christmas)

  • -(2001)
    (English, JALT, Language, Teaching, EFL, linguistics)

  • (Tokyo) -(2000)
    A communicative written examination on demand at 3 levels and designed to test communication in business with tasks based on real business activity.

  • -(1999)
    is the Japan Association for Language Teaching, Kyushu chapters.
    (kyushu, teaching, English, EFL, ESL, Fukuoka)

  • (Mie) -(1999)
    Hajime Umeda's Cyber Library at Suzuka International University: My academic/research papers concerning ESL/EFL/Applied Linguistics are here!
    (Suzuka, International, University, TOEIC, English, education, ESL, EFL, applied, linguistics)

  • (Chiba) -(1998)
    English jokes page with Japanese notes. Clicking words or expressions shows explanations in Japanese in the lower frame. Features like a bulletin board for questions and ratings of the jokes by the readers.
    (ESL, EFL, jokes, learning, language, fun)

  • (Nagano) -(1998)
    SURCLE (Shinshu University Research on Communication and Language Education) is an annual journal on English languag educatin published by the Department of English Language Education, Graduate School of Education, Shinshu University. All the papers are available in html & pdf format.
    (SURCLE, Shinshu, education, TESOL, EFL, ESL, EIL, SLA, communication, English)

  • (Aichi) -(1997)
    A place to encourage ourselves and others by sharing our happy feelings. Readers' contributions are welcome.
    (happy, feeling, share, education, EFL, teacher, learner, contribution, Japan, encourage)

  • (Tokyo) -(1996)
    This is an introduction page to schMOOze, an online virtual school for learning English. Only Japanese version is available at the moment, but versions in other languages will be available in the futre. Volunteers for translation are welcome too.
    (language, learning, ESL, EFL, education, MOO)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/04/15.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan