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Word(s): @={Hiroshige}

/ hiro // hiroshi /

  • (Saitama) -
    Japanese Antique
    (Hokusai, Hirosige, Ukiyoe, Edo, Toyokuni, Sword, Imari, Kutani)

  • (Tokyo) -
    japan ukiyoe hirosige kuniyosi ninja fujiyama print Tshut
    (travel, japan, ninja, fujiyama, tshut, shut)

  • (Kyoto) -
    Kyoto Art Textile Center is the eminent workshop of the craftsmen of Nishijin textile in Kyoto, Japan.

  • -
    For the first time ever, Japanese Woodblock Prints have been combined with the Art of Inside Painting, to create snuff bottles of such outstanding beauty that each is truly a Work of Art. The ability to create and paint these miniature masterpieces is almost enough to defy the imagination, one can only wonder at the superlative skill and creativity of the artist. Inside Painted snuff bottles have long been considered by collectors as being the finest of all snuff bottles, as well as the type to appreciate most in value. Hou Yanbin the Master of Ao Xue is himself a Chinese Master of the Art of Inside Painting, and a former outstanding student and protege of Wang Xisan and Liang Rensheng The Ao Xue studio under the guidance and direction of Hou Yanbin has taken both the art forms of Inside Painting and Woodblock Prints one step further, combining them both and painting in miniature some of the most stunning of all woodblock prints on the inside of snuff bottles. These superb artists have created in truly exquisite detail a work of art of such awesome beauty, as to totally captivate the beholder and to challenge belief. Captured forever on the inside of a snuff bottle is the absolute essence of the woodblock print. Each Artist hand painted series edition of woodblock prints is strictly limited to a World Wide release of just 100 sets. Each set will not only be a magnificent work of art, it will, by being strictly limited edition releases have the potential to increase greatly in value.
    (snuff bottle, painting, art, collectable, ukiyo-e, hiroshige, shoson, woodblock, miniature, glass)

  • (Aichi) -(2001)
    Let's toukaido!
    (walking, walk, toukaidou, hiroshige.ando, hiroshige, hiroshige.utagawa)

  • (Ibaraki) -(2001)
    Okano's Gallery
    (Art, Artist, Ukiyoe, Imari)

  • (Tokyo) -(2001)
    Production of Japanese traditional hand made wood-block printing like UKIYOE. Producing replica, making it into hangingscroll or framing. Silk-screen process.
    (Takahashi, Kobo, Ukiyoe, wood, block, printing, hiroshige, hokusai, utagawa, katsushika)

  • (Tokyo) -(2000)
    Ukiyo-e Specialty.
    (ukiyo-e, woodblock, gallery, Japan, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Edo, Utamaro, Japanese, print)

  • (Tochigi) -(2000)
    Bato Hiroshige Museum
    (UtagawaHiroshige, Ukiyo-e, Painting, Museum, BatoTown, Tendo, Kiyoo,Kawamura, AokiCollection, WoodblockPrints, Kengo,Kuma)

www-staff@(this-server), 2003/04/15.
copyright (c) Town Information in Japan